CAO 98-15CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO: SERGIO RODRIGUEZ DATE: MAY 6, 1998 CITY MANAGER FROM: CAO #98-15: - HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT I have reviewed your April 29, 1998 request for legal opinion concerning filling appointments on the City of Miami Beach Health Advisory Committee, and hereby opine as follows: 1. With regard to your question of whether an individual from the Miami Dade Health Department may serve on the Health Advisory Committee, inasmuch as the State Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services has notified the City that the Department of Health is now the agency responsible for public health issues in Florida, the legislative intent of the City's Agencies, Boards and Committee's Ordinance would be met were the Miami Dade County Health Department appointee to serve on the Health Advisory Committee. 2. I concur with your assumption that Fred Hirt's resignation from his position as administrator of Mt. Sinai Hospital would necessitate a City Commission appointment to fill this Health Advisory Committee vacancy for the seat requiring a Chief Executive Officer (or its designated administrator) from Mt. Sinai Medical Center. Should you have any further questions on this matter please feel free to contact llle. CC: Richard Bender, Risk Manager Robert Parcher, City Clerk f:\attoxSdl~sheila\caos\98-15 .cao