CAO 98-05TO: FROM: SUBJECT: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH C.A.O. NO. '98-5 C.MoO. NO. 5-2198 SERGIO RODRIGUEZ CITY MANAGER MURRAY H. DUBBIN CITY ATTORNEY REOUEST FOR CITY ATTORNEY OPINION REGARDING PROVISION FOR PAYOUT TO THE DESIGNATION BENEFICIARY (ffiS) OF ANY UNPAID EARNINGS AND ACCUMULATED SICK AND VACATION TIME UNDER THE LEAVE ORDINANCE DATE: Apri17o1998 Generally, all funds owed to a deceased employee must be paid to the employee's probate estate. See Florida Statutes, Chapter 733. Those monies are the subject to estate tax and the claims of the deceased employee's creditors. Id. Florida Statutes §222.15, however, provides an exception to that rule for a deceased employee's unpaid wages. Section 222.15 permits direct disbursement of unpaid wages to the employee's spouse, or to the employee's chikLiaer ,18 years of age if there is no spouse, or to the employee's parent if there is no spouse or child. Accordingly, deignation of a beneficiary to receive the unpaid wages is not necessary nor would designation of an individual other than those listed in the statute (or in an order different then the one provided) be permitted. Also, the statute is silent as to disbursement of unpaid sick and vacation leave pay. And, although there has been no specific determination under the statute as to whether sick and vacation pay are wages, there is some authority within the worker's compensation statute to suggest that they are not. See e.o. Baeza v. Pan American/National Airlines. Inc.. 392 So.2d 920 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1981 ). Moreover, the City does not consider sick and vacation leave pay as wages in calculating benefits under the City's pension plans. Therefore, because the statute is silent as to unpaid sick and vacation leave pay, and because improper payment of those funds outside of the probate estate may impose liability on the City, the unpaid sick and vacation leave pay should be paid to the deceased employee's estate in accordance with the general rule. MHDISAS:mm CC: Richard Bender, Executive Assistant to the City Manager T.C. Adderly, Human Resources Director OFFICE OF THE Cr'FY ATTORNEY - 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE - MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139