CAO 98-09 I CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO: SERGIO RODRIGUEZ DATE: MARCH 19, 1998 CITY MANAGER MURRAY H. DUBBINI1A' v1~lJl~-------- CITY ATTORNEY / V"\ 1)" FROM: RE: CAO #98-9: - LOBBYIST ACTIVITIES OF LA WFIRM EMPLOYING PLANNING BOARD MEMBER. I have reviewed your request for legal opinion inquiring whether the lawfirm which has employed Planning Board member Ilona Wiss may appear before City Boards or the City Commission. As is explained more fully below, the subject lawfirm may appear before any City Agency except the Planning Board. LEGAL ANALYSIS Miami Beach Ordinance No. 97-3105 states in relevant part: No member of a City of Miami Beach board, agency or committee ._ _ shall: a) either directly or throl.\ih an associate. appear, represent or act on behalf of a third person before the City Commission or any City Agency with respect to any Agency action filed by the third person. b. either directly or throuih an associate be engaged as a lobbyist for and on behalf of a third person with respect to any official action by any public officer sought by said third person. (Emphasis added.) City of Miami Beach Ordinance No. 97-3105, Section 2-47.5(1). The term "associate" is defined within the City Ordinance as ". . . any person or entity engaged in or carrying on a business enterprise with a City of Miami Beach Agency member as a partner, joint venture, or co-corporate share holder where the shares of such corporation are not listed on any CAO #98-9: Planning Board Member Employed by Lawfinn-- Lawfinn's ability to Lobby. March 19, 1998 Page No.2 national or regional stock exchange, or co-owner of property"; in light of the fact that Ms. Wiss' position as a law clerk with the subject lawfinn falls outside the definition of "associate", the provisions of the Ordinance at issue do not apply and the lawfinn may appear before any City Agency, excluding the Planning Board during Ms. Wiss' tenure with said Board. 1 f:latto\$a1llsheilalcaosI98-9.coo I The provisions of Miami-Dade County Code ~2-ll(m)(2) prohibit the lawfinn which employs Ms. Wiss from appearing before the City Board on which she serves.