CAO 98-34CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO: FROM: SERGIO RODRIGUEZ DATE: DECEMBER 14, 1998 CITY MANAGER CAO #98-34: - CHRISTINA M. CUERVO, ASSISTANT CITY MANGER REQUEST FOR CONFLICT OPINION. You have requested a legal opinion asking whether Assistant City Manager Ckristina Cuervo has a conflict of interest in perfo,ming her administrative managerial responsibilities with regards to the City's Invitation To Bid No. 99-97/98 for Water and Waste Water Pump Station Upgrade; specifically, one of the bidders to this RFP has hired a public relations rum, and a member of that firm was a prior social companion of Ms. Cuervo. This legal opinion thus requests whether a conflict of interest exists for the public relations firm to represent Felix Equities or "... any other clients before the Commission or the Administration in connection with any other issues as a result of [Ms. Cuervo's] relationship." Under applicable conflict of interest laws, no conflict of interest exists. Inasmuch as Ms. Cuervo does not have any employment or contractual relationship with the subject public relations finn, nor is any member of said runt within Ms. Cuervo's immediate family, the fact that the Assistant City Manager has previously dated a member of the firm at issue does not constitute a legal conflict of interest. f:\altoxSall~shcila~caos\98-34.cao