Ad No. 0119NOTICE.°F A. pUBLIC H EAR N'G "' ''-
NOTICE IS-HEREBY given that a public headng'-Wili be heid b~ the City.
Comm ssion of the Cty of Miami Beach, inthe Com?n:~,i0n. Chemb~rs, 3rd
floc~r, City Hell, '1700 Convention Cente~' Drive,' Miami 'Baacl~ Fiorida~ on
Wednesday, July'31, 2002 st 10:30 e~m., 'to c0ns'iCler'_pu'biic .c6mmentl as
required by Ordin'anc~'No' 92-2783, regardihg-the/ve~cation of
approxmatey 60 Square Feet'of South Linboln I.~ne, ~adjacent to the
CotonyTheater located at 1040Lincoln Road. _ · . .'~i: ' ~ . .'
NQuIRiEs maybe directed to~he Public Works Depart~'~t
at (305) 673-7080. ." . :*.' '
ALL ]NTERES~rE~ pARTIEs"am nvIted ~0 al~;r'~t t~ls'.l~arlr{g' be
represented by'an agent, 6r ~ Views ih 'wr~t~n'g:addms~d to
th~ Commission, C/o the City Clerk i700 Convention Center Drive; 1st
;FJl[i.ii~-Cily Hall, ~Miami Beach; FI0~ida' 3~_139. This meeting may be
:~.ed a~d under su~l~ 'clrCumstan~s ~dditiona! legal notice would ~not
' - '~*~ . ? -~ -, *' _ "' ' 'Robe? E Percher City Clerk
record ~ of the
~' based, c~hstitute
consent by th6 . . .
nadmiss hie 'or' ~re ~vant .e~tcl~nce '.i~'or does It or
appea S not otherwise allowed by ~,w~., ~ ? .....:..: .~ ~...~:~:~,.~. .:.' . ... ~
n 'accordance Wi~h~the* Americans Wi{h Disabilities Act of 1990. persons
needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should
contact the City Clerk's office n(~ later than four days prior to the
proceeding, Telephone (305) 673-7411 for'assistance; if has. ring impaired,
telephone the Florida Relay Service numbers,. (800) 955-8771 (TDD) or
(800) 955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance.