CAO 98-23 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY TO: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager FROM: DATE: RE: C.A.O. NO. 98-23 C.M.O. NO. 1-7/98 July 31,1998 CAN THE CMB WITHHOLD HOME (PERSONAL) NUMBERS LISTED ON OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES? TELEPHONE Your memorandum, dated July 17, 1998, asks whether the City can withhold home telephone numbers listed on occupational licenses, as home based business owners have been besieged by the public calling them through their home (personal) telephone numbers instead of using the business telephone number. The ordinance governing occupational licenses currently requires such applications to contain a section designated "emergency locator," and such section requires the applicant to list not only business and residence addresses, but also business and residence telephone numbers of the owner or owners and the manager or other persons to be notified in case of fire or other emergencies. These applications are considered public records pursu_nr~t to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. However, there is no statutory requirement requiring applicants for occupational licenses to provide their home telephone numbers concurrent with the filing of an application, although, it is prudent for the City to request such a number in the event of an emergency concerning the business. This requirement originates within the City's ordinance; therefore, should the Administration wish to do so, it can propose an amendment to the ordinance deleting the home telephone number requirement. Until such an amendment is adopted the code requires the furnishing of such infon.ation. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. IUAt,~:~'I"VlX~G~II:f, AO~t.23.CAO) ., '