CAO 98-20 m CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM To: SERGIO RODRIGUEZ City Manager Harry Mavrogenes Assistant City manager Jacqueline Gonzalez Parking Director From: June 25, 1998 r MURRAYH. DUBBU:II City Attorney ''j\ Robert Dixon ~,+ - Deputy City Attorney Date: Subject: L~al Opinion re~ardin~ the desiWlation of parkin~ on Lincoln Court As per tbe ~ussion on Commission Item R9G at the June 3, 1998, City Commission Meeting, you have requested a legal opinion with regard to the question: Can the City designate parking on Lincoln Court, which is a two-lane, two-way road with 24.5 feet width, as measured from curb to curb? Short answer: No. Reason: Miami-Dade County Ordinance, Chapter 30-388.lO(a), entitled "Obstruction of traffic by Parking" provides in material part: No person shall park any vehicle upon a street, in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten feet (10') of the width of the roadway for free movement of vehicular traffic. Page 1 The primary use of a roadway is for the free movement of traffic. The Administration concedes that parking on the roadway is an ancillary use. If a portion of the roadway is intended to allow for parking then the roadway must have sufficient width to allow for two-lanes (each at least 10 feet wide) of traffic, plus a parking lane which would have minimum requirements for the width of parking lane is eight (8') feet. Moreover any attempt to widen Lincoln Court by taking width from the sidewalk poses additional problems of possible ADA violation. . Page 2