Single Family Res. Review Board CiTY OF MIAMI BEACH SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL REVIEW BOARD NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The Miami Beach Single-Family Residential Revie~v Board will convene .on Monday, July 29, 2002 at 5:00 p.m. in .the City Manager's Large Conference Room, Fourth Floor, 'City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. At this meeting, the Board will review the following project: 1. SFRRB File No. 1, 2060 North Bay Road. ~The applicant, 2060 Development, LLC, is requesting.approval for the demolition of an existing single,family home... AM perscms are invited to attend this meeting or be rel~ed by an agent, or to ~ their -views in writing addressed to the Miami Beach Single-Family Resldantisl Review Boa~cl, c/o Planning De,affiant 17(30 Conventk~ Center Drive, 2nd Floor, Mismi Beach, Florida 3313~. The application ~r the above project is a~lt~hte Ex public inspection during np. n~al dusinea~ h(x~ at the Planning Del)arb/tent. 1700 Caelvan~on Center D~, 2nd Floor. Miami Beach. Florida 33139. astothestatus~theaeltemaasareeultoftheBoam'smeeC~ng..- - · - · . purSUant to.Sec'Mon 286.010~, Ra. Sta~, the City hereby adviseetbe pub~. that: If.a...Perm~q~ .. dudbes hearing, atmh gereon will need to enaum Ilmt a ¥~,f'oatim rec~d af the pmceednge I~ mede. wNc~ tn ~ccordance with the A~ re'th Disabilities Act o~ 199~ pemons~tleedln~ ppeclal 67~.7550 lor assiatance, hoister than EX~' (4) day~ priortothe peoceedng. If ~.h~aringlm{~ telephoere the ~ Relay Service numbe~, (800) 955-8771. O'OD) or.(8~0) gs~ .~.~ ~ :{Vo~e), EX Per. es requiring ~gn ~.mge In~eqxater* ,hantd contact ~ Beam', Adnm~a.~ few (s) ~ material in accessi~e foemat, pieaan ~ (305) 673-7550 (VOICE); healing ~ pereon~.pisase ~ (3O5) e73-72~ (TOD). - ........... ~ .. -..: -