Commission Budget Briefing CITY OF, MIAMi BEACH NOTICE OF A CiTY COMMISSION BUDGET BRIEFING NOTICE IS HERESY given that the City Commission of the City of Miami Beac~ Florida, wiil hold a briefing on the Fiscal Year 2002/03 Preliminary General Fund budget in the City Manager's Large Conference Room, 4th Floor, City Hall. 1700 Convention Center Ddve, Miami Beach, Florida, on: FRIDAY, JULY 12th - 3:30 P.M. Inquiries concerning this item should be directed t,~ t~e Office of Management and Budget at 305-673-7510. This meeting may be opened and continued and, under such circumstances, additional Iegal · notice would not be provided. ALL PERSONS are invited to attend this meeting or be represented by an agent, or to express their views in writing to the City Commission, c/o City Clerk, 170OConvention Center Drive, 1st Floor, Miami Beach, - Florida 33139. acCOrdance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons Ineedin ecial accommodation to p~. ~cip.a. te in.this p~r_.~._ ead~ogr ~ho°~hlde ~onta~ ~hP~ City Clerk's Othce. no later tnan ~our c~ay~ ~ eed n Telephone (305) 673-7411 for assistance; if hearing prOC ' g. -. · ..... ,~., e~r~ ce numbers(TDD), (800) impaired, telephone the I~lonaa n~,~y ~ 955-8770 (VOICE); for assistance. pureuar:~t to Section 286.0105, Fie,. Stat.; the City hereby advises the rson dec des to appeal any decision r:nade by the Ci~ public that: if ape ......... dared at its meeting or it~ · Commission with resoect to any mu[~=, *-,~,,~ . ' heaHng~ such person must ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the; testimony and..:~. evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not . constitute consent by the City for. the introduction or admission of_-.~ otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor toes it authorize challenges or appeals not 0therwise. . . allowed by law.