CAO 98-31TO: FROM: CITY OFMIAMIBEACH SERGIO RODRIGUEZ DATE: OCTOBER 30, 1998 CITY MANAGER ~YT~B~ ~ CAO #98-31: ROOF REPLACEMENT BLUE RIBBON COMMITTEE: CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Pursnant to your request, I have reviewed the attached memorandum from Arnold L. Goldman, P.E. concerning the City Manager's Blue Ribbon Committee for the Convention Center roof, and have concluded that no conflict of interest exists under the facts provided. Specifically, the Blue Ribbon Committee Chairman's employment as General Contractor on a project in which that project's architect served as the architect for the original designer of the Convention Center roof system does not amount to a conflict of interest under state, county, or city conflict of interest laws. The remaining allegations within Mr. Goldman's letter fall to serve as any basis upon which a conflict of interest exists. CC: Mayor and Members of the City Commission Mayra Diaz Buttaeavoli Julio Grave de Peralia f:\attoxSall',shc il a\caos\98-3 1 .cao