Single Family Res. Review Board CiTY OF MIAMI BEACH
The Miami Beach Single-Family Residential Revie~v Board
will convene .on Monday, July 29, 2002 at 5:00 p.m. in .the
City Manager's Large Conference Room, Fourth Floor, 'City
Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida
33139. At this meeting, the Board will review the following
1. SFRRB File No. 1, 2060 North Bay Road. ~The applicant,
2060 Development, LLC, is requesting.approval for the
demolition of an existing single,family home...
AM perscms are invited to attend this meeting or be rel~ed by an agent, or to ~ their
-views in writing addressed to the Miami Beach Single-Family Resldantisl Review Boa~cl, c/o
Planning De,affiant 17(30 Conventk~ Center Drive, 2nd Floor, Mismi Beach, Florida 3313~. The
application ~r the above project is a~lt~hte Ex public inspection during np. n~al dusinea~ h(x~ at
the Planning Del)arb/tent. 1700 Caelvan~on Center D~, 2nd Floor. Miami Beach. Florida 33139.
astothestatus~theaeltemaasareeultoftheBoam'smeeC~ng..- - · - · .
purSUant to.Sec'Mon 286.010~, Ra. Sta~, the City hereby adviseetbe pub~. that: If.a...Perm~q~ .. dudbes
hearing, atmh gereon will need to enaum Ilmt a ¥~,f'oatim rec~d af the pmceednge I~ mede. wNc~
tn ~ccordance with the A~ re'th Disabilities Act o~ 199~ pemons~tleedln~ ppeclal
67~.7550 lor assiatance, hoister than EX~' (4) day~ priortothe peoceedng. If ~.h~aringlm{~
telephoere the ~ Relay Service numbe~, (800) 955-8771. O'OD) or.(8~0) gs~ .~.~ ~ :{Vo~e), EX
Per. es requiring ~gn ~.mge In~eqxater* ,hantd contact ~ Beam', Adnm~a.~ few (s) ~
material in accessi~e foemat, pieaan ~ (305) 673-7550 (VOICE); healing ~ pereon~.pisase
~ (3O5) e73-72~ (TOD). - ........... ~ .. -..: -