CAO 98-07CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO: FROM: SERGIO RODRIGUEZ CITY MANAGER MURRAY H. DUBBIN ~ CITY ATTORNEY /~ CAO g~)8-7: DUAL-OFFICE HOLDING: ARI SKLAR. DATE: FEBRUARY 27, 1998 Purs-atxt to your request, I researched the issue of whether City of Miarni Beach Planning Board member Ari Sklar may serve simultaneously as a member of the Miami-Dade County Shoreline Review Committee. For the reasons stated more fully below, Mr. Sklar may not serve simultaneously in such dna!-offiee holding capacity. Article II, Section 5(a) of the Florida Constitution states in relevant part as follows: ... No person shall hold at the same time more than one office under the government of the state and counties and municipalities therein, except that a notary public or military officer may hold another office, and any officer may be a member of a constitution revision commission, taxation and budget reform commission, constitutional convention, or statutory body having only advisory powers. The Courts have interpreted the subject Florida Constitutional proscription to allow d-al-office holding in certain instances. An individual may thus serve on two agency bodies only if: one of the govemmental board is solely advisory in nature; or the individual is serving on one board as an ex-officio member of the other board, and there is no conflict or incompatibility between the individual°s two official duties. In light of the fact that neither of the above-stated exemptions apply to Mr. Sldar, he may not serve at the same time on the Planning Board and on the Shoreline Review Committee. JKO:set:jean"A~gg-7.c. ao f:~atto~mll'~heila'~.aos~98-7.cao