Commission Adopted Policies ADMINISTRATION A.lO.lO I' ."",, COHKISSION-ADOPTED POLICIES INDEX Administrative Safeguards Established a) City Attorney and Bond Counsel written opinions b) Bond Counsel disclosures c) Consent Agenda (minimize use for monetary matters) d) All funding matters be referred to Finance Committee e) Open communication between Manager, Commission, Government and public AFFIRMATIVE ACTION A.20.l0 A.20.20 AGENDA A.30.l0 A. 30.20 ATTORNEYS A.40.l0 A.40.20 Commitment Reaffirmed; responsibility; powers/duties Policy Publication Schedule; Add-on of Emergency Items (5/7ths vote) Citizens Involvement: a) Citizen Forum b) How to Place an Item on the Agenda c) How to Register as a Speaker d) Time Limit City Attorney - No Outside Employment Retaining Outside Attorneys to Defend City Employees A.50.l0 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS Guidelines (Certs. of Apprec., plaques, proclamations, etc.) B.lO.lO BOARDS AND COHKITTEES B.lO.20 BUILDINGS B.20.l0 Rules of Procedure a) Absences b) Applications c) Infrequent Meetings d) Minutes e) Mission Statement f) Orientation Session Political Activity Abandoned Buildings - Criteria for Bricking/Boarding-up ^ ~ COMMISSION-ADOPTED POLICIES INDEX - PAGE TWO CITY COMMISSION C.10.10 C.10.ll C.10.12 C.10.13 C.10.20 C.10.21 C.10.22 C.10.30 CITY PROPERTY C.20.l0 C.20.20 Commission Committees - Assignment of Issues by Commission Commission Committees - Citizen Observer at meetings (Ex-Officio) Commission Committees - Consent Agenda Placement Commission Committees - Creation Commission Meetings - Parliamentary Procedure (Robert's Rules) Commission Meetings - Regular Commission Meetings - Special Vice-Mayor Rotation Naming of Public Facilities (and Streets) Sale/Lease of CONSULTANTS/PROFESSIONAL SERVICES C.30.10 LOBBYISTS L.10.09 L.10.l0 PAlUCING P.10.l0 P.10.20 PLA~UES STREETS S.10.10 S.10.20 Selection (State Procedure Adopted) Registration: a) Ordinance as Amended (6/92) b) Creation (3/92) Decals: a) Board/Committee Members b) City Employees c) Others Engaged in Regular and Necessary Service to the City Permits - Residential see AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS (A.50.10) Naming of (see CITY PROPERTY - C.20.10) Closing (Barricades, Traffic Diverters) Vacations - Streets and Rlght-of-Ways (Criteria/Standards) I'" ^ REGULAR AGENDA - FEBRUARY 21. 1990 R-l. REOUESTS FOR AGENDA CONSIDERATION A. REQUEST OF HAROLD J. SEGAL, PRESIDENT, AND HARLEY C. WILLNER, PRESIDENT-ELECT, HIAHI BEACH TAXPAYERS' ASSOCIATION, INC., TO DISCUSS "... RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE ASSOCIATION REGARDING THE OELBER aEPOaT...". 1. 2/6/90 LETTER FROM ACTING CITY ATTORNEY TO COMMISSIONER WILLIAM E. SHaCKETT RE. JUDGE GELBER'S R.EPORT ON THE HOMESTEAD HATTER, WITH COMMISSIONER SHOCKETT'S 12/12/89 LETTER REQUEST. 2. 2/15/90 MEMORANDUM FROM ACTING CITY ATTORNEY TO MAYOR/COMMISSIONERS/CITY MANAGER RE. LIABILITY OF FINE JACOBSON SCHWARTZ NASH BLOCK & ENGLAND FOR THE ACTIONS OF GERALD HEFFERNAN ON 3/15/89 REGARDING THE HOMESTEAD RESOLUTION. ADMINISTRATION R.ECOMMENDATION: THAT THE CITY COMMISSION HEAR MESSRS. SEGAL AND WILLNER. ACTION: Messrs. Segal and Willner presented the Association's resolution requesting the Commission to schedule a full discussion of the Gelber Report by all interested parties, with particular reference to the following conclusions/recommendations: 1. Require written opinions of the City Attorney and bond counsel. 2. Open discussion of the bond counsel's actions and responsibility to the City. 3. Curb/modify use of the Consent Agenda, especially for monetary matters. 4. That the Finance Committe' enact procedures/pol ic ies/bylaws enumerating its responsibilities, and that all funding matters be referred to it. 5. Establish/maintain more open lines of communication between the City Manager and City Commission, and City government and the public. The Commission adopted the Association's specific rec01llllendations detailed in its resolution. Commissioner Singer suggested the Commission direct the Administration or City Attorney to submit a written procedure regarding written opinions from the City Attorney and bond counsel when the Commission makes decisions of great importance which require the City's financial backing. He requested that the Administration review the Gelber Report and submit a written recommendation as to the type of items that should/should not be placed on the Consent Agenda. He also advised that procedures were established when the Commission subcommittees were created, and suggested a copy of those procedures be given to Messrs. Segal and Willner for review/recommendation for strengthening. Commissioner Shockett advised that he asked the Acting City Attorney to review/comment on Judge Gelber's Report and related transcripts, and the resulting 2/6/90 report reflected some misconceptions; that in Judge Wetherington and Ms. Dougherty's opinion, the Commission acted very responsibly at all times. The City Attorney advised that the Gelber Report brought out the bond counsel's liability and the Finance Committee issue, which must be put in context with Judge Wetherington's decision; that it did not matter whether or not the decision was delayed to be presented to the Finance Committee since Judge Wetherington's opinion stated that the City did not have any discretion since it did not have a competing project on the books at that time. She advised that bond counsel misguided the Commission, broke his fiduciary relationship to the City and should have advised who he was representing, but had no liability to the City because Judge Wetherington exonerated him in his opinion. Public hearing tentatively scheduled for 3/21/90 at 5:00 p.m. (subject to availability of Commissioners) to review reports on the matter. The Association will review all pertinent documents and submit report/recommendation at the hearing. The City Attorney offered to discuss the matter further with the Association. Note: Mr. Willner advised that the Association's Plamingo Park baseball facilities resolution was presented 2/7/90, so no action was required at this time on that matter. A,/O.IO ACTION SUMMARY (R-IA) FEBRUARY 21, 1990 -7- ('\ n RESOLUTION NO. 91-20380 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, FINDING THAT THERE IS EVIDENCE THAT SUPPORTS AN INFERENCE THAT MINORITIES AND WOMEN HAVE NOT PROPORTIONATELY SHARED IN EM~LOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES, SETTING FORTH A POLICY TO PROMOTE THEIR INCREASED PARTICIPATION IN THE CITY'S WORK FORCE, AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO REPORT TO THE COMMISSION PERIODICAL~Y ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CITY'S AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM. WHEREAS, it has been and continues to be the policy of the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, to foster equal employment opportunity for applicants for employment and members of the City's work force and to promote ethnic, racial and gender participation within the City's work force; and, WHEREAS, this Commission requested the City Manager to determine the degree of minority and female partlcipat ion in the work force by investigating and assessing the present extent of their participation; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager found a statistically. signi ficant disparity between the representation of minorities and females within certain segments of the metropolitan area and their representation in the City's work force; and, WHEREAS, a copy of the report prepared by an independent consulting agency and relied upon by the City Manager is attached hereto as Exhibit "I"; and, WHEREAS, this Commi ssion hereby accepts and adopts the findings and conclusions of the City Manager; and, WHEREAS, the Commission recogniz~s that the report contains evidence that certa in aspects of the Ci ty' s past and present emp.loyment system support an inference that minorities and women have been adversely impacted in the work force; and, WHEREAS, the City has a compelling interest in increasing minority and female participation within its work force; and, WHEREAS, the City has a compellinq interest in promoting a sense of harmony for all residents of the metropolitan area and the employees of the City; and, WHEREAS, the COlllllission believes that in order to effectively combat discrimination and the lack of minority and female participation and advancement in the work force, members of these groups must be provided every opportunity to enter and advance; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission believes that the Affirmative Action Program adopted by the City should maintain sufficient flexibility to enable the City to transact business; and, A .)..0. '0 I'*' ~ RESOLUTION NO. 91-20381 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEAEH, FLORIDA, REAFFIRMING ITS COMMITMENT TO EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY BY DECLARATION OF AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY, PLACING THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER, AND OUTLINING THE DUTIES AND POWERS. WHEREAS, it has been and continues to be the policy of the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, to foster equal employment opportunity for applicants for employment and members of the City's work force and to promote ethnic, racial' and gender participation within the City's work force; and, WHEREAS, this Commission believes that favorable future growth prospects of the City are linked to the economic conditions of the City; and, WHEREAS, on October 23, 1991, the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach adopted a finding of fact that there is evidence that supports an inference that minorities and women have not proportionately shared in employment opportunities and advancement within the work force of the City of Miami Beach and established a policy to promote their increased participation; and, WHEREAS, the report on the' findings and recommendations made by the independent consulting agency and relied upon by the City Manager is attached hereto as Exhibit "I"; and, WHEREAS, although the City has policies relating to Affirmative Action, Sexual Harassment, and Employee Code of Conduct, the City Commission wishes to. reaffirm its position relating to these matters; and, WHEREAS, the goal of increasing minority and female representation and advancement in the City's work force has been establ ished as the Administration's number one goal for the 1991/92 fiscal year. WHEREAS, in order to assert its independence and authority within the Admini strat ion of ~he Ci ty, the responsibll ity for the Affirmat he Action Program must to be placed in the Office of the City Manager; and, WHEREAS, the declaration of an Affirmative Action policy, the assignment of responsibility, and the related duties and powers assigned are contained in Exhibit "2" attached hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that: 1. The City Commission of the City of Miami Beach hereby accepts the findings and recommendations made by the Consultants as contained in Exhibit "1" attached hereto. A. ~o.2o (' t"""'\ 2. The City Conmission of the City of Miami Beach hereby reaffirms its comm1 tment to equal emp 1 oyment opportun 1 ty by the dec 1 arat i on of an Affirmative Action policy, and by placing the responsibility for Affirmative Action in the Office of the City Manager, in accordance with the powers and duties set forth in Exhibit "2" attached hereto. PASSED and ADOPTED this Z1rd day of October, 19~ . ~ Attest: -~~~ '1Kfcd E. ~"""- Approved as to form: 6Q(~.tWo ?t. ~~t" "1" }'1' Legal Department PFL:me r ~ ~ Clerk's Note: Exhibit 1 is a 40-page document and has intentionally not been duplicated for this policy manual. Should the full document be required, please see original resolution on file in the City Clerk's office. r*"" ~ EXHIBIT 2 SECTION I. DECLARATION OF POLICY It has been and continues to be the policy of the City of Miami Beach to provide equal employment opportunity for all regardless of age. gender/sex. marital status. national origin/place of birth. physical handicap. race/color. religion. or citizenship/intending citizenship status. It has been and continues to be the policy of the City of Miami Beach to protect and safeguard individuals recruited. selected and hired within the City's employment system by promoting and maintaining equal employment opportunity by means of affirmative action. SECTION II. - DEFINITIONS When used herein: Affirmative action means a prograM to assure equality of opportunity and treatment. and to every extent pOSSible. eliMinate unnecessary barriers and imbalance in Minority and feMale emp10YMInt. Office means the City of Miami Beach Affirmative Action Office. a function of the Office of the City Manager. SECTION. III. - OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER (a) (b) The City of Miami Beach Affirmative Action Office is hereby recognized as a funct i on of the Offi ce of the City Hanager. The Offi ce. shall be headed by a Director who shall be appointed by/or contracted with and shall serve at the will of the City manager. Such Director shall be chosen by the City Manager on the bas is of qua 11 fi cat ions and experi ence. The Di rector shall serve under the supervision of the City Manager and/or designee. The City Manager may appoint such assistant(s) to the Director as may be necessary. subject to budgetary limitations. Employees of the Office shall not be included in the classified service of the City. SECTION IY. - DUTIES AIIJ POVERS The duties. functions. powers and responsibilities of the Office and its Director shall include the following: a) b) c) d) , , .~ e) Enforcement of the provisions of this Section and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder. Assume overall jurisdiction in the development. illlPlementation. monitoring. evaluation and updating of affirmative action guidelines as they relate internally to the City of Mi.-i Beach. Subject to the approval of the City Manager. prOlUlgate an Affirmative Action Program for each and. every City department and the City as a whole and thereafter monitor and evaluate same. Assume overall responsibility for monitoring and implementation of all equal employment opportunity and affirmative action requirements. Reports of noncompliance shall be forwarded to the City Manager for review and determination. Assure that information and technical assistance is provided to all City administration. City employees. and applicants for employment concerning affirmative action programs and equal employment opportunities. Publish and disseminate information and materials relating to equal employment opportunities and affirmative action. including serving as a resource to the community at large. Make annual reports to the City Manager and the City Commission concerning the status of the City's affirmathe action program. and seek City Commission approval of changes to the program; the enforcement of the provisions of this Section and make recommendations concerning methods by which to improve the City's Affirmative Action Program. Perform such affirmative duties as may be assigned by the City Manager. f) g) h) ('" ,"'""" RESOLUTIOR RO. 91-20421 A RESOLUTIOR 01' TIIII CITY COIIICI8SIOR 01' D. CITY 01' KIAMI ..ACH, I'LORIDA, IS'1'ABLISHIHG A ttOLICY nlu.Y KA'1''1'I'' TO BI COBSIDIRlD BY 'l'BJI CITY COMHISSIOB 8HALL .1 PUBLI8K1D 1M AM AOBNDA AND 8UBKI'1''1'BD TO DI KAYaR AND CITY COMHISSIOB OB OR BBPORl DI PRIDAYS PRlCIDIBO REOULAR COMHISSIOR KlI'1'IB08 AND AT LlAS'1' '1'HUI .OREIBO DAYS PRIOR TO SPICIAL KlI'1'IHOS, RBQUIRIHO THAT AMY I'1'1K BOT IIII'1'IBO '1'HI SUBKISSIOH SCBBDULI SHALL aBLY BI COBSIDBUD U'TBR A PINDINO BY 'l'BI COMHISSION TDT SUCH I~BK CONSTITUTBS AN BHBROBBCY HA~~BR AND SHOULD BB CONSIDBRED IIOIIDIATBLY, REQUIRINO A PIVB-SBVBHTBS U'PIRMA'1'IVB VOTI paR SUCH PINDIBO AND RlPIALING RESOLUTIOB NO. .9-19'10 WHICH IS'1'ABLISKlD A SUBKISSIOB POLICY BUT DID BOT RlQUIU A I'INDIIIO 01' IIIIROBBCY III ORDIR TO PLACI AM ITBK 011 '1'KI AOBNDA BY A I'IVB-SIVBHTBS VOTI. 1IJIBRBAS, the previous practice before this commission resulted in numerous last minute additions to the Agenda, thereby depriving citizens, the media and even City commissioners of the opportunity to have adequate notice of important Agenda items. WBBRBAS, in order to enable the city commission to fully review and determine matters requiring commission action, it is vital that all such items be contained in commission agendas submitted to the Mayor and City commissioners according to a submission schedule: and WBBREAS, for purposes of establishing uniformity in the submission of Commission agenda items and in the compilation of said agendas, the City Commission has determined that the submission schedule set forth herein should be implemented: and WHBREAS, the City commission believes that any item not submitted in accordance with the established submission schedule should only be considered upon a finding by a five-seventhS affirmative vote of the Commission that such item constitutes an "emergency matter" and should be considered immediately: "emergency matter" shall be defined as a matter which, if delayed to a subsequent meeting, may be prejUdicial or detrimental to the best interests of the City of Miami Beach~ and 1 A. '30. , 0 I"""' ~ WBBUA8, the city commi..ion wi.he. to ..tabli.h a policy that trom this time torward, all items to be considered by the city commission shall be published in an agenda and shall be submitted to the Mayor and city Commission on or before the Fridays preceding regularly scheduled' City commission meetings, and in those instances when a meeting is specially set, submission to the Mayor and City commis.ion shall b. at l.a.t three workinv day. prior to said meeting, with the further requirement that any item not meeting this submission schedule shall be considered at a city Commission meeting only upon a finding by the Commission by a five- sevenths affirmative vote that such item constitutes an "emergency matter" as defined herein and should be considered immediately; and WBBllBU, the city commission wishes to repeal all of its prior policies pertaining to submission ot agenda items, specifically that policy set forth in city of Miami Beach Resolution 89-19610 regarding the submission of agenda items according to the &bove- stated schedule but not requiring a finding of emergency in order for the Commission to consider upon a five-sevenths vote a matter not properly submit.ted. HOW, TJlBRBI'ORB BB 1'1' DULY RB80LVBD BY ~ CITY oolDa88IOR 01' TJIB CITY 01' MIAMI BBACH, I'LaRIDA, that the City commission hereby establishes the policy that items for Commission consideration shall be published in an agenda and submitted to the Mayor and City commissioners on or before the Fridays preceding regularly scheduled City commission meetings, and in those instances when a meeting is specially set, SUbmission shall be at least three working days prior to said meetings, with the further requirement that any item not meeting this submission schedule shall be discussed at a City Commission meeting only upon a finding by the Commission by a :.nve-sevenths affirmative vote that such item constitutes an "amergency matter" and should be considered immediately and that Resolution No. 89-19610 regarding submission of agenda items according to the above-stated schedule but not requiring a finding of emergency in order to place an item on the agenda by a five-sevenths vote of the city commission is 2 ~ ~ hereby repealed in its entirety. For purposes of this Resolution an "emergency matter" be and the same is hereby defined as a matter which, if delayed to a sub.equent meeting, may be prejudicial or detrimental to the 'best interests of the city of Miami Beach. PASSBD and ADOPTBD this , 1..1. A'l"r.ST I ~~~.~ CITY CLJlRE (Requnted by c~t..tOMr Marttn Sheptro.) FORM APPROVED I.E8AL DEPI. ..,IIC' " . If C~. n~ ~~Htc-t 0IIII /.:. -.~ It - q I egendN:l. r.. 3 I"" CITY OF IVlIAMI """ BEAC~ I CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 173-7.11 BOW A PEllSOR HAY AlPEAll BEFOU THE CITY COMKISSIOR OF THE CITY OF HIAHI BEACH, FLOI.IDA THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS OF THE CITY COMMISSION ARE HELD ON THE FIllS" AND THIlD WEDNESDAYS OF EVEl.Y MONTH, COMMENCING AT 9:30 A.M. 1. Persons reauestinlnlacement of an item on the alrenda IlUSt provide a written statement with their complete address and telephone number. to the City Manager. 4th Floor. City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, telephone 673-7010. briefly outlining the subject matter of their proposed presentation. In order to determine whether or not the request can be handled administratively. an appointment will be scheduled to discuss the matter with a member of the City Manager's staff. Procedurally, "Requests for Agenda Consideration" will not be placed upon the City Commission Agenda until after Administrative staff review. Such review will ensure that the issue has been addressed in sufficient detail so that the City Coamission I18Y be fully apprised of the matter to be presented. Such written requests IlUSt be received in the City Manager's Office no later than noon on Tuesday of the week nrior to the scheduled Commission Meetinl to allow time for processing and inclusion in the agenda package. Persons will be allowed sufficient time, within the discretion of the Mayor, to make their presentation and will be limited to those subjects included in their written request. 2. CITIZEN'S FORUM will be held during the second (2nd) Coamission Keeting each month. Approximately twenty minutes will be allocated for persons to address the Commission, with individuals being limited to no more than two (2) minutes. Persons wishing to speak must be present in the Commission Chambers at 1:30 p... 3. ONCE AN AGENDA FOR A COMMISSION MEETING IS PUBLISHED, and a person wishes to speak on an itell listed on the agenda, he/she lIay call or come to the City Clerk's Office, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, telephone 673-7411, before 5:00 p.lI. on the Tuesday prior to the Commission Meeting and give his/her name, the agenda item to be discussed. and where known. the agenda item number. Copies of the Commission Agenda lIay be obtained at the City Clerk's Office on the Monday prior to the Commission regular lIeeting. The cOllp1ete agenda, including all backup material, is available for inspection on the Monday and Tuesday prior to the Commission Meeting at the City Clerk's Office. and at all of the Kiami Beach Public Libraries - Main Library. North Shore Library and South Shore Library. 4. All persons who have been listed by the City Clerk to speak on the agenda itell in which they are specifically interested, and persons granted permission by the Chair, with the approval of the City Commission, will be allowed sufficient ttae, within the discretion of the Mayor, to present their views. 5. When there are scheduled public hearings on an agenda. IT IS NOT necessary to register at the City Clerk's Office in advance of the meeting. All persons wishing to speak at a nublic hearin, may do so. and will be allowed sufficient tille, within the discretion of the Mayor, to present their views. 6. If a person wishes to address the Commission on an EMERGENCY MATTEI. which is not listed on the agenda, there will bea period of fifteen (15) minutes total allocated at the commencement of the Commission Meeting at 9: 30 a.II.. when the Mayor calls for additions to, deletions froll, or corrections to the agenda. In the presentation of an EMERGENCY MATTER, the speaker's rell8rks IlUst be concise and related to a specific itell. The decision as to whether or not the matter will be heard, and when it will be heard, is at the discretion of the City Commission. Once the fifteen (15) minute period has elapsed, no further requests will be entertained by the Commission until later in the day, IF the tille can be allocated after the regular agenda is completed. City Clerk January 1992 - Revision #10 A. ~O. ~O ~ 1"""'\ RBSOLUTION MO. 90-1'921 A RBSOLUTIOII 01' DB CI'IY COIIIIIIIIOB 01' '1'JIB CI'IY 01' MIAMI BBACH, FLORIDA, E8'1ABLISBI1fG A POLICY TRAT '1'JIB CITY AT'rODBY DnOTE 100 PERCENT 01' HIS PROPBSSIONAL TI" TO TBB CITY 01' MIAMI BEACH AND IS BO'l TO BB ACTIVELY INVOLVED III AllY OUTSIDE PRAC'l'ICII OR RBI'EJtUL FEBS AND THAT TBB AMOUNT 01' AllY RBFEJtUL OR ANY OTBBR OO'lSIDE FEES HUS'I BB DISCLOSED III COMPLIUCB WITH UPLICABLJI S'IATE, CI'!Y AND COOll'1'Y DI8CLOSUJUI ..gOI....1I'l'1. BE IT RBSOLVBD BY THB CITY COMHIS8IOII 01' TBB CITY 01' MIAMI BBACH, FLORIDA, 'l'D'! , WBBRBAS, on February 28, 1990 the City commission established a policy curtailing outside practice of the City Attorney. BO., TBBRBI'ORB, BB IT DOLY RB80LVIID BY '1'BB CI'l'Y COlOlIS8IOII 01' TBB CITY 01' MIAMI BBACH, FLORIDA, that it is the policy of the City of Miami Beach that the City Attorney devote 100 percent of his professional time to the City of' Miami Beach and is not to be actively involved in any outside practice or referral fees, and that if the City Attorney cannot devote 100 percent of his professional time to the City of Miami Beach that he further disclose the matters he is winding up and informs the commission of the time involved, and that the amount of referral or any outside tees received by the city Attorney be disclosed by compliance with applicable state, County and City disclosure requirements including the timely filing of an annual outside employment statement with the City Clerk, except that this resolution shall not include winding up (consulting with existing clients) or limit outside employment other than as atto~eY of record. PASSED and ADOPTED this 28th day of February, 1990. ATTEST: ~~ [,.~ CITY CLERK LF: 1m FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. r By ~ 'Jt. ~~ D8bt fj- 3 - q I A . 4 o. I 0 C~resoluti\cityatt.dis .;a-., I ,.-.., USOLHIOB 110. 92-20470 A USOLHIOB 01' 'fBJI Clift COIlllIS.IO. 01' 'ftIB CIn OJ' MIDI BDCK, I'LORIOA, DgUB.'l'I.CJ 'ID'l' I. LI'l'IA'l'IO. aft'll.. I. RICK 'fBJI CITY AT'l'O"'Y, .uasUaJI'I t'O CI'l'Y CB&RUR, .'l'AU LA., UD CDPl'BR 4, RULB. 01' .aoD..IODL COIIDUC'l, 01' 'ftIB RULB' UCJULA'l'IMCJ 'I'D I'LORIDA DR ADVI... 'I'D'l' A COIIJ'LIC'l .ZI''l'' B.'l'1fII.. CO-O.DIIDU'l", 'l'IIII CI'l'Y C08I.8IO. 8ULL COM8IOBR WBIl'l'llllR OR IIO'l' t'O COIIJ'IU 'l'IIII CIn AT'l'O_Y' 8 O.CI.IOM 'I'D'l' 'I'D CIlfY I. LBGLLY OBLIA'l'.O t'O ALLO. ...AD'l'. COUII..L I'OR .AlO CO-O.DIIDU'l'.. WDJUIA8, 1:here i. an incr.a..d nuD.r of ca... in which bot:h the city and one or more City officials or employees are named as defendants: and WBIlRBA8, the City commission requests tha1: the Ci1:y At1:orney secure 1:he prior confirma1:ion of 1:he City co_ission prior to allowing separate coun.el for City officials or employ.es in such ea.e. upon a demons1:ration by 1:h. Ci1:y A1:1:orney 1:hat pursuant 1:0 law,a conflict exists be1:ween such defendants allowing the City Official or Employee to have separate counsel. 110. , 'l'IIIIRBI'ORB, BB I'l' OULY USOLVBO BY 'fBJI CIe C08IS8IO. OJ' TBB CI'l'Y 01' KIaMI BBACK, I'LORIOA 1:ha1: in li1:iga1:ion ma1:ters in which the City Attorney, pursuant to City Charter, S1:ate Law, and Chapter 4, Rules of Prof.ssional Conduct, of the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar advises that a conflict exists b.tween co- defendants, the City commission shall consider whether or not to confirm the City Attorney's Decision that the City is legally obligated to allow separate counsel for said co-defendants. .U8BO and ADOPlBO this 4th March , 1992. ATTEST: <e:'~~ z. ~c"""'- CITY CLERK JCD/cnm Jcdllf a:res3-6.Jcd FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. ---- By :~ c... --:::) Date 3 - 110 Jj 1- A.L/ 0.1.0 r. .~ JIIQDLU AQIIO)A - o=aua 1.. 1188 a-6. BBPORTS noli CCMMISSIOR aHlIftBBS (~.&IIUJd)) B. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 567-88 REPOR'l' ON THE IDLBS , SPBCIAL avaJl'S CQIMI'fTD OC'l'OBER 12, 1988, MlETING. Minutes reviewed by COIIIIIlittee Chairman Vice-Mayor Singer, report 8CCepted as ~ AC'!IaR I follow. 1. Posthumous recognition for Robert L. B1UII - Vice-Mayor Singer advised of COImIi ttee' s considerations following placement of the it.. on its agenda in June at County Commissioner Harvey Ruvin's request, for consideration of an appropriate memorialization, Commis.ioner Ruvin, in speaking with family and friend., sugge.ted placing an appro~riate memorial plaque on the 41st St. bddge, since it was linking to The .eighborhood and The Neighborhood concept was Collins Avenue to 41st Street. The Committee approved the concept and asked the Administration to deterlline the faily'. preference on either renaming the 41st Street bridge or the park across the street frCII the Cardage Rouse. Mrs. Lisa Blum Nigro advised that they would like the MJIOdalization to be on the 41st street bridge over Indian Creek frOll Pine Tree Drive to Indian Creek Drive becaus.. of its symbolic nature, and thanked the Ca.aission for its con.ideration.. Approyed 5-2 (Commissioners Shockett and Resnick opposing). Matter to come back to the Committee with exact location, wording/design, funding source, etc. Vice-Mayor Singer advised that C~issioner Ruvin planned to present the it.. but was unexpectedly hosp~talized due to chest pains. 2. Guidelines for presentations/awards - The Commi ttee suggested that the Administration be directed to establish an appropriate cOllputer software 'program to record the awards presented. The Committee recommended that the proposed guidelines be approved in concept, subject to any changes offered by Commissioners. 3. Rall. of rame - The Committee recommended approval of guidelines for a Lifetime Achievement ~ward (Hall of rame), suggesting that the Adainistration d.sign a plaque and submit a recOllllendation as to its place..nt in the rotunda area outside City Hall. It suggested that a 7-m..ber ad hoc ccnaittee be established, with the Mayor and each Commissioner making an appointment, to be named to Hall of raae, person must rece!v... at least 5/7's vote, only one person a year would be named, but may name 5 initially, nominees to be submitted by Commissioners. 4. Memorial monument dedicated to Christopher Administration to obtain a site plan, to review/recommendation to C~i.sion. 5. Donation in honor of Bart Notowitz status report - lutun/Motowitz family requested that the 21st Street Community Center new auditoriwa be dedicated, matter had not been settled because of signage issue. The Committee asked the Administration to send a letter to the family,> inviting th.. to the next COIIIIittee meeting to discuss the donation and the renaming of the facility. 6. Mayor/Commissioner Plaque at Abel Boltz StadilDl. - The Administration advised the Committee that the design/wording of plaque would be placed on next Committee agenda for consideration/approval. 7. Abraham Lincoln Bust placement - Luis Hernandez advised the Committee that the bust was scheduled to be built. The COIlIIittee recoaaended that it be placed _ next to the Jose Marti bust on the side of the library, and asked the Adllinistration to review the design and drawings when completed. 8. Jose Marti/Freedom Center Plaque - The Committee reviewed a sample of the size/design of the plaque. Plaque, to be placed between Jose Marti and Lincoln busts, to be revealed on/near 1/28/89 (Jose Marti's birthday). 9. Historic Marker Program - Status report given to Ca.aittee, proof sheets of plaques displayed. Vice-Mayor Singer explained program for descriptive booklet and driving tour of 12 historic markers to be placed throughout the city, most of which were sponsored by people, hospitals, etc., approved by committee. C01IIIissioner Grenald co_ended/thanked Vice-Mayor Singer on the Program. Coluabus The Comaittee asked be presented to the COIIIIIli ttee the for ~.50~' 0 AC!IOR SUMMARY (a-68) ocroBBR 19, 1988 -12- r- I,"""~ hili" :~ !!' r"~ r'.. I tll... EVENTS COMMI TTEE ~)UI'll'l...~F:Y MINUTES 1'1CET 1 NG OF DC TOl~ER 12, 1988 II " T'F'~.I~'. ".:r It:~I.". ~ ~L')'CJr Br'l.IC:t~ Si nqer' Commission Ben Z. Grenald Commissioner Sidney Weisburd Carla Bernabei Talarico Amanda Moss Harvey Ruvin Members of the Public The meeting was called to order approximately 4:45 pm. NEW BUSINESS Item #1-- Discussion pertaining to ap~ropriate posthumus recognition for Rob.rt L. Slum Dade County Commissioner Harvey Ruvin spoke on behalf of Robert L. Blum and recommended that the City of Miami Beach recognize Mr. Blum in appropriate manner for his dedicated work in the City. Discussion centered on various sites that had been suqgested to be renamed in his honor. The Committee directed the Administration to contact the family as to their preference of either renaming the 41st Street Bridge or the renaming of the park across the street from the Carriage House. The matter should come back to the Committee with the exact location, the design, funding source and wording for the plaque. ~Item #2-- Di scussion of Ci ty Commi'ssion gui del i nes for presentati ons c,nd awards Amanda Moss explained the guidelines and awards that are currently in effect and presented proposed guidelines for the future. After discussion, the Committee directed the Administration to computerize the . process and the inventory of ttle presentations and awards that have been given out in the past. The computerization should allow staff- to be able to provide each Commissioner listing be award and/or by name. The Administration was also directed to send the Awards and guidelines report to each Commissioner for review prior to the October 19th meeting and to attach a copy of the report to the Summary Minutes of the meeting. A motion to recommend the approval in concept of the new guidelines was approved subject to any chenges made by other Commissioners. Item #3-- Discussion pertaining to place the name of Clara Plevinsky in the Hall of Fame Th~ Administration wag directed to have the Planning Department design a plaque for the Hall of F~me and ~ location, preferable the rotunda area 1 H ~J~1U'-Ufi';flW :11] u,t;,) 996' 6 ( .1.30 '''U~;~:t]. ..,~:.:: ('r"~~ ~M\fCl ,.~""",...."., , r.t r- ........ ~ - .~ 5. 1185 R-9. ... BUSIIIBSS AlII) CDMISSIo. ~ (~IRUBD) 8. aRUSSI~ MIDDtMDUM 110. 344-85 S'l'A'J.'US -'<*f - IIIMI CBILD' S wom.D. INC. .,... Md/OJUS nal&"DKR.. ADIIDI%8"I'IIA'DOR IlBC'O J 1&.1~lmll OR S~.... 30. 1985. ~ "leal, Al'P8OVAL, MID .-I'ftu.I PIIA8B or ~ LUSB. WILL _ CDICLUDBD AI"1"BR BAVlHG RBCBI9IID A 'ftIIILVB (12) IICXftII _~ 1'10. ~ ~ 3, 1984. A CDIPLB'l'B IIBYBDf ar 'nIB PlKJGRBSS ar 'nIB DBVBIDPBR IDILD 88 APp.oftIM'll 0. 'II1II ~IVBIISAIlY laB ar 'II1II LIrASB ~~I. (lUIQOBSt&" 81' aRUSSICIIBR ... I. GRIlIALD) (Pm.....,1 MID LUSB ~.r) c. DISCOSSI~ RBGARDIIIG CllABGIIIG 'II1II laft or 'nIB JURII 19, 1985. (DMlSSIOR IIIIftIIIG ~. JURII 26, 1985. (lCIIIQO'BS'1'BD BY CQMMISSIomDl ... Z. ~ IALD) D.~ I'IIJII aMUSSICIIBR 88IJCB II. Sx.GBR '10 DISCUSS 'II1II lOU'ftI ~~- ROOf' . i. STA'l'OS RBPOR'l' OR 'nIB !OU'ftI c.tlBa NXJI' . * B. (P" ADDIBDUM) DISCUSSIOlI lBaRDING ALL .CBRI'IPICA'l'BS 'fBA'f ARB .1'0 8B SIGIIBD 8Y 'I'IIB _lOR. BB SIGlmD PRIOR '10 PllBSBlI'l'ING SUCH. (1U5IUU8S'l'BD BY M!OR MLCOLII B. PlOeBRG) AC'l'I~ StMMRY (R-9B - R-9B) /"""\ AC9to. Report for infor1l8tion only; no action required or taken. 6/19/85 regular C~i..ion aeetift9 rescheduled to Wednesday, 6/26/85. Public WOrks Director reviewed report and advised if project is bid and awarded in advance, it could not be used as City's 20t share toward pending BOA Grant; that if Grant application is approved, Administration will proceed with bidding, present bids 7/10/85, and make repairs in september. C~issioner Singer requested Legal Department to review BOA Grant progra. to determine if City could proceed with bidding process, possibly including Pederal guidelines and specifications in docuMnts, so as to be in position to decide course of action when application decision is received, and to subllit report and reconmendation. Ite. to be placed on 7/10/85 agenda, if necessary, for updated report and C~ission consideration. COIMIittee _lIber Mrs. Nancy Liebilan inquired whether Legal Department will proceed with second lawsuit against original contractor regarding roof. Mayor FrOllberg sU9gested that Ci ty deterlline cost to repair roof during bidding process. City Attorney advised matter being explored by his office and outside counsel, and they have requested consulting eng ineer to sub.i t information which will allow them to determine whether they should recoaaend proceeding with litigation. o opposition expressed to Mayor Fromberg's request for establishment of a policy whereby no ommittee, person, organization, etc. is uthorized to issue any certificates, roclamations, etc. providing for signature by he Mayor without those documents being ubmitted to his office for proper examination anit execution. JUNB 5, 1985 -15- ('\ /"""'\ SHOCKBTT a I. there any reaaon why we .hould not aoo.pt ... ? WHINER: None that I know of. SHOCKB'l'Ta ... the conveyance? FROMBEaG a It' . be.n move4 and .econded. All in favor, .ignify by .aying "ay.-. (AYE) Any opp08ed? It pa.... unanimou.ly. L.t the record reflect that commissioners Arkin and Grenald are not pr.sent. All others are. SROCKETT: Sing.r? Wher.'. Singer. I'" a-H DlsaJ88l~ ...-oDIQ ALL CIIIrIII'ICHBS 'ID'I AB 'to - 81'" - '1'l1lI Ja1'OR _ 81camD PRIOR 'to "~IDG 81ICII. ACTION: No opposition expressed to Mayor Pro.berg's request for establishment of a policy whereby no colllllittee, person, organization, eto. is authorized to issue any certifioates, proclamations, eto. providing for signatur. by the Mayor without those doouments being submitted to his office for proper examination and exeoution. PROMBBRGa He's out th.re. Th. only point that 1 wanted to bring up wa.the faot that appar.ntly th.re are .everal organizations in the City that pa.. out certificates that have a plaoe that say City of Miami Beaoh and have a place for the Mayor's signature. What happened was that a bunch of safety certificates were apparently issued to deserving people, but it never went through my offioe, and I was never requested to sign thea, and th.refore they were distr ibuted to the individuals who were the recipients without signature, through the PAL and these people called and wanted to know why the Mayor didn't take the trouble to sign them. I think that our policy is, and should remain, that nobody has authority to issue any certificates of any nature, or proclamations, or to aake any other presentations in the name of the City that has the City'S n.. on it, without it going through the Mayor and CoIIIIlissioners' office and I think that if any of you have any problems with that, if not I think that we're going to have to make sure that we advise all organizations in the oity that they have no authority to issue anything in the n.. of the City with places for signatures of myself or a Commissioner without our approval and without it going through our office. Is there any other matter that has to be brought up? Okay, motion to adjourn ... IIOved by the Vice Mayor, seconded by eo-issioner Daoud. All in favor, signify by saying .aye.. (AYE) Any oppoeed? We stand adjourned. Thank you very much. At 5:15 P.M., the ...ting was adjourned. CLERK'S NOTE: pollowing ite. deferred and/or not reaohedl C5D, R3A, a3D, a3B, a3P, a5B, a7A, and a7B. ~O~ - .... - :..... L-. Mayor A'l"l'BST: Aj6J~~ rn ~ City Clerk (Copies of all bid tabulations, memorandums, resolutions, ordinances, eto. on file with the records of this meeting.) COMMISSION MINUTES - 6/5/85 pp Page 119 (", !"""\ CITY or HIAHI BEACH GUIDELINES rOll AWARDS AND PllESENTATIONS The City of Miami Beach has no set guidelines for most of the certificates and awards it presents. The Mayor is the final authority in deciding what presentation is given to an individual or organization. The Mayor and Commissioners Office keeps the log for all presentations. All requests are originated from this office and must have the Mayor's signature before they are forwarded to the Office of Public Information for preparation. The following is the list of the current presentations given by the City of Miami Beach, with loose guidelines for each: PLAQUE: Given to an individual or organization for outstanding achievements on behalf of the City of Miami Beach. Plaques have been given to heads of state, outstanding citizens, employees who are retiring and individuals or organizations who have coordinated special events. A plaque is awarded approximately once a month. PllOCLAMATION: Personalized document presented to individuals or organizations who have had a positive impact on our community; who are here for special events or conventions; or who are outstanding citizens of the City of Miami Beach. proclamations have also been taken abroad. Proclamations have been presented to a wide range of individuals, such as heads of state, outstanding citizens, to persons celebrating their birthdays or wedding anniversaries; to organizations such as the World's Largest Indoor Flea Market, charitable foundations, financial and educational institutions, and to special events such as Friday Night Live, South Pointe Pops, Bite of the Beach, Art Deco Weekend, Festival of the Arts, etc. Approximately eight proclamations are presented each week. HEDALLION: Presented to individuals who have had a positive impact on our community or who are outstanding citizens of Miami Beach. Medallions have been presented to heads of state, city employees, Dr. Cool (the world's fastest shoe shine rapper), city officials, actors, etc. Approximately three medallions are presented each month. CEllTIrICATE or APPRECIATION: Personalized, preprinted document presented to individuals or organizations who have performed an outstanding deed on behalf of our community, or who are here for special events. Certificates of Appreciation have been awarded to new businesses opening in our city, special events sponsors, visiting artists, citizens who have performed heroic deeds, etc. Approximately six certificates are presented each week. HONORAllY CITIZEN CEllTlrICATE: Personalized, preprinted document presented to a distinguished visitor, such as government officials from other states and countries, artists, etc. Approximately three certificates are presented each week. DISTINGUISHED CITIZEN CEllTIrICATE: Personalized, preprinted document presented to outstanding citizens of the City of Miami Beach. Approximately three certificates are presented each week. KEY TO THE CITY: Special courtesy presentation given by the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Miami Beach to individuals whom they wish to recognize, such as past presidents of Miami Beach civic organizations, visitors, etc. As these are distributed by the Mayor and Commissioners Office, the Office of Public Information has no records of how many are distributed in a monthly basis. CEllTIrICATE or HAlUlIAGE: Personalized, preprinted document presented to couples who are married in the City of Miami Beach. Approximately ten certificates are presented each year. - 1 - r", r'\ HUHI BEACH WELCOHES THE AlUlIVAL OF ... CDTIFICATI: Personalized, preprinted document that heralds the birth of children born in the City of Miami Beach. Approximately 35 certificates are presented by the City of Miaai Beach each year. Recently, Mt. Sinai Hospital started presenting these certificates to babies born in their hospital. The certificates given to them by the City had Mt. Sinai's name and the Mayor's name preprinted. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT CDTIFICATI: Personalized, preprinted document presented to students of Miami Beach schools with outstanding academic records. These certificates are presented two or three times a year to several schools in our community. Approximately twenty children receive them each time. KNIGHT/LADY OF THE SUNSHINE CITY: Personalized, preprinted document presented to children. Approximately ten certificates are presented each year. CITY HANAGD'S CDTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION: As opposed to the other presentations, which are signed by the Mayor, this one is signed by the City Manager and presented to individuals he wishes to recognize for outstanding achievement. Approximately ten certificates are presented by the City Manager each year. SPECIAL CDTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION/PARTICIPATION: Special certificates are prepared for different events, such as the Halloween Beach Bash, Bite of the Beach, etc. These certificates are presented to all the sponsors and/or the participants of each particular event. HETHOD OF UQUEST: 1. Mayor's Office must receive written reque.t (including all pertinent information) before the required delivery time. 2. In cases where preprinted documents are not used and narratives are prepared, the written request should include the following: a. For an individual, here are some of the items that could be mentioned in the narrative: 1. Outstanding academic and professional achievements. 2. Civic, professional and religious affiliations. 3. Honors and awards received. Personal credo. 4. Hobbies, interests. 5. If person has served in the military, indicate branch of service, theater of war/conflict in which the individual was engaged. b. For an event, here are some of the items that could be mentioned in the narrative: 1. Type or purpose of event, main theme, i.e. patriotic, cultural, fund raiser, etc. 2. Celebrities involved or name of keynote speaker. 3. Organizations/civic groups benefitting from event. 4. Date and location of event. A "contact" person and telephone number must always be included on the request, as sometimes no pertinent information is included. SPECIAL OBSERVANCES: All requests made subject to Mayor's approval. - 2 - r" 1"""'\ PROPOSED GUIDELINES FOR THE PRESENTATION OF CITY HONORS AIm AWAllDS A. Plaque: 1. A plaque should be given to an individual who has dedicated a great part of his or her life working towards the benefit of the City of Miami Beach and its residents. The person honored does not have to be a Miami Beach citizen or resident. 2. A plaque should be presented to a local organization whose goals include the betterment of the City of Miami Beach. For example, the organization could have joined forces with the city for the construction of a park or a youth center, to organize a youth group or on behalf of senior citizens. B. Proclamation: 1. Proclamations should be presented to individuals or organizations who have had a positive impact on our community through a special event organized by them, or by a continuous effort on behalf of the City and its residents. 2. Proclamations can also be presented to groups who are here for maj or conventions and special events bringing a large number of delegates and/or visitors. In these cases, the proclamations would serve not only as a welcome for these groups, but also as an open invitation for their return to our City. 3. Proclamations should be presented to national and international organizations only after similar proclamations have been presented by the Federal and State governments. C. Hedallion: Presented to heads of state or visiting dignitaries. D. Certificate of Appreciation: 1. Presented to individuals or organizations who had performed an outstanding deed an behalf of our community, or who are here for special events. 2. Certificates of Appreciation can also be presented to past presidents of Miami Beach's civic groups, or individuals who have performed an heroic act, such as rescuing an accident victim, or the victim of a crime. E. Honorary Citizen Certificate: Honorary Citizen Certificates are presented to a distinguished visitor, such as government officials from other states and countries, artists, etc. F. Diatinauiahed Citizen Certificate: These Certificates are presented to outstanding citizens of the City of Miami Beach. G. Key to the City: This is a special courtesy presentation given by the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Miami Beach to individuals whom they wish to recognize, such as past presidents of Miami Beach civic organizations, visitors, etc. - 3 - f' ~ H. Certificate of Marriage: This document presented to couples who are married in the City of Miami Beach. I. Hiami Beach Welcomes the Arrival of ... Certificate: This Certificate is presented to the parents of children born in the City of Miami Beach. J. Academic Achievement Certificate: This document is presented to students of Miami Beach schools who have outstanding academic records. It. bight/Lady of the Sunshine City: These Certificates are presented to children visiting the City of Miami Beach, or children who the Mayor and City Commissioners wish to extend a special courtesy to. L. City Manager's Certificate of Appreciation: As opposed to the other presentations, which are signed by the Mayor, this one is signed by the City Manager and presented to individuals he wishes to recognize for outstanding achievement. - 4 - ,......, ; <~ GUIDELINES AND CllITERIA FOIl "LIFETIME ACHIEVEMDT AVAID:" A special committee, such as the "Lifetime Achievement Award Selection Committee," would be formed to elect the honorees of the "Lifetime Achievement Award." There can be more than one candidate on the Committee's ballot, but only one person can be elected each year. To win the election, the person must have the highest percentage of those votes on the Committee's ballot. A. Candidates for this avard should have the following qualifications: 1. He or she must have been an active mellber of the Mi..i Beach community for at least twenty years prior to the election. 2. In case death occurs before the twenty-year mark, the Co_ittee would have the final decision. 3. The person(s) considered for the award must have, during those twenty years, a continuous record of philanthropic or cODDUnity service on behalf of the City of Miami Beach and its residents. 4. A person can appear on the ballot as many times as the Committee nominates him or her, but only win if he or she receives the highest percentage of votes, regardless of the ..ount of times the name has appeared in the ballot. B. Lifettae Achievement Avard Selection C~ittee: 1. The Committee should consist of at least seven people, all active members of the Miami Beach community. 2. The Mayor and six City Commissioners would each appoint one mellber to the Committee. 3. The Committee would vote on names nominated by elected officials, the City administration, members of the Committee itself, mellbers of other City committees, or any other recognized individual or organization. 4. The list of nominees would be reviewed by the Committee and narrowed to five candidates. 5. The Committee would then notify each candidate, request a resume and a brief written statement from each candidate. 6. The Committee would then select one individual per year to receive the award. C. Lifettae Achievement Avard: 1. The award itself would be a plaque which could be prominently displayed in a City building or facility, perhaps a park. 2. Each year, a ceremony to induct the new honoree would be organized by the City of Miami Beach and performed by the City's elected officials and members of the City's administration. 3. The ceremony would consist of the unveiling of the plaque and speeches by City officials. 4. The event itself could be likened to the "Han of the Year" dinner given by the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce. - 5 - f' .~ PLAQUE CRITIQUE It is imperative that standards be established and set if commemorative plaques located in the environs of Miami Beach CIty Hall are to have validity and serve the purpose for which such honorarium was established. There must be justification. It is with this in mind that the following qualifications are outlined as potentially applicable in the evaJuation of qualifications. 1. Has the applicant or the ind1viduaJ under consideration had an impact on the city historically, morally, socially, economically, or politically? 2. Has the candidate for a plaque served the community with a dedication and devotion above and beyond what would be considered proper and acceptable of any other individual in a similar capacity? 3. Has the individual served with such vision and cI1stinction as to create new directions that have benefitted the city proper or the community at large? 4. Has the cand1date exhibited such qualities of leadership as to set new dimensions for others to emulate? ,. Has the integrity and the intelligence of the person considered for a plaque been such that the city can point with pride to the fact that he was among us, appreciated, respected, and loved? 6. Have the achievements and accomplishments of the individuai b~n such as can be reasonably expected to withstand the test of time? Is there a permanence to what was accomplished; or are the achievements of a temporary nature? How can one determine the potentiaJ for permanence or the enduring quality of current achievements? What standards shaJI be employed to determine intelllgent criteria? A few suggestions: a) Were the accomplishments noted beneficial to the few or the many? b) Although beneficial, was the motivation self-serving? c) Were the decisions a catering to the popular voice without regard for the future good, or were such decisions as were made determined by conscience? 7. What has been the motivation, the driving force behind the efforts put forth? Selfless or self-seeking? '" .~ "SOLUTIOB Be. 92-20514 A USOLtrlIOB 01' '1'IIB KAYOR UD CIn COJalISSIOB 01' '1'BII CITY 01' IIIUI BDeB, I'LORIDA, UPDLIBCI USOLtrlIOB BO. 84-17.27 UGARDIBCI '1'IIB GOVBRIIAIICB 01' BOARDS UD CODIftBBS 01'. TIIB CITY UD ADOPTING ... RULBS 01' PROCBDURB I'OR 'I'D GOVBRIIAIICB 01' SAID BOARDS UD CODIftBBS. WBBUU, the City commission has determined that specific rules, guidelin.. and standards are n.c....ry to en.bl. City boards and committee. to conduct their .eeting. properly .nd to achieve the goal. and objective. of .aid board. and committee., and WBBUU, the City commission believes that ReSOlution No. 84- 17627 which e.tabli.hed rule. tor the governance of city boards and committ.e. .hould be repealed and replaced by a new resolution establiShing updated and clarified rules for City boards and committ.... BOW, 'l'BBUI'OU, BB IT USOLVBD by the City COJlDlission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida: Section 1. That Resolution No. 84-17627, be and the same is hereby repealed. SectioD 2. That the following guidelines, standards and procedural directives be and the same are hereby established for the proper conduct and governance of the business of each of the boards and committees of the City. sectloD 3. That prior to selection, each applicant for membership on any City advisory board or cOJlDlittee shall complete and file an~lication form (with required documentation), supplied by the ty Clerk indicating his/her qualifications for selection. SectioD 4. That it shall be the duty and obligation of each of the boards and committees of the City to keep, or cause to be kept, adequate and accurate minutes or summary notes of the proceedings of each and every meetlng or said board or committee. Three copies of such minutes or summary notes shall be transmitted promptly to the City Clerk for distribution to the City Manager and Office of the Mayor and Commissioners. SectioD 5. That at the organizational meeting of each board or committee, there shall be an to provide an overview of the Government-in-the- uns ne Law, and financial disclosure requirements. At said organizational meeting the membership shall, within the confines and limits of the City commission resolution or ordinance creating such board or committee, adopt a pission ~ of the proper and duly authorized goals and obj ect1 ves of ~rd or commi ttee. That in the event of substantial disagreement among the members of the particular board or committee as to what constitutes a proper and authorized goal or objective of the particular board or committee, the existence of the issue, and the specific nature thereof, shall be certified by the board or committee to the City Clerk for transmission to the City Commission, which shall thereafter proceed promptly to resolve and determine the same. 1 B. I O. I 0 /""'. ~ Sea~ioll .. That it shall be the duty of the Chairman or presiding officer of . each of the boards or committees to call, or cause to be called, the roll of member., and the minu~e. or summary no~e. of each meeting of .uch board or commi~~ee shall accura~ely reflec~ ~he presence or absence, as the case may be, of each member of such board or co..i~tee. 8ea~ioll 7. That it is hereby made a condition of appointment and continued membership of the boards and commi ~tees, unless ~he governing resolution or ordinance provide. otherwi.e, ~hat thr.e succ...ive ab.ences without good and sufficient cause therefor by any member or any board or committee from duly held or called m.e~ings of said board or committee, shall result in the automatic removal of such member from said board or committee. Each board and committee shall establish standards as to what causes for absence shall be deemed good and sufficien~. The Ci~y Clerk ahall .end a le~~.r no~ifying ~he member of his/her removal for exce.sive absence.. Such removal shall crea~e a vacancy in the membership which shall be filled in the same manner as ~he original appointment, or according to the governing legislation if an alternate method is provided. 8ea~ioll .. That the failure of any City board or committee to meet with sufficient Jretency to duly transact the business of said board or committee, or 0 meet a minimum of once per calendar quarter, may result in the dissolution of the board or committee. 8ea~ioll .. That the City Clerk shall periodically provide the City commission wi th the attendance reports or such information concerning the respective boards or committees as may be needed to evaluate the functioning of the boards and committees and their membership. PUS.D aDd ADOPlBD ~hi. 3rd , 1"2. Aft.8T I .~ , , C' .--. Lit.ww.\. C.... l.;:h tw'v' Ci~y Clerk b/~/C"l- RMC:RE8:tf SWS:lCfJbda.c~.r.. FORM APPROVED LECI'L Of PT. BY~ Date Jt ~ -30 - 9'.;.2 2 I""'" ,.-.... CITY OF MIAMI Sf ern CLDK'S OFFICE Richard Brown, city Clerk - OFFICI OF THE CITY llANAau 1'ILIJIHONe ~ m-mo FAX: "--7711 D.-BDt- 1nVQ1nl1Q)1Dl 110. 34-1991 July 17, 1991 TO: Chau-n/Chairpewcms ot! all lUaai B.ach Board8 and ~i~_. All Department: Direct:ors ~ carla Bernabei Talarico City lhilUlCJer FROM: StJBJEC'l' : C%ft wm.n. alii) 0'.....=... - 1tOI.a%au. ~~%B8 Plea.. be reminded that: City Boards and ~it:t:... are prohibit:ed from endorsinCJ polit:ical candidat:es. PI.... be further reminded that it! a cOlllDli~.. vere to endorse candidat:e., that comdttee' s members vould be subject: to raoval. A City cOlllli tt.. C2UUlot: int:erviev candidat:es. A parson cannot CJo before th_ and speak even it! there i. no adorsaaent. A cOllllli.tt:ee is governed by their bylaws and can only perfona vithin that: scop.. If a comait:t:.. vera 1:0 int:ervi_ political canc:lidat.. as such, and that is beyond the scope ot! th.ir authority, it: vill be an illegal act on th.ir part: to cia .0. '!'hanlt you t!or your cooperation in th..e et!t!ort:a. CST: jh cc: Stuart Roqel, As.istant Ciqr llanaCJer Ed Cox, Ex.cutive Assistant to the City llanager William R. lIarr!.on, Bx.cutive As.ia1:ant: 1:0 the City HaDagar D.an lUelke, Bxecutiv. Aaaill1:ant to the City llanagar B,\o.~O ~ CITY or MIAMI 8 E ~ ,,,,"",,. cITY CLERK !1alne Bakel' - - - - - - - O"ICI OF THE CITY MANAGER CITY "'1.1. ,,. taIW....... CEJlTER Df TI........: lJa.J010 DEPARTMeNT MEMORANDUM NO. 11-1988 February 22,19" PROM, j Beach TO: SUB3ECTI CITY BOARDS AND COIIIIITTE!S - POLITICAL ACnvmES This is to serve as a reminder of my memorandum issued on October 21, 191' (copy anached) which relates to the above-referenced subject. Please be reminded that City Boards and Committees .. prohibited from -adorsin& poUtlca1 CMdIdates. Please be further reminded 1hat if a committee were to endorse candidates, that committee" memben would be subject to removal. The Office of Public Atfaln (673-7"2) is charpd with the responslbUlty of composlng and issulna aU press releues for City boards and committees. If you need to issue a press release, direct YfJAIr request to that office for preparation and/or approval prior to it belna maUed. Thank you for Y041l cooperation in these efforts. R "PIn Attachment cc: Mayor and Members of the City Commission Richard Posmoen, Assistant CIty Manaser Carla Talarico, Aulstant City ~ser Amanda Mall, Publlc Atfain Dlrector ~ (""\ ORDIDllCIl!fO. 90-2682 All ORDIDIICB 01' TJUI CI'l'Y COIIIIISSIOB 01' 'fD CIn 01' KlUX BOCK, I'LOUDA, JUlBIIDIBCJ KIMI BOCK CITY CODB CDPTB. 17B JlftI'1'LBD "PItOPB.'l'Y DIII'l'BDIICB STAllDARDS", .lDBDIBCJ SBCTIOB 17B- 29 BII'1'ITLBD "RBS1'ORSIBILI'1'IBS 01' 011101.. 01' VACAII'l' BVILDIBGS, VACAft S'1'RVC'1'1JUS AIID VACAII'l' OR UBIKPROVBD LOTS" , .lDBDIRCI S1JJIPU'1' (I) BSTABLISBIBG PROVXSIORS COBCBRB%BCJ TJUI VSB 01' COBCU'1'B BLOCK OR OTOR D'l'JIUALS 01' TBB SAD D1JDBILI'l'Y TO SBC1JJtJI VACAft S'1'1lVC'1'1JU8 OR BVILDJ:BCJ8, ADDIRca 8VBVU~ (3) PaovJ:DIIIG 'ftD~ D'l'JIRraLS VSBD TO .BCUD A VAcmI'1' BVILDIBca OR S'1'1lVC'flJU BB PUI1'1'IID AS 1'1'8 enD. BZ'1'BUOR nLLS,. UPBALIBCJ ALL OItDIDllCIl. IX C01ll'LICT UanITB; PllOVXDIBG I'OR SBVBDBILI'l'Y; AI1D PROVIDIBG I'OR All BI'I'BCTIVII DA'l'JI. BB 1'1' OItDAIRBD BY TBB CITY COIIIIISSIOB 01' TJUI CITY 01' KIAMI BDCB, I'LORIDA: .BCTICB 1: l'1lID1RGS That the city Commi..ion of the city of Miami Beach make. the following' findings: 1. Many vacant and/or abandoned buildi~gs and structures within the City of Miami Beach are improperly maintained, unsecured, and vacant and are used by trespassers as "crack houses ,. or havens for illegal drug use and/or other criminal activity: and 2. Said buildings and structures are at risk to become fire traps as a result of their aforesta~ed usage and/or as a result of their usage as places of shelter by trespassers: and 3. In accordance with these above-stated findings, said buildings and structures create a nuisance to the public and a menace to the public health, welfare and safety. .BC'!IOR 2: That Subpart (i) of Section 17B-29 entitled "ReSponsibilities of owners of vacant buildings, vacant structures and vacant or unimproved lots" of Miami Beach City Code Chapter 178 entitled "Property Maintenance Standards" is hereby amended to read as follows: 1 'Words and figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and figures shall be added. The remaining words and figures are now in effect and remain unchanged. 1 ~. ~O.IO r- /"",, CUPTBR 17. PROPBRTY IlAI1I'1'BlIUTCB STUDARD8 * * * section 178-29. Responsibilities of owner. of vacant buildings, vacant structures and vacant or unimproved lots. * * * (i) All .a'.~ial. ~.ael ,. ~earel .r .ee~re a 7aeaft' ~9ilelift. a9aift.' .~ry shall ~e paift'eel ift a verBeftlille ~ashi.ft ift 1!ha sa.. aeler as e'her enerier vells ef ~e ~~ilelift.. (9rel. Ue. 97 2541, Sl). Everv owner of a bui1dina or structure that is vacant and unsecured shall secure all around floor entrances and other O"Qeninqs of said bui1dina or structure inc1 udina . but not l1.mi ted . to. windows and doorw~vs. Such vacant bui1dina or structure shall be secured and sealed with concrete block or other materials of the same durabilitv as determined bv the Bui1dina Official. . SB~IO. 3: That Subpart (j) be added to Section 178-29 entitled "Responsibilities of owners of vacant buildinqs, vacant structures and vacant or unimproved lots" of Miami Beach City Code Chapter 178 entitled "Property Maintenance Standards" to read as follows: (1) All materials used to secure a vacant buildina or structure shall be "Qainted in a workmanlike fashion in the same color as its other exterior walls. SB~IOB 4: UIt.~L.R All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SBC'J.'IOB 5: SBVBRABILITY If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. 2 T' ,~ SBC'l'IOB 'I Bn'BC'l'IVB DATB This ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its adoption on February 17 , 1990. PASSED and ADOP'l'BD this 7th day of February 1990. fl/~ VICE-MAYOR ( - -- - A'rl'BST: ~~ In (3~./ CXTY CLERK FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. By ~..c:s n.~ /ft'/~o f . 1st Reading 1/17/90 2nd reading 2/7190 Date DJT/bh 3 (l:C\ P. r"' ~ llEGULAll AGENDA - JANUARY 22. 1992 DISCUSSION PERTAINING TO CHANGES IN THE OPERATION OF THE COHMISSION STANDING COHMITTEES. (REQUESTED BY COMMISSIONER MARTIN SHAPIRO) ACTION: Commissioner Shapiro presented his proposed changes, and suggested the cost of staff preparation/attendance time be considered in the Committee operation. The Commissioners expressed their views on the proposal. Commissioner Shapiro's motion that Committee membership/chairmanship be rotated annually, died for lack of a second. Mayor Gelber (as Commissioner membership designator) advised that at the end of the year, he would consider changing the membership of the Committees based on performance, the Commission's wishes, etc. Committees to consider only matters assigned by the Cammiaaion. (Vote: 6-1; Vice-Mayor Eisenberg opposed.) A "Committee Assignments and Reports" item to be included on the Commission meeting agenda. (Vote: 7-0.) Later in the meeting, Commissioners indicated that the Administration should submit 2/5/92 a list of pending Committee agenda items for Commission consideration for referral to the Committees. C. I o. I 0 ACTION SUHKARY JANUARY 22, 1992 -21- r- .~ UGULAll AGDDA - JUNE 3. 1992 B. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO, 204-92 REVISED APPOINTMENT OF EX OFFICIO CITIZEN OBSERVER HEHBERS FOR CITY COHHISSION COHKITTEES. (POLICY APPROVED APRIL 8, 1992) (DEFERRED FROM 5/20/92) ACTION: Planning Board to designate a citizen representative (need not be Board member) to the Land Use & Development Committee; Budget Advisory Committee to designate such representatives to the Capital Improvements and Finance Committees. (Vote: 7-0.) Chairpersons of Community Affairs, Environmental & Clean City, and Rules & Special Events Committees to select citizen observer members. (Vote: 7-0.) c. , O. ( I ACTION SUHKAIlY JUNE 3, 1992 ~ ~ REGULAll AGENDA - FEBRUARY 5. 1992 R.-11. REPORTS (NOT ON AGENDA) (CONTIRlJED) *E. COMMISSION COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS ON CONSENT AGENDA: POLICY OUESTIONS At the City Manager's request, the Commission authorized Commission Committee assignments to be placed on the Consent Agenda for passage in one motion (items could be separated as desired). (Vote: 6-0; Vice-Mayor Eisenberg absent.) During discussion of item R-6D, Mayor Gelber advised that the COlIIRittees may, but were not required to, discuss matters referred to them. COlIIRissioner Gottlieb suggested parking items not be directed specifically to the Finance Committee. F. REOUEST FOR A LANDLORD'S I.IGBTS ORDIRARCE During discussion of item R-3C, Mrs. Gabrielle Nash-Tessler requested the City adopt an ordinance to protect landlord's rights. ADJOURNHENT: 6: SS p. m. CARLA BERNABEI TALAI.ICO, City Manager CBTjREB:dls c. 10. Id--- ACTION SUHHAI.Y FEBR.UARY 5, 1992 (' ~ JaAJa BDCII cxn comaSSXOll COArftBBS All committee meetings are called on an as-needed basis and are usually held in the City Manager'. Conferenca Roa... COMMITTEE NAME: capiul naprovaellt. co.m.ttaa COMHITTEE CHAIRMAN: David Pearlson MEMBERS : Sy Ei.anbar9 Susan Gottlieb STAFFED BY: Richard Gatti, Coordinator Jud Kurlancheek william Harrison SECRETARY: Bonnie Bai'lls COIIIIIrtD NAME: ~1DaDoa comaittaa COMMI'rrBB CBADUIAN: By EiSenberg IIBMBBRS : Hartin Shapiro Naisen Xa8din S'l'AFPBD BY: Carla Talarico, oaordina. Robert Nachling__ Pater Liu SBCRB'l'ARY: Jane Bines COMMITTEE NAME: comaunity ~f.ir. co.aittaa COMHITTEE CHAIRMAN: Abe Resnick MEMBERS : Neisen ltasdin David Pearlson STAFFED BY: stu Rogel Shirley Taylor-Prakelt Vacancy (Police Dept.) SECRETARY: Roberta Sloane COMMITTEE NAME: LaBel u.a &Del Davelopaellt COIIIaTTEE CBAIRMAI: Reisen Kasdin IlEllBBRS : By Bisanberg David Pearlson STAFFED BY: Stuart Rogel, Coordina. Willi.. Harrison Dean Grandin . Barry Mavrogenes SECRETARY: Althea Hall1llon COMMITTEE RAD: BDviroDaellt&l , Cla&D city COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: Martin Shapiro MEMBERS = . . Susan Gottlieb Abe Resnick STAFFED BY: Stuart Rogel, Coordinator Chief Braniard Dorris SECRETARY: Althea Ballllon COIIMI'rl'BB RAME: bla. Del spacial lVellt. COIIMITTEE CHAIRMAN: Susan Gottlieb MEllBBRS : Aba Re.nick llartin Shapiro STAFFED BY: carla Talarico, coordina. Robert Reboso SECRETARY: Roberta Sloane dllc;conn;oat. 'I1:camrn11a.cclm c. 10. (~ March 28, 1986 r- /"""', MIAMI BEACH CITY COMMISSION COMMITTEES PROCEDURES b) e City Man_ler or hi. Itaff de.lln.. to the committee shall determi If Issue Is appropriate for discussion before the committee pri to plac the Item on the City Commission Agenda. mllslon may refer a particular matter to a c ; 2) Any Department 01 or City Commlssloner w nl to surface an Issue at the committee level will transm memorandum to t City Manager for consideration for the committee agenda. 3) shall be 4) At the close of business e Secretaries will prepare a llst of Issues which have been re red to their committee discussion. Each morning the City Manager shall re 'II the 11sts of possible Issu or the committees, and If necessary, contact t Chairperson of the committee to ule a meeting. If the Chairperson agree he Committee Secretary will proceed to ct the other members and staff per f the committee for an appropriate time for con eratlon. ,) Coordinator of the committee will c:ontact the appropriate them of the impending committee meeting, and requesting those d to be in attendanc:e and fully prepared to d1sc:uss the Issues. Staff be held as necessary to coorcllnate the staff's position regardi.. the Issues. 6) Once a meeting date and time has been agreed upon, the Committee Secretary will RI'Yl ~ _ r a. II. .I. JJ L I. l, .... ...1&1 notic:e the press of the committee meeting, and will also notJfy the Staff Coordinator and the other department heads as necessary. The Committee Secretary will make arrangements for a tape recorder to be placed In the meeting room, and the Staff Coordinator shall be responsible for the maintenanc:e of the public: record of the meeting. At the close of the meeting the tape wUl be appropriately marked and sent to the City Clerk for retaining the publlc record. The Staff Coordinator wUl also prepare a summary of the issues discussed and the conclusions reached by the committee for use by the Chairperson in his report to the Citv CommissIon. A copy of the summary should be sent to the City Clerk along with the cap. tor storage. 7) A draft of the committee's actions will be first prepm:ed by the Staff Coordinator and then reviewed by the City Manager. The Committee Secretary '11111 type it in flnal form and send it to the Chairperson and other members of the Committee. 8) Issues discussed at the committee 91111 either be llsted as separate action Items on the City Commission Agenda or will be incorporated into the committee report portion of the agenda. 9) The Committee Secretary wUl maintam a l11e 01 the committee. This flle shall contain the notices to the committeeJ material distributed to the committee including copies of the committee reports; and the attendance llst for each meeting. R 'fIPtrs r /~ (!Ittf ~ 1/ttaHd ~ead . FLORIDA 33139 "Y ACA TIONLAND U. !;. A. .. O.PICI O. TNI CITY MANAGIR Roe W. PARKINI CITY MANAGIR CITY HALL 1701 CGNYIIIITICIiIt CUITIR DIIIYI TI..........: 113-7010 ca....ION MIMORANDUM NO. 7()-U DATI: January 22. 1986 FROM: MIYO' Ala ,........ of ? TO: Rob W. CIty ..... SUBJECT: COMMITTEES As I reported to you, at your last Commission Meeting, I am endorsing the concept of City Commission Committees designed for the I)urpose of addressing key Issues prior to full Commission action. As I noted, this process wouid permit the review of the complex SSDI negotiations by a Comr(1ittee on Land Use and Development; issues tied to bonds and financing by a Finance Committee; and Issup., related to Code Enforcement and Sanitation to be reviewed by an Environmental Committee. You will recaU I advised that we begin this process for a trial period to run through June, 1986. Consequently, I am recommending the creation of the following Committees: 1. Finance Committee: Chaired by Commissioner William Shockett with two additional Commissioners to be appointed. It is anticipated that the Parking Committee and the Bond Counsei Committee would become incorporated into the Finance Committee. Staffed by Carla Talarico, Robert NachUnger, and Peter Llu. :,:;1 "". ,q'H.1 ADMINISTRAnON RECOMMENDA nON: , '. ' 1 ',' I 1:~ .S That the Committees be established and members appointed. \~Ill nl i..I, .I,a [Kl,Cn RWP:gjg A8=~_~.R DATE ---1..2 2.. g, r-. /~ u.l 8-88 CQIIIIISSI~ IBIXWIIOI Im. 70-8S CRD'fICXI CII CQIIIIISSICXI u.....u~. AmlIRISftA'fICXI ~Clli TBAT '1'IIB FOLLOWING CCMII'l"l'BBS BB ESTABLISBBD AND MlMBERS APPOIN'l'BD: 1) CAPITAL IMPROVBMBMTS C(HU'l'TEB 2) COMMUNITY AFPAIRS CCMtI~ 3) !:NVIROHMBN'rAL COMMI'l'TBE 4) . PINANCB COfiIII'l'TBB t.1NCORPORATING BOND COUNSEL COMMI'rl'BE AND PARKING COMMITrEE) 5) LAND USE , DB\7BLOPMBH'l' COMMITTD 6) RULES , SPBCIAL BVBNTS COJIIIITTD (INCORPORATING PLAQUES , MDl)RIALS CCMU'l"l'BB: '1'0 RBVIW CI'l'YWIDS CITIZENS coaaTTD STRuCTUM) ACrI~1 Administration's rec~ndation approved, s.. .moranduII attached to Action SUBlUY for appointments. DAOUD: Mr. Parkins, __ea, C~is.ion ~tt..s. PARKINS I Yes, sir. Mr. Mayor and ..",ber. of the City CoBIie.ion, I'. going to pass out to you a _110 that reflects the discussion w' ve had previously and begins to streamline 80IMwhat so. of the co_itt.. procedures for the Commission and for the Administration. I reported to you at the c:o.aittsion _ting that ware endorsing the concept of City CO_ission comaitt..s designed for the purpose of addressing key issues prior to full co.ission action. As I noted, the process would perJlit the review of the COIIPlex SSDI negotiation. by the r~ission on Land Ose and Developllltnt, issues tied to ""nds and finance, by Pipance Ca.ittee, issues related to Code Snforce_nt and Sani tat ion to be reviewed by an Bnviroraental eo.aitt... You will recall I suggested that w begin the process for a trial period to run througb June 1986. After review with you, Mr. Mayor, and review with the _lIbers of the Co_ission,w've suggested the creation of the following COBIittees: A Pinance Committee. We'd r~nd . it be chaired by CoImissloner Williu Shockett. We need two additional CO_issioners to be appointed. You suggested you I d want to do that on a request basis (unclear, overlap) ... DAOUD: Ye., I'd like to. What I'd like to do is find out which eo.mis.ioners would like to ... PARKINS : be on which ~itt..? DAOUD: Yes. PARKINS: The second is the BnvironMntal ec.aittee chaired by Co.aissioner Ben Grenald, wi th two additional eo.is.ioners to be appointed. The staff person. are indicated. Land Use and Developlent ec.aittee, chaired by Vice Mayor Stanley Arkin. There are staff persons al80. The.e would be private development and land use activitie.. Rules and Special Bvents, cbaired by co..issioner Bruce Singer. Two additional Commis.ioners would be appointed. The Plaques and MeMorials Co.ittee would then be inCorporated into this and the additional responsibility would be added to revi.., the City-wide Citizens CO..ittee structure. This is in line with a conversation that Commissioner Resnick and I had most recently and we've had on other occasions with others of you, that we need to review periodically the structure of our citizens' comaittees. Fifth, Capital Improvements Comaittee, suggested chaired by Commissioner Abe Resnick. That would be the _jor capital i1Iprov..nts of the city. Sixth, the COIBunity Affairs Co.Iittee, chaired by Commissioner Sidney Weisburd. Be had been involved with the Buman Relations CoIIIIlittee if you recall, and that would be a primary responsibility aa well. This is a recallll8ndation to you. You may accept it a. proposed. You may change it in any way you would wish. Certainly if you accept it as proposed, we'd ask if you could then begin to designate the additional Commissioners for each. Keep in mind now that the OOM8ittees will meet then organizationally at first and we'll set up a regular schedule of activities. They are wsunshine comaitteesw and have to be noticed to the press. DAOUD: Pine. All right, we'll. take ... What .1 '11 do is request that you tell me which committees you would like to serve on. COMMISSION MINUTES - 1/22/86 page S3 I"'""' /"'"" RESNICK: Just a minute. Before we go ahead, 1 would like to mention that my item, a-9M, which is called the improved department operations, is some way related to this, was what Mr. Parkins had brought up. rrBII a-911 DISCDBSIOlI RllCaRDIRG x.1OVJID DBPARIlJl!llh.aL mmwn~. AerIeR I Commissioner Resnick suggested that Commissioner. be a.sig~ed as liaison to overs.. functions of vadous Ci ty departments. Commissioner Singer suggested that such would be contrary to City Manager/Commission form of government and that formulation/usage of COIIIIission COIIIIlittees (R-8B) would accOllpUsh desired effect. Mayor Daoud suggested Comaissioner Resnick meet with City Attorney regarding his proposal, and asked City Attorney to submit report and recommendation for 2/5/86 meeting. DAOOJ): All right, do you want to bring that up? RESNICK: Yes, I would like to .ee how ,.. can combine that. My ieSea was to have each Cc.lissioner take certain responsibility for 8CIIe of the depart:slents rather than to have COIIIIIli ttees, because I feel COBIi ttees are good soaetiJles, but ~i ttees are sOlll8tiDles also a waste of tiJle in the sense that they tie up staff and it takes thea quite a 10ft9 tiM to COIle up with some solutions. 1 felt that maybe each C~issioner, if he would be in charge of SOlll8 department, he would be able to look in and to see 80IIle deficiencies and cc.e up with 8ClIIe rec~ndations and then maybe bring it up before a co.aittee. So, _ybe we can find 80M lIiddle roadway for cc.bining ll-D and a-9II. SR~~r: Mr. Mayor. DAOUD: Commissioner Shockett. SROCKBT'l': Yes, I'll not sure 1 understand what is meant by -taking charge of a department-, number one. This list, this suggested list of committees f.R- 88), I think, is an excellent idea and it kind of like tracks what the County does. Por instance, the Convention Center Wxpansion we ..t with C~issioner Redford and his COIIIIi tt... They did all the leg work that had to be done for COIIIIission action and these co.Iittees here are for leg work for COIBission action as opposed to the function of the City adIIinistration through the various departments. So, 1 think that, one, just because we're talking about co_i ttee. , 1 think it's totally separate and apart frCII the issues that are raised by Con.issioner Resnick because these are things that a C~issioner does. A Co..issioner, if there are three, a chairman and two co..i ttee members, a lot of time that's taken up at a COIBission .eting w,ill be avoided and this, again, goes to the legislative function of the City, which is our function. So, 1 would Uke to address this separately and then hear in more detail what Commissioner Resnick is talking about in terms of -taking charge of a department- and having a COIBissioner responsible or looking into the operation of a departJlent. We approved today, on the agenda, the Touche Ross data acquisition, whatever you want to call that, because that is what is necessary to analyze, or properly analyze, whether departments are functioning properly and 8OonOllically and whether they need to be COIIbined, or duplication of work and services. So, 1 think that's separate and 1 would ... The only suggestion 1 have on this Ust, and 1 would volunteer for another C08Iittee as well, is that the Pinance Committee also include the Ci ty Attorney (R-88) because you're talking about Bond Counsel COIIIIi ttee, which is definitely legal-related. So, 1 would suggest that the City Attorney also be included in that co.ai ttee. 1 would like to be part of cOllllittee three, the Land Ose and Development COIIIIIittee. (1l-88) SINGER: Why don't we do this as far as that, the sheet that we got handed out, I'm just putting my name on the top of it and circling the two that I'm interested in and giving it to Mayor Daoud. SROCKBT'l': Well, everybody may want to be on the SaM co_ittee, so I think it's worthy ... SINGER: Should we work it out now at the table? Is that what you want to do? CC>>I4ISSION MINU'l'ES - 1/22/86 Page SA r- /~ SBOCIftT, I ... That'. the Mayor'. .ugge.tion. I a,ree with him. PARKl", May 1 juet quickly, parenthetically, add, eo.alaeioner, that the City Attorney and 1 would be involved with each of the.e c~itt..a. certainly a City Attorney m_ber would be assignee! aa a staff penon when required. SINGER: Something else I would like to say along the line of ec..issioner Resnick's proposal. What I think you're proposing is similar to what governments that are Commission form of governments, that aren't City Manager-City COIIIIIlissioner form of governMnts, have. When you have just a Commission form of government, sometimes they even get elected to a title of like Commissioner of AgricUlture or Commissioner of this, or once they become a Commissioner, they are as.igneeS specific duties with regard to certain departlMnu. But I've never eeen that type of propoaal in a city Manager- City eos.laaion form of government and I raally think what you're looking to accompliah will be accomplisheeS through thie organization that we're forming. I juat can't imagine myself being in charge of the Recreation Department. RESNICIt: Just a minute. We saw right now an example with C08Iissioner Ben Grenald and he did a marvelous jOb in the Cleanathon. SINGER: He doesn't have to be in charge of Sanitation to . . . RESNICK: Just a minute. But he knows exactly how this department is functioning and he haa his heart in that and I know that he is doing a good job and I don't see why he shouldn't in the future be one to take charge of thia . . . I don't .an .char,e. in the aenee of beincJ fullti_ there or anything, but in certain waya auperviae the depart_nt and know actually what's going on in the department. 1 think this would be helpful and I think our City Manager would be grateful to us if we are going to be helpful in this sense and look into some different deparbMnts and the functioning of the departments. DAOUD: I think what . . . SINGER: I don't think the City Manager would be grateful... RESNICK: Why not? SINGER: ... because what it does is puts i~ another layer of bureaucracy ... RESNICK: No. SINGER: that really those depart.ent heads are responsible to hill and he's responsible to us. If you do it your way, then the department heads are going to be responsible to us ... RESNICK: No, no, no, no, no. SINGER: . . . and we're going to COIle in between hill and the (unclear, overlap) DAOUD: Bold on, I think what CODIissioner Resnick is ... RESNICK: It's a misunderstanding. DAOUD: If I ... I think what he's trying to say is in the form of a liaison. In other words ... RESNICK: Right. DAOUD: ... we have liaison's for various other areas, such as construction. RESNICK: Yes. DAOUD: I think what he's saying is he'd like a liaison to be involved in ... RESNICK: Maybe I didn't express myself correctly, but ... COMMISSION MINUTES - 1/22/86 Page 55 ~ /""'"\ DAOODa A liai.on involved ... SINGBRa Isn't that something we do wh.nev.r we ... a need, or if a commission.r (uncl.ar, ov.rlap) RESNICK a No, but it should be on a perman.nt basis, so at l.a.t I can be in a certa1n way responsible for some function that I am going to ... DAOUD: May I make a .uggestion to you, CCDli.sioner. What I would do i. I'd suggest ... Why don't you meet with the City Attorney and get it worked out where it's proper under the Charter in exact terms, legally, that what it is, so that the next connission meeting what you can do is we want to make sur. it's proper with the Charter ... RESNICK a Excuse me. I have r.asOlls for cOlaing out with that, which I'. going to bring it up in the n.ar future. So... DAOODs Okay. And that way you can go ahead and bring in up in the for. ... if you'd do that, Mr. W.iner? Okay? RESNICK a All right. SlIOCItIlTTI W.ll, l.t'. go back to the ... DAOUD I ... the committ.... SBOCItBT'l' I the cc:..itt.... DAOUD s Y.s. SBOCKETT: I would Uke to serve on the Land Use and DevelOpMnt C~ittee. DAOUD a Fine. ARKIN: I would Uke to .erve on the Finance eo.itte.. DAOUD: Blaine, will you mark it down? COIIIIissioner ... PARKINS: I've got it, slr. DAOUD: . .. Shackett will serve on the ... SINGBR: I think you' r. going to need to choose IIOre than just one ... DAOUD: We're going to have two of th_. SINGER: Becau.e if you have six times three is eighteen, so eighteen divided by... DAOUDs Well we're ... SINGER a is .even .... DAOUD: These connittees operate in the sunshine, they're advertised, aren't they? PARKINS: Yes, sir. DAOODa So, I can put 1IIOre than on. Connissioner on the ccc.ittee? PARKINS: W. want ... SINGBR: Be's recOlllllending that there be three on each ... PARKINS: A Chairperson and two. DAOUD: Can I make a suggestion? Why don't we do this? Why don't we just have, instead of taking time at the table, have you gentlemen tell Elaine which ones you want to be on. You want to do it now? COMMISSION MINUTES - 1/22/86 Page 56 ,,-..... .1"""\ PARlINS. % think you'd ~ better .akin9 tho.e a. a mutual di.cu..ion. RBSRICK. Can we voice it right now and ... DAOUDs Sure. Of course if you want to RESNICK: Okay. DAOUDs Start with Commissioner Resnick. RESNICK. Okay. I would 11 ke to be on 3 and 5. (Cler k '. Hote. Land Use and DevelQpment Committ.. and Capital !~rove..nt. C~ittee.) DAOUD: All right. COBIlissioner Resnick will take one froa column three and one from column five. (laughter) PARKINS s Commiss ioner Resnick, you're the chairper son of number five. RESNICK s Okay, Une. DAOUD: All right? You got it, Blaine? C~iss1oner Shockett. I'. glad you are here. ZVerybody else would pass up ... SBOCltB'l"l's You're stealing my stuff now. (laughter) I would like one froa column three. (Land Ose and Development ConIIIittee) (laughter) DAOUD: All right. SINGBR: Are we allowed to order a COIIbination? (laughter) I would like to place ray order for number 2 and number 5. (Bnviro,..ntal Ccwmittee and Capital Improvements Committee) CtiARA PISBBR: WOuld you please elucidate so we know what ... DAOUD: Ye., ma'.. Two i. the Bnvironmental C~itt.. and number five i. the Capital Improveaents Co.titt... Now, Vice Mayor. ARKIN: I'd like one and five. DAOUD: One is Pinanee eo.aittee and five is the Capital Improvements C~ittee. RESNICK: Plus three. ARKIN: I'. chairman of three. RESNICK: All right. DAOUD: Land Use and Development. commissoner Grenald, what'. your pleasure? GRENALD: Well... I Uke to dance. (laughter) DAOUD: If you're asking me, I accept. GRBNALD: (laughter) let's see, I'.. not mentioning SOM of the other things I like to do. ~ ... BnviroftlMntal, which is two, which I'. chairing, and SHOCKB'l"l'1 Special Bvents? GRBNALDI You llean two besides that? PARKINS: Yes. DAOUD I Yes. SHOCKBTT: Ben, take Special Events. SINGER: You don't have to take ... C<HIISSION MINUTES - 1/22/86 Page 57 r- ,~ GRBMALD. No, no. SINGlR. Se want. bo get away fro. the Plaque. and ~rial.. (laughter) DAOUD: You know, we should do something with that plaques and Memorials. GRENALD: I will take four and ... COIIIIunity Affairs, no. one. (Rules and Special 'Events Committee and Pinance C~ittee) spaoe available on one, I would prefer that, Finance. and nUllber If there'. SINGER: Ben, why don't you want to be on Speoial Events? PARKINS: Be did, he said wfourw. GRBNALD. I all. DAOUD. Ben, which ones 40 you want bo be on? GRBHALD. I took one, two, and four. DAOUD. One is Finance Committee, two i. Bnvironmental Conmittee, and four i. Rule. and Speoial Events committee. ARKIN: One, three, and five are olosed out. DAOUD. Thank you. PARKINS: Can I give you a very quick s~ry, Mayor? DAOUD. Yes, sir. PARKINS: Number one now oontains eo.issioner Willi.. Shockett as ohair, with Commissioners Arkin and Grenald. as members. DAOUD. Read the naJM of the c::x-.i ttee 80 the people hear it. PARKINS. Finanoe Committee. Environmental Committee still has one vaoancy. We have COBDissioner Grenald as the ohair and eo.issioner Singer on that o~ittee. NWIlber three, Land Use and Development, ohaired by Vioe Mayor Stanley Arkin, Commissioner Shookett and ~issioner Resniok. Number four, Rules and Special Events, ohaired by Commissioner Singer, Commissioner Grenald. We have one vacancy. The capital Improvements Connittee, ohaired by Commis.ioner Resniok, Commis.ioners Singer and Arkin are members. We have ne one yet volunteering for number six. DAOUD: That's ConIIissloner Weisburd. ARKIN: That's his. PARlINS. That's his. COIIIIissioner Weisburd really would be ... ARKIN: Assign him to two and four (Environmental and Rules and Special Even ts) and we only have ... DAOUD: Okay, fine. (laughs) SINGER: Where's Alex? Is he on all of the.? DAOUD: Be's on all of th_. PARlINS: Yes, the Mayor is an ex offioio. DAOUD. Thank you. All right, now we'll go on to 1l-8C, the Marketing and Promotion. Is anybody here 'waiting on anything? No? Are you enjoying yourself? I'. glad to hear it, Charlie. You don't OOM that often. (laughs) COMMISSION MINUTES - 1/22/86 pp Page 58 r" .1"""\ C-SA COKHISSION HEHOaANDUK NO. 32-90 RENTAL FO llAIVEll FOR MIAHI lEACH CIWIID. Of' COHIIDCB IIZ lASH, TO BI HELD AT TIIB 10TH S'l'Uft OCEdftOft AUDITOaIVII, TUUDAY, naaUAaY 13, 1990, noM 2 TO . P... .. ADMINISTRATION UCOHHDDATIOR: TllAT TBI crn COHIIlSSIOR VAIVE TIIB IDTAL FEI: Aft DIUCT COs'l'(S) f'OR PDSONNBL, CLIAB-UP, OPDATIOR OF SAID FACILITY, ITC., INCUUIJ) BY TIll CITY, AU TO BI UIHBUUID. IN ADDITION, ALL SPICIAL EVERT UQUIJlnllnft'S, mCLUDIRQ IRSUlANCI, AU TO BI ADIIIUD TO. Action: Administration'. recomaendation appro.ed. Event will be open to the public and will ahowca.e the lIi..i leach Historic pre.ervation District. Note: EveRt will not interfere with the hot .a1. prolr..: however, Tue.day niaht'. 3uke lox proar.. will have to be cancelled. DAOUD: C-5A. The waiver of Ki..i "ach Chaaber opf Co_rce Biz Ba.h, 10th Street Audltorlua. PA1UCINS: Yes, sir. Ve recommend it. This is a fee vaiver where they will pay all other costs. A1UCIN: Kove it. SHOCKI'1'T: Second. DAOUD: It's moved by Commissioner Arkin, seconded by C~i.sioner Shockett. All in favor say, · aye. . COMKISSIONDS: Aye. DAOUD: Opposed? (No re.pon.e) Passe. unaniJlou.ly. (laughter) Clint voted in favor of it. lAt's get lIOVing. What'. the next thing? ~ . I- 3A. . COMMISSION KEMORANDUM NO. 37-90 BOARD AND COMKITrEl APPOIlftKINTS 1. COMMISSION MEKORANDUK NO. 703-90 APPOINTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVLEOPKENT ADVISORY COHKITTEE MEMBERS 2. CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO COHKISSIOlf SUBCOHKITTES. Action: No at-large appointment. ...de. 1. Deferred. 2. Kayor Daoud advised that the .ubcommitte. were appointed (see meeting back-up for cOllpositlon). The City Hanager advised that the name of the Environmental Co..ittee had been chansed to the Environmental & Clean City Co..ittee. (Al.o .ee related item R 9A) PA1UCINS: All right, sir, can 1 have ratification .... are you going to reappoint all the Community Develop.ent Advisory Co.-littee ...bers as they currently are? (All Commissioners talking at once) All right, pa.s on that then. Can 1 get confirmation appointments to Commis.ion subcommittees, Kr. Kayor? Is that acceptable to you? DAOUD: To COllllission, what? PA1UCINS: Subcollllittees. DAOUD: Yeah, I reappointed everybody ....(unclear). PA1UCINS: Very good, sir. DISCUSSION CONTINUES ON FOLLOWING PAGE WITH ITEK 1-38 COMMISSION MINUTES - 1/17/90 T8-1 Page 106 ('. /~ ".OLV'I%O. 110. 91-20386 A ..80LUTIO. 01' '1'D CI'IY COIIIII88IO. 01' 'fBJI OI'IY 01' NIAIII BDCS, I'LaaIDA ADOPl'IBG ROBBa'l' 8 aULBS 01' OmBa BBWLY RBVISBD (1"0 B4.) AS '1BB GBDRAL PARLIAllBlI'1'ARY LAW APPLICABLB '1'0 IIBB'IIHGS O~ 'fBB NIAIII BBACB CI'IY COXN%SSIOH. WDIlBA8, 1:he 011:y ot N1..1 ..ach 1. bound 1:0 tollow rule. pertaining to parliamen1:ary procedure as con1:ained wi1:hin its Charter, Related Laws and Code: and "'RBAS, in those instances when the city's Charter, Related Laws and Code do not expressly dictate parliamentary procedure, it is appropriate to apply general parliamentary procedure as set forth within Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised: and WBBRBAS, Robert'. Rule. of Order Newly Revi.ed (1990 Ed.) (and all subsequen1: amendments thereto) is the recognized authority for general parliamentary law applicable to meetings of elected and appointed bodies such as the Miami Beach City Commission. HOW, 'l'BBRBI'ORB, BB 1'1 DULY RBSOLVBD BY 'fBJI CI'IY COIIIIISSIOB 01' HB CI'IY 01' NIAIII BBACS, J'LaaIDA that Robert' . Rules of Order Newly Revised (1990 Ed.) (and all subsequent amendments thereto) is hereby adopted as the general parl~amentary law applicable to meetings of the Miami Beach City Commission and said Rules shall control in those instances with the city's Charter, Related Laws and Code do not expressly dictate parlimentary procedure. PASSBD and ADOPl'BD this 23rd day of October 1991. AT'l'EST: ~@-? VICE- MAYOR rJ(f~~~. CITY CLERK JKo/cna res/ord:e:\rObrul...r.. By Date C.IO. cZO r- o 12.1 MIAMI BUCH CITY CODE 1 2-1 AItIIM va..... ....11 ftIq -... Dl...... LApaoJ. 11-71.1. Ona& 01 power 01......' ....... ......... ..11'.......---- TnII& I\uIIlI. .....UaIuDeaL AUoe.tto. 01 JaIUl ....,.. PaJ-' lido Ja_ ., citJ. ADDuI appropriaUou ., cltJ. ..... aM -njuwtlou. ..............UI&j lor f\uacl ....,.. ArtIcle VII. CoIdnctL . 2-'73. Refual to waift immunity frumpl'OMClldoa to ,.alt III YOidIq of eoatnet. ArtIcle VlIL T.-...., 01 oman. .. . 2-'74. Refusal to tesdf,. Article IX. eo..... omc.n. .. . 2-'7S. RemonI from office. ArdeIe X. Lucllord ad Teua& ArWtndGII .....<.........) .11 :l.711IlJ ~_ Hepelded. AnIcIe XI. Can ... .......... 01,.,.. II 2.M:1. (konerally. AIIIeIe DI. DeIftNd eo...--- PIu Ibr ..'11'.... I 1-'12. 11-'J2J.. 11-'72.2. 11-7U. 11-'lU. 11-7U. AItIcIe XIII. ..--.......... ......... ..... II :! tW. City m.....-r and c'ky aUClmt!Y COM",_'ftd to ~ ...........Ip In tIN! retinonlent ,-em. Aldde L ID GeneraL .. See. 1-1. ('-_1--- - TIae or..I........ AD..!!I!!.Iar meedn~ the city commission wtJl be held at 9'.30 AM. Oilthe ftrst and d WednesdaJI of uch and ever)' month; provided, however, that the citycollllftlssion may from time to time cancel ancllor change the dates and ltarttng times of the meet:lnp as It deems advisable and proper. (Ord. No. 1812, I 1; Ord No. 7&-2036, 11; Ord. No. 84-2407, I 2.) I. 'or eharter proyilion u to the compo.ition and election of eommilliD...... see Char..' 8. Alto \he orpnization. de.. 01 commiuion. ... Char.. t 8. Alto powers paenlIJ of the commillion. Me Char.. t 21. . 1111 .... M1.1MI c. IO.c:t ~ r" .""""\ 18 Mwa BualorrCODB The maJOr shaI1 be the presidiDr offieer at the meetiDp of the eolDlDiuioD and shall bear the title of mayor and shaI1 have a voice and a vote ill the proeeediDlI of the city COIIUIliIIion but DO veto power, aad he may use the title of mayor ill any cue in which the execution of lepl iDltrumeata in writiDr or other neceuity arisiDr from the general laws of the state 10 requires; he IhaIIsign aU deeds, eontracta, bonda or other iDltrumeDta of writiDr to which the city iI a party when autboriud 10 to do by ordiDaDee or resolution of the city eommitlioD, but he shaI1 DOt have the adminilatratfve or judicial funetiaaI aad powers of a mayor UDder the reneral Jaw. of the state. He IhaII be recopiIed u the offleia) bead of the city by the courta lor the parpoM of Iel"\'iq cmJ process., by the governor in the eureiIe of IIIiJitarJ Jaw aad for aU eeremoDial pUl'pOHl aad he IhalI, ill addition thereto, perform such other duties u may be by ordiDance prescribed by the city eom",iuion. The city comllliMion abaU, at ita flnt meetinr after each reneral election, which shaD be witbiD tine da,. after the pneral e1eet:km, elect from ita IDelDbenhip . .......)"01' who dUl'iDr the .... or cUIabIUtr of the mayor, shall perform the duties of the mayor. In the ableuee or dilability of bot.h the mayor aDd n.mayor the said dutiel IhaII be perfOl'lDlcl by another member appoiDted by the eommiuioa. The city ClOIIUDiuion sball meet atauc:h tImeI u may be pl"l8Cribed by ordlnaaceornlOludon. The mayor, or the city ........, may eall~'" 'of the eolDllliuion upon at least twenty-four houn to each member, semtd personally, 01' left at hill aaual place of abode; provided, however, that the I'IC(1Iirement of I1ICb writt.eD notice may be waived at a apeeialllMlet:iDc by the unannnoaa vote of the eomllliaioa. No member of the city COIDIIliIIioD shaJl, durfDr the time for which he was eJected, be appointed or elected to any city office that has been created or the emolumeata thereof shall have been iDcreued during such time. ' 'I1lere ahd be a health .tvIIory board that wm hold regular meetlnp to review and acIvite the adminl8tratton and the c:ollUftJlldon of aD matters that relate to the haith,- welfare, and safety of the citIIlena of MIami Beach. 22 ..... -.... ... 18 C. \O.~~ I"'"' ;~ 18 ~ MIAMI BEACH em CoDE The mayor .haJJ be the p....idinr officer at the meetinp of the commission and shall bear the title of mayor and shaJJ have a voice and a vote in the proceedinp of the city commission but no veto power, and he may ute the title of mayor in any cue in which the execution of lepl instruments in writinr or other neceuity arisinr from the pnera! Jaws of the state so requires: he shaJJ .im aU deeds, cont:ractl, bonds or other instruments of writinr to which the city is a party when authorized so to do by ordinance or resolution of the city conuniaaion, but he shaJJ not have the administrative or judicial functions and powers of a mayor under the reneral !aWl of the .tate. He shaJJ be reeomized u the official head of the city by the Courts tor the purpose of serviDr civiJ proceues, by the govemor in the exercise of military Jaw and for all ceremonial purposes. and he shaJJ, in addition thereto, perform such other duties u may be by ordinance prescribed by the city colllllliuion. The city commiuion sha~ts ffrat mee~ after each A'eneral eJectiOn. which .baD be . three _VI P th~ era! eJeedOn elect. from ita members' a vic:e-ma or wh unn e ence or . bili . of the ma or, s orm the datfa. of the mavor. n e a nee or JI& ty 0 e mayor and vice-mayor the said duties shaU be performed by another member appointed by the commission. The city commission sbaJJ meet at such times u may be prescribed byordinanc:e or resolution. The mayor, or the city manarer, may call speeiaj meetinp of the commission upon at leut twenty.four bours' written notice to eacb member, served personally, or left at his usual piaee of abode: provided. however, that the requirement of such written notiee may be waived at a special meetinr by the unanimous vote of the . commission. No member of the city commission shaJJ, durinr the time for which he was eleeted, be appointed or eleeted to any city offiee that has been created or the emoluments thereof shall bave been increased d1ll'inc IUch time. There shall be a health advisory board that will hold reauJar meetinp to review and advtae the administration and the eommJasfon 01 aD matters that relate to.the health, weltare, and safety 01 the clttIens 01 MJam1 Beach. 22 Supp. -41, s-u 18 c. '0. ~O ;f"'--.. , ~ REGULAR AGENDA - lIOVEMBBR 4, 1987 R-8. OLD BUSINESS AND ADMINIS'1'RATIOR REPORTS (COR'l'INtJBD) C. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 767-87 PLANNING BOARD'S RECOMMENDATION TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO: 1) CBANGB ZORING OF PROPERTIES ON OCEAH TBRRACB FROM. RM-60 TO MIXED USE ENTERTAntMEN'I DISTRICT (MXE); AND, . 2) INCLUDE PROPERTIES FRONTING HARDING AVENUE, COLLINS AVENUE, OCEAN TERRACE, ANt ATLAN'l'IC WAY FROM 73BD S'rRBft 1'0 87'fB 'DUACB, UNDER THE DBSIcaf RBVIBW PBOCBSS. 1. PROPOSED ORDINANCE. 2. A RESOLUTION CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: THAT THE CITY COMMISSION SCBBDtJLB A PUBLIC BEARING Te CONSIDER THE BOARD'S RECOMMENDATION. (ZONING AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT) ACTIeR: Resolution No. 87-19065 adopted, calling hearing for January 6, 1988, at 2:45 p.m. R-9. 1IBW BUSINESS AND CDMMISSIOR IIBQI]BSTS ~. SELECTION OF VICB-MAYOR. ACTION: Commission established policy of rotating position of Vice-Mayor every four months, with sequence determined by drawing. Vice-Mayor terms selected Sidney Weisburd Bruce M. Singer Abe Resnick Ben Z. Grena1d Stanley B. Arkin William E. Shockett as follows: 11/4/87 - 2/29/88 3/1/88 - 6/30/88 7/1/88 - 10/31/88 11/1/88 - 2/28/89 3/1/89 - 6/30/89 '7/1/89 - 11/7/89 Note: Commissioner Resnick originally drew second term and COIIIDissioner Singer the third. By mutual agreement, Commissioner Singer took second term and Commissioner Resnick thE third. B. COMMISSION f4EMORANDUM NO. 768-87 STATUS REPORT ON SELF-INSURANCB PROGRAM (AUTOMOBILE AND GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS EXPERIENCI FROM 12/11/85 THROUGH 9/30/87, WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIMS EXPERIENCE FROM 12/1/86 THROOGl 9/30/87, FUND INTEREST INCOME REPORT). (REQUESTED BY VICE-MAYOR WILLIAM E. SBOCKE'rr) ACTION: Written report filed for information only~ no action required or taken. ELm 01' AGENDA ADJOURNMENT: 11:41 a.m. ROB W. PARKINS, City Manager RWP/EMB: d1s ACTION SUMMARY (R-8C - R-98) NOVEMBER 4, 1987 -9 " ~ ORDIDIICB 110. 91- 2744 AM ORDIDIICB OW TBB CITY COMRISSIO. OW TBB CITY OW KIUI BBACB, WLORIDA, AllBllDIIIG IIIAIlI BBACB CITY CODB CD.,.. a., .1I'I'%TL8D "8'1".".; .%DDALU AlII) .uaL%C WACILITIBS," AllBHDIlIG AIlTICLB V, BII'1'ITLBD "DIIIIIG OW PUBLIC I'ACILITIBS 1UID STUBTS," AllBIIDIIIG SBCTIOII 3'- 25 BY ADDIIIG DBI'IIIITIOIIS reR "PLAZA" 1UID "PUBLIC I'ACILITY"; AllBHDIlIG SBCTIOII 3'-27 BY BDJlPrIlIG IlAllBS SBLBCTBD I'OR PLAZAS 1UID III'1'BRIOR PORTIOIIS OW PUBLIC BUILDIlIGS I'ROII '1'BB UQUIRBllJlII'I OW APPROVAL BY A MAJORITY OW TBB BLBC'1'ODTB AT A UI'BUIIDUII; PROVIDIlIG rea SBVBRABILITY, UPBALI.G ALL ORDIDIICBS III C01O"L%CT BB~n, UD PROVIDIIIG JIOR All B.nCTIVII DAD. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. S.Ct:iOD 1. That Section 39-25 of Article V, entitled "Naming of Public Facilities and streets" of Miami Beach City Code Chapter 39, entitled, "Streets, Sidewalks and Public Facilities" is hereby amended to read as follow: s.c. 3'-25 DefiDit:iOD8. (a) cit:y Co_issioD. The governing body of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. (b) Co_it:t:... The Rules and special Events COlDlDittee created by the city cOlDlDission on January 22, 1986 or any other such cOlDlDittee designated by the city co_ission to review and recommend names for public facilities and streets located within or owned by the City of Miami Beach. Cc) lI.iD St:reet:. One of the following roadways located in the ci ty of Miami Beach: MacArthur Causeway - 5th Street, Venetian Causeway, Dade Boulevard, 41st street, 7lst street, Normandy Drive, Collins Avenue, Washington Avenue, Indian Creek Drive, Pine Tree Drive, Alton Road, Lincoln Road and Ocean Drive. (d) Pl.... An ooen oublic sauare. Ce) Pu))lic facilit:v. Anv oub1ic buildina. olaza or oark owned by the city of Miami Beach. Sect:iOD 2 That Section 39-27 of Article V, entitled "Naming of Public 1 C.~O.IO r-. i",",,\ Facilities and streets" of Nialli Beach city Code Chapter 39, entitled "streets, Sidewalks and Public Facilities" is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 39-27. Public hearing' I .election of n_e by ci ty co..l..lonl referen4ua. (a) Within a reasonable time atter receiving the recommendation tor a naming or renaming trom the committe., the city commission shall call a public hearing. (b) Notice of a public hearing regarding the naming or renaming of a public facility or street shall be published at least ten days prior to the hearing in a newspaper ot general circulation in the city of Miami Beach. (c) At the close ot the public hearing the city commission may select a name tor or rename the subject public tacility or street. In selecting the na.e, the co_ission shall be governed by its established selection criteria I however, the name selected need not be one recommended by the comaittee. (d) Where a public facility other than a olaza or any interior oortion of a oublic facility or main street is to be named, the city commission may only consider a name which has been approved by a majority ot the members ot the Rules and Events Committee. Additionally, any nam.' G selected by the city commission must be approved by a 5/7th's vote and must be submitted to the electorate of the City by reterendum at the next regularly scheduled election. The name selection shall be approved by a majority of the electorate voting in the reterendum. SBCTIOR 2. SIIVIIDBILIft If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provisions and such holding shall not attect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. 2 " .1"'""\ SBCTIOR 3 RBPDT... That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict be and the same are hereby repealed. SRCTIO. 4. B~~BC'1'IVB DA". That this ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its adoption, on June 1 ,1991. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of May , 1991. A'rrEST: /4LL1 _~-{ul~ ?~~ CITY CLERK SWS/jcl (.: \ch8pter39. ord. ) 1st reading 4/24/91 2nd reading 5/22/91 FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. ey !:i"~._ ~ o.a. S'-.2-q( 3 f'. ~ ORDIDII~ 110. 91-2748 All ORDIDIICB OJ' TBB CIn COIIIIISSIOB OJ' TIIB CITY OJ' HIUI BBACS, J'LORIDA, AJIBIIDING KIUI BBACS CITY CODB CRAftBR 3', BftITLBD "S'1'RBBTS, SIDBDLU UD PUBLIC J'ACILITIB8", AIIIIIfDING ARTICLB V, BBTITLBD "'IBG OJ' PUBLIC I'ACILITIBS UD STUBTS", AllBIIDING SBC'l'ION 3'- 2' BY PROVIDING THAT STUBTS UD PUBLIC I'ACILITIBS SHALL NOT BB RaKBD OR RBRaHBD J'OR LIVING PBRSONS, PROVIDING I'OR SBVBJUUlILITY, RBPULING ALL ORDIIlAllCBS IN CODLIC'! BBRBWITH, UD PROVIDING J'OR U BnBC'l'IVB DATB. BB IT ORDAIHBD BY TBB CITY COIIIIIS8IOB OJ' TBD CIn OJ' KIAH% BBACS, PLORXDA: s.ctio. 1. That Section 39-26 of Article V, entitled "Naming of Public Faciliti.. and streets" of Miami Beach City Cod. Chapt.r 39, entitled "Streets, Sidewalks and Public Facilities" is hereby amended to read as follows: S.a. 3'-2'. R.vi.. ..4 r.ao....4.tio. c~itt... The committee shall establish selection criteria which, when approved by the city commission, shall govern its name selection process. Whenever a name is needed for a n.w public facility or street or whenever there is a proposal to rename an existing public facility or street within or owned by the City of Miami Beach, said naming or r.naming shall first be considered and reviewed by the committee designated by the ci ty commission according to the following procedures: (a) Any person, organization, association, corporation or other entity including a member of the city commission or the administration of the city may propose a name for a new public facility or street or may propose renaming an existing public facility or street at any time by Submitting a proposed name to the committee. (b) within a reasonable time after receipt of said proposal the committee shall meet to consider and review proposals for the naming or renaming of said public facility or street. Notice of the meeting shall be given f', !~ to all persons or entities which have proposed names for the public facility or .treet under construction. (c) After reviewing the proposal in accordance with the established selection criteria the committee shall transmit a written recommendation to the city commission regarding the proposal: the recoDDlendation may also include any nam.. propo.ed by the cODl1litte.. Cd) Notwit:hatandina any ot:h.r Droviaion of t:his ordinance. streets and oub1ic facilities shall not be named for livina oersons: orovided however. that this provision shall not aDD1v to streets and Dub1ic facilities named or renamed orior to the effective date of this ordinance. Sect:iOD 2. several:tilit:v. If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. Sect:iOD 3. ReDealer. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. sect:iOD 4. _ftect:ive Dat:e. This Ordinance shall take effect on the 29th day of June , 1991. PASSED and ADOPTED this 19th day of June , 1991. ~ ATTEST: LF/SWS/jc1 (a:\Pubfacilities.Ord.) FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. 5~~ By s-:z.- 11 Date 7~~f~~ CITY CLERK (Requested by Commissioner Abe Hirschfeld) 1st reading 5/22/91 2nd reading 6/19/91 2 r-. ORDIIIANCB 110. ^ 92-2783 . All ORDIDlfCB 01' '!'JIB KAYOR UD CITY 00l1li18810. 01' '1'BB CI'1'Y 01' MIUI BUCII, I'LaRIDA RB8CIJlDIIIG RB80L1J'1'IOB RO. 8'- 184'1 UD CRBATIIIG JIB. PROCBDU1lB8 BY nICS PUBLIC PROPBRTIE8 OWJIBD BY THB CITY 01' MIUI BUCII .ILL BB COll8IDBRED I'OR SALE UD/OR LEASB; PROVIDIBG I'OR RBPDLBR, SBVBRABILITY UD BI'I'BCTIVB DATB. WHEREAS, on June 18th, 1986, the Mayor and City commission of the City of Miami Beach adopted Resolution No. 86-18491 which established procedures for the sale and/or lease of City properties; and WBBRBAS, the City of Miami Beach is desirous of establishing new standards and guidelines by which public properties shall be considered for sale and/or lease. 80., TJlBRBI'ORB, BB IT ORDAIDD BY TBII CITY 00l1li%8810. 01' TBII CITY 01' IIIUI BUCII, I'LaRIDA: SBCTI08 1. DBI'I8ITIOIl8: (a) Sale: The sale of City property shall mean any conveyance, transfer, gift, exchange or other transaction in which legal title passes from the City to any person or entity, whether or not the City retains any partial title, interest, reservation, easement, right-of-way, restriction or license in regard to the property. (b) Lease: The lease of City property shall mean any right to lease City property by way of agreement, irrespective of consideration being paid to the City, and irrespective of the City also utilizing or being allowed to utilize the property for any purpose during the term of the lease. For purposes hereof, the term "lease" shall not include special event permits, revokable permits or concession agreements, convention center or T.O.P.A. use agreements, or leases for a term of not more than one (1) year, including option periods. (c) Property: City property shall mean to include, but not be limited to, any land, water, or air rights. SBCTIOR 2. Prior to the sale and/or lease of City property, the City Commission shall hold a public hearing, advertised not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing, in order to obtain citizen c. ~o.clO r-. 1"""'\ input into any pI ~osed sale and/or lease. SBeTtOR 3. In order for the City Commission and the public to be fully apprised of all conditions relating to the proposed sale and/or lease, the Planning Department shall prepare an analysis using the following criteria: 1. Whether or not the proposed use is in keeping with city goals and objective. and conform. to the City comprehensive plan. 2. The impact on adjacent property, including the potential positive or negative impacts such as diminution of open space, increased traffic, noise level or enhanced property values, improved development patterns and provision of necessary services. Based on the proposed use of the property, the City shall determine the potential impact of the project on City utilities and other infrastructure needs and the magnitude of costs associated with needed infrastructure improvements. Should it become apparent that further evaluation of traffic impact is needed, the proponent shall be responsible for obtaining' a traffic impact analysis from a reputable traffic engineer. 3. A determination as to whether or not the proposed use is in keeping with a public purpose and community needs, such as expanding the City'S revenue base, reducing City costs, creating jobs, creating a significant revenue stream and improving the community's overall quality of life. 4. Determination as to whether or not the development is in keeping with the surrounding neighborhood, will block views, or create other environmental intrusions, and evaluation 2 ~ i~ of the design and aesthetic considerations of the project. 5. The impact on adjacent properties, whether or not there is adequate parking, street, and infrastructure needs. 6. A determination as to whether or not al ternati ves are available for the proposed disposition, including assembly of adjacent properties, and whether the project could be accomplished under a private-ownership assembly. 7. Within the constraints of public objectives, the department should examine financial issues such as job generation, providing housing opportunities, and the return to the City for its disposition of property. 8. Such other issues as the Planning Department may deem appropriate in analysis of the proposed disposition. S.OTIO" 4. There shall be no sale or lease of City property unless there has been an advertised public bidding process. In addition, the sale or lease shall comply with all requirements of State, County and City laws and regulations. For any sale or lease of City property there shall also be an independent appraisal of the fair market or rental value of the property. The appraiser must be experienced in determining a reasonable return for projects of a public/private joint venture nature. Should the purchaser or lessee be unwilling to pay the cost of such appraisal, then any such cost may be deducted from a bid bond or similar deposit made in a bid process. In regard to all leases of more than five (5) years, including option periods, the conditions of this section 4, and in regard to leases of five (5) years or less, including option periods, the conditions of this section 4, and Section 2 above, may be waived by a 5/7 vote of the City Commission upon a finding by 3 r-.. . 1""""\ the City commission that the public interest would by served by waiving such conditions. In regard to any sale, the conditions of only this section 4 may be waived upon a 5/7 vote of the City commission upon a finding by the City commission that the public interest would be served by waiving such conditions of bidding and/or appraisal for the disposition of the property. SBCTIOR 5. All costs associated with the sale or lea.. procedures addressed above shall be, at the option of the City, paid by the purchaser or lessee. SBCTIOB .. uvwaLW. That all ordinances, resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict be and the same are hereby repealed: and that Resolution 86-18491 is hereby repealed. SBCTIOR 7. SIIVJIItABI LI'l'Y I f any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SBCTIOR 8. B:.nc-!IVIl DA'l'. That this ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its , PHSRD and ADOP'1'BD this 17th adoption, on June 27, 1992. ATTEST: telut(,~ f: g,1U',<jJJy ~ J7etil1.tU.. J! ~Weu CITY CLERK )(~~, 1st reading as amended 6/3/92 2nd reading 6/17/92 JCD/cnm .tac4 a:ord11-Z5.Jcd (Sponsored by Commissioner Shapiro) FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. By "Tc. 1) Date b" 11.. t:j )... 4 ~ r"\ I'I'BIIIl-9D DISCIJ8SIOI IIBCUDDG RBVISIOI ~ PD.'W-t..a lOR ~ULftR'I' .~IQIAL 8BanCIIS 8BL11C'fIc.s. AC!IOIz No opposition expressed to City Manager/City Attorney'. recommendation that City adopt state procedure for con.ultant or profe..ional .ervice. .election. (reque.t letter. of int.re.t, short-list lett.r., issue RFP only to 6 or le.. firms) to expedite proc.... PARKINS: We have this discussion, briefly, revision of procedures for consultant professional services ..lections, in the r.view of the stat. procedure. that you approved earli.r on the light rail (C-SC), they follow a practice that we would racollllll.nd b. adopted and that is that they ask for letters of inter.st on a particular consultant or professional s.rvice issue and th.n short-li.t the lett.r. of inter.st and only put out an RFP to six or less firm. 80 that your RFP process really is a lot faster. W. don't get bogged down in creating lengthy boUerplated docwaents that simply slow down the process. I have consulted with the City Attorn.y and we'd rec~end that we change the procedure and adopt the State procedur.. GRBNALD: That doesn't require any action, does it? PARKINSz Ho, if you have no obj.ction, we will do that unl... the (ov.rlap) GRBNALD: Then I would make a motion to direct you to proceed with that proc.dure and report back to us. PARKINS: And you'll see the results of that on the first professional service or consultant we have. Status report on self-insurance is 1l-9I'. That's included within your . . . BADR: You had a motion? PARKINS: I don't think we really need it. Absent any objection we will proceed. R-9P is a status report on self-insurance. Unless th.re are questions, that completes our ag.nda, Mr. Vice Mayor. GRBNALD: I lUk. a motion that we adjourn. WBISBURD: Second. There being no furth.r busin.ss, at 5:20 p.lI. the ...ting was adjourned on motion of COIlIllission.r Gr.nald, seconded by C~issioner W.isburd, unanimously carried. Mayor Daoud and C~issioner 9in r absent. A'l"l'EST: 4-.laL;.1 fh G-k/ City Cl.rk COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 '1'5 Page 90 C.~o.'o r-. ^ ORDIDIICB RO. 92-2785 All ORDINAlICB 01' '1'IIB MAYOR AND CI'1'Y COJIHISSIOR 01' HB CI'1'Y 01' MIAMI BBACH, I'LORIDA AKBRDING ORDIDIICB RO. '2-2777 WHICH BS'1'ABLISBBD LOBBYIS'1' RBGIS'1'O'1'ION S'1'UlDARDS J'OR '1'IIB CI'1'Y 01' MIAMI BBACH, BY BZBHP'l'IIIG I'ROM '1'IIB RBQUIRBKBJI'l'S 01' RBGIS'1'RA'1'IOH ALL NO'1'-I'OR PROI'I'1' UID CBIl'1'AIII O'1'BBIl RBPRBSBJI'l'A'1'IVBSI BDKP'l'IIIG PRIIICIPALS UID '1'BBIIl A'1''l'OIUtBYS, AGBJI'l'S, BKPLOYBBS UID ALL O'l'JIBRS RB'1'AIJlBD III CODBC'1'IOII WIH PROCBBDINGS COIICBRIIING CODB VIOLA'1'IORS OR O'1'llBR IIQUASI-CRIKIDLII BBUIHGS I PROVIDIHG I'OR IHCDASBD DGIS'1'O'1'IOH I'BISI PROVIDING POR RBPBALBR, PROVIDING POR SBVBRABILI'1'Y, UID PROVIDING POR All BI'PBC'1'IVB DA'1'B. WBBRBAS, on March 4, 1992, the city of Miami Beach adopted a lobbying registration ordinance which requires lobbyists, as defined therein, to register and pay a registration fee for such activity; and WHIDAS, there are certain proceedings, such as Code Enforcement, Special Master, Unsafe structures Board and Administrative hearings which compel an individual's attendance and as such, require individuals to come within the prescriptions of the registration ordinance; and WBBRBAS, in addi tion to experience showing that certain exemptions should be made regarding registration, the City Clerk has determined that the fees currently assessed cannot pay for all administrative time expended to ensure compliance with this law. BOW, '1'IIBRBI'ORB, BB 1'1' ORDAIIIBD BY '1'IIB CI'1'Y COJIHISSIOH 01' '1'IIB CI'1'Y 01' KIAMI BBACH, I'LORIDA I SBC'1'ION 1. That the following definitional section of Ordinance 92-2777 is amended as follows: (a) The term "commissioners" shall refer to the Mayor and members of the City Commission. (b) The term "autonomous personnel" shall include but not be limited to the members of the Housing Authority, Personnel Board, Pension Boards, and such other autonomous or semi-autonomous authorities, boards and agencies as are entrusted with the day-to- day policy setting, operation and management of certain defined functions or areas of responsibility. '--.. 10.0' r" 1"'"'\ Cc) The term "quasi-judicial personnel" shall refer to the members of the Planning Board, the Board of Adjustment and such other boards and agencies of the City that perform such quasi- judicial functions. The Code Enforcement Board. 'Nuisance Abatement Board. SDecial Master Hearinas and Administrative Hearinas shall not be included for Dureoses of this Ordinance. Cd) The term "advisory personnel" shall refer to the members of those city boards and agencies whose sole or primary responsibility is to recommend legislation or give advice to the City Commissioners. Ce) The term "departmental personnel" shall refer to the City Manager, all Assistant City Managers, all department heads, the City Attorney, Chief Deputy City Attorney and all Assistant City Attorneys, provided however. that all deDartmental personnel when actina in connection with Administrative Hearinqs shall not be included for Dureoses of this Ordinance. SBCTIOB 2. The term "lobbyist" means all persons, firms, or corporations employed or retained, whether paid or not, by a principal who seeks to encourage the passage, defeat, or modification(s) of any (1) ordinance, resolution, action or decision of any Commissioner; (2) any action, decision, recommendation of any city board or committee; or (3) any action, decision or recommendation of any personnel defined in any manner above, during the time periOd of the entire decision-making process on such action, decision or recommendation which foreseeably will be heard or reviewed by the City commission, or a city board or committee. "Lobbyist", as defined above, specifically includes the principal~ as described above, a. well as any agent, attorney, officer or employ.e ot a principal, regardle.. ot whether .uch lobbying activities tall within the normal scope of employment of such agent, attorney, officer or employee. SBCTIOB 3. That Section 3 of Ordinance No. 92-2777 is amended as follows: All lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities, register with the City Clerk. Every person required to so register shall (a) register on forms prepared by the clerk, (b) 2 r- .~ pay a registration fee of twenty-five dollars and (c) state under oath his or her name, business address, the name and business address of each person or entity which has employed said registrant to lobby, the Commissioner or personnel sought to be lobbied and the specific issue on which he or she has been employed to lobby. Any change to any information originally filed, or any additional City Commissioner or personnel who are also sought to be lobbied shall require that the lobbyist file an amendment to the registration forms, although no additional fee shall be required for such amendment(s). The lobbyist has a continuing duty to supply information and amend the forms filed throughout the period for which the lobbying occurs. If the lobbyist represents a corporation, partnership or trust, the chief officer, partner or beneficiary shall also be identified. Without limiting the foregoing, the lobbyist shall also identify all persons holding, directly or indirectly, a five percent (5') or more ownership interest in such corporation, partnership, or trust. Separate registration shall be required for each principal represented on each specific issue. Such issue shall be described with as much detail as is practical, including but not limited to a specific description where applicable of a pending request for a proposal, invitation to bid, or public hearing number. The City Clerk shall reject any registration statement which does not provide a description of the specific issue on which such lobbyist has been employed to lobby. Each person who withdraws as a lobbyist for a particular client shall file an appropriate notice of withdrawal. In addition to the registration fee reauired above. registration of all lobbyists shall be required ~rior to October 1st of every even numbered year and the fee for biennial registration shall be one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00). Initially. all lobbvists .ha1l reai.ter on or be~ore Oc~ober 1. 1992. In addition to the matters addressed above, every registrant shall be required to state the extent of any business, financial, familial, or professional relationShip, or other relationShip which gives rise to an appearance of an impropriety, with any current City Commissioner or personnel defined above who is sought to be lobbied as identified on the lobbyist registration form filed. The 3 r- /~ registration fees required by this subsection shall be deposited by the clerk into a separate account and shall be expended only to cover the costs incurred in administering the provisions hereof. There shall be no fee required for filing a notice of withdrawal and the City Manager shall waive the registration fee upon a finding of financial hardship, based upon a sworn statement of the applicant. Any person who only appears as a representative of a not for profit corporation or entity (such as a charitable organization, a neighborhood or homeowner association, a local Chamber of Commerce or a trade association or trade union), without special compensation or reimbursement for the appearance, whether direct, indirect or contingent, to express support of or opposition to any item, shall not be reauired to register with the clerk as required by this subsection, ~~~, ~peft re~es~, shall fte~ ~e re~ired ~e pay afty re~is~ra~ieft fees. Copies of registration" forms shall be furnished to each Commissioner or other personnel named on the forms. SB~XO. 4. That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 92-2777 is amended as follows: Any public officer, employee or appointee or any nerson or entity in contractual privity with the City who only appears in his or her official capacity shall not be required to register as a lObbyist. SBCTXOB 5. That Section 5 of Ordinance No. 92-2777 is amended a. follows: Any person who only appears in his or her individual capacity at a nublic hearina before the City Commission. Plannina Board. Board of Ad1ustment or other Board or Committee and has no other communication with the Dersonnel defined in Section 1 above. for the purpose of .elf-representation without compensation or reimbursement, whether direct, indirect or contingent, to express aupport ot or oppoaition to any item, ahall not be required to register as a lobbyist, includina but not limited to those who are members of homeowner or neiahborhood associations. All sDeakers shall. however. sian-uD on forms available at the public hearina. AdditionallY. any person reauested to apDear before any City 4 (\ ^ personnel. board or commission. or anv oerson comoelled to answer for or aooealina a code violation. a nuisance abatement board hearina. a sDecial master hearina or an Administrative hearina shall not be reauired to reaister. nor shall any aaent. attornev. officer or emD10vee of such Derson. .BCT:IOlf .. In addition to the reaistration reauirements addressed above. all city deoartments inc1udina the offices of the Mavor and citv Commission. the offices of the citv Manaaer and the offices of the city Attornev shall maintain sianed "sian-in" leas for all non-city emDlovees or Dersonnel for reqistration when they meet with anv personnel as defined in section 1 above. .BC'r:IOB 7. commencing ~ october 1, 1992, and on ~ October 1 of each year thereafter, the lobbyist shall submit to the City Clerk a signed statement under oath listing all lobbying expenditures in the ci ty of Miami Beach for the preceding calendar year. A statement shall be filed even if there has been no expenditures during the reporting period. The clerk shall publish logs on a quarterly and annual basis reflecting the lobbyist registrations which have been filed. All logs required by this ordinance shall be prepared in a manner substantially similar to the logs prepared for the Florida Legislature pursuant to section 11.0045, Florida Statutes. All members of the city commission, and all city personnel defined herein shall be diligent to ascertain whether persons required to register pursuant to this subsection have complied. Commissioners or city personnel may not knowingly permit themselves to be lobbied by a person who is not registered pursuant to this subsection to lobby the commissioner, or the relevant committee, board or city personnel. The City Attorney shall investigate any person engaged in lobbying activities who are reported to be in violation of this section. The City Attorney shall report the results of the investigation to the City Commission. Any alleged violator shall also receive the results of any investigation and shall have the opportunity to rebut the findings, if necessary, and submit any 5 I"" ~ written material in defense to the City commission. The City commission may reprimand, censure, suspend or prohibit such person from lobbying before the commission or any committee, board or personnel of the city. SBCTXOlf 8. UP.ALIIR That all ordinances, resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict be and the same are hereby repealed. SBCTXOR I. SBVBRABXLX'lY If any section, sub-section,' sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. S.C'lXO. 10. BRIIC'l'rlII DATB That this ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its adoption, on June 27, 1992. PASSBD and ADOPTBD this 1992. ATTEST: .-f). CI-U ~ .' ILU'IrA.~t.L r. OJIU'x.; I.. /lca-a6.t ~ ~ CITY CLERK .. .....J-. ~I.~ JCD/CNM .iac4. .:\4-6'92.ORD (Sponsored by Commissioner Pearlson) Additions shown by underlinina. Deletions shown by s~rilf.e e1:l~s. 1st reading 6/3/92 2nd reading 6/17/92 FORM APPROVm LEGAL DEPT. By T(.. ~ Date b-/7~1- 6 I""" ,0 OItDIDIfCB 110. 92-2777 all OItDIDlfCB O. '!JdI DYOR A1ID CIn COIlllI88IO. O. '!JdI CI" O. IIrAII% BDCB, .LOaIDA UOIIIDI.G UTICLB III O. CDftBR 2 O. 'rBB CODa O. ORDIBaHCB8 O. 'rBB CITY O. HIAH% BBACJI JlftITLIID "STUDJUU)8 O. COIIDOCl ~R CITY O.JlIC.as A1ID BHJJLoU.SII BY ADDII1G SOB811C1IOR 2-48 IDI'l'ITLBD "toBBYIBG", JJROVIDII1G. D..II1ITIORS UID UQOIlUl1G UGISTllATIOI1 UID .IxaBCIAL DISCLOSURB BY ALL .BGaG.D III LOBBYIBG AClIVITIas, PROVIDIBG ~R RBJJDLBR, JJllOnDIRG .OR 8BVB1lABILIft, UID PROnDIBG ~R All ....ClIVII DAn. , . WBJIUA8, all citizens of the City of Miaai Seach have the right to know how their elected and appointed officials make decisions and carry,ut their func:t:ions in a manner that CiJUarantees all ac:t:ions are taken in the best inter.sts of the City, and 1IDJUIU, this right of the people to know inciudes ascertaining the names of, all parties having an interest in the outcome of a legislative or administrative decision, and who meet with the elected or appointed officials outside of the public's view, and WBBJUIU, in order to continue to restore confidence in the citizens of Miaai Seach that the current Mayor and city commission will und~rtake reforms of past practices that sometimes left in doubt the fairnes., openne.s and honesty of Government, the Mayor and City Commission wish to pass into law measure. to assure that special interests" do not obtain a greater voice in the decisions of the city than the voice and opinion held by any individual. IIOW, TJlBUJlOU, B. IT ORDAInD BY 'fD CITY CODIS8IOB O. 'fD CIn O. MIDI BDCK, .LOaIDAI SlImIOR 1. The following definitions shall apply for purpose. of this new section 2-48: (a) The term "commissioners" shall refer to the Mayor and members of the City Commission. (b) The term "autonomous personnel" shall include but not be limited to the members of theaousing Authority, personnel Board, Pension Soards, ZlIld such other autonomous or semi-autonomous authorities, boards and agencies as are entrusted with the day-to- day policy setting, operation and management of certain defined functions or areas of responsibility. (c) The term "quasi-judicial personnel" shall refer to the L. ,0. , 0 ;-... /~ members of the planninq Board, the Board of Adjustment and such other boards and aqencies of the City that perform such quasi- judicial functions. (d) The term ftadvisory. personnel" shall reter to the members of those city. boards and agencies whose sole or primary responsibility is to recommend leqislationor give advice to the City Commissioners. (e) The term "departmental personnel" shall refer to the City Manager, all Assistant City Managers, all department heads, the City Attorney, Chief Deputy City Attorney and all As.istant City Attorneys. ..e!'1:0II I. The term "lObbyist" means all persons, firms, or corporations employed or retained, whether paid or not, by a principal who seeks to encourage the passage, defeat, or modification(s) of any (1) ordinance, resolution, action or decision of any Commissioner, (2) any action,. decis~on, recommendation of any city board or committee, or (3) any action, decision or recommendation of any personnel defined in any manner above, durinq the time period of the entire decision-making process on such action, decision or recommendation which fore.eeably will be heard or reviewed by the City Commission, or a city board or committee. "Lobbyist", as defined above, specifically includes the principal, as described above, as well as any aqent, attorney, officer or employee of a ,principal, reqardless of whether such lobbying activities fall within the normal scope of employment of such agent, attorney, officer or employee~ .Be!'%OB 3. All lobbyists shall, before enqaging in any lobbying activities, register with the city Clerk. Every person required to so register shall (a) register on forms prepared by the clerk, (b) pay a reqistration fee of twenty-five dollars and (c) state under oath his or her name, business addre.ss, the name and business address of each person or entity which has employed said registrant to lobby, the Commissioner or personnel sought to be lobbied and 2 I"'"' ,-., the specific issue on which he or she has been employed ~o lobby. Any change ~o any informa~ion originally filed, or any addi~ional Cl~y Commissioner or personnel who are 'also sough~ ~o be lobbied aball require tha~ the lobbyis~ file an ..endaen~ ~o the regis~ra~ion forms, al~hough no addi~ional fee shall be required for such amendmen~(s). The lobbyis~ has a con~inuing du~y ~o supply informa~ion and amend the forms filed throughou~ the period for which the lobbying occurs. If the lobbyis~ represen~s a corpora~ion, partnerShip or ~rus~, the chief officer, partner or beneficiary shall also be iden~ified. withou~ lillli~ing the foregoing, the lobbyis~ shall also iden~ify'all persons holding, direc~ly or indir..::~ly, a five percen~ (5') or more ownership in~er.s~ in such corpora~ion, partnership, or ~rus~. Separa~. regis~ra~ion shall ~e required for each principal represen~ed on each specific issue. Sucb issue shall be described wi~ as much de~ail as is prac~ical, including bu~ no~ limi~ed ~o a specific descrip~ion where applicable of a pending reques~ for a proposal, invi~a~ion ~o bid, or public heaz-ing number. , The ci~y Clerk shall rejec~ any registra~ion sta~ement which does no~ provide a descrip~ion of the specific issue on which such lobbyist has been employed to lobby. Each person who withdraws as a lobbyist for a particular clien~ shall file anappropria~e no~ice of withdrawal. In addi~ion ~o the ma~ters addressed above, every regis~rant shall be required ~o S":jl~e the extent of any business, financial, familial, or professional rela~ionship, or other rela~ionshipwhich gives rise to an appearance of an improprie~y, with any curren~ city commissioner or personnel defined above who is sough~ ~o be lobbied as iden~ified on the lobbyis~ regis~ra~ion form tiled. The regis~ra~ion tees required by this subsec~ion shall be deposited by the clerk in~o a separa~e account and shall be expended only ~o cover the cos~s incurred in administering ~h. provisions hereot. There shall be no fee required for filing a no~ice of withdrawal and ~he Ci t.y Manager shall waive the regist.rat.ion fee upon a finding of financial hardship, based upon a sworn st.at.ement of the applicant.. Any person who only appears as a represent.ative of a 3 ~ ~ ..m%o. 4. Any public officer, employee or appoin~ee who appears ~nly in his or her official capaci~y shall not be required to register as a lobbyist. ..m%o. B. Any person who only appears in his or her individual capaci~y for the purpose ot selt-represen~ation wi~hout compensation or reimbursement, whether direct, indirect.or contingent, to express support ot or opposition to any it.., shall not be required to reqister as a lobbylst. .Bm%o. .. CODlDlencing 'July 1, 1992, and on July 1 ot each year thereatter, the lobbyist shall submit to the City Clerk a signed statement under oath listing all lobbying expenditures in the City of Mi..i Beach for the preceding calendar year. A statement shall be tiled even if there has been no expenditures during the reporting period. The clerk shall publish logs on a quarterly and an annual ~asis retlecting the lobbyist registrations. which have been tiled. All logs required by this ordinance shall be prepared in a aanner substantially similar to the logs prepared tor the Florida Legislature pursuant 'to Section 11.045, Florida Statutes. All members of the City Commission, and all city personnel detined herein shal.l be diligent to ascertain whether persons required to register pursuant to this .subsection have complied. cODUllissioners or city personnel may not knowingly permi t themselves 4 I"'"" ...-.., to ba lobbied by a person who is not registered pursuant to this subsection to lobby the commissioner, or the relevant committee, board or city personnel. The City Attorney shall investigate any person engaqed in lobbying activities who are reported to be in violation of this section. The ci ty Attorney shall report the results of the investigation to tho city commission. Any alleged violator shall also receive the re.ults of any investigation and shall have the opportunity to rebut the findings, if necessary, and submit any written material in defense to the City commission. The City commission may reprimand, censure, suspend or prohibit such person from lobbying before the commission or any committee, board or personnel of the city. S.C'!IOII 7. UP..LJlR That all ordinances, resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict be and the same are hereby repealed. S.O'1'IOII 8. SBVBRABILI'1'Y If any sectio~', sub-section, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this c~'dinance is for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct :and independent provision and such holding shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. S.O'1'IOII I. ....CTIVB OAT. That this ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its adopticn <Xl March 14 , PASS.O and ADOP'l'.O this 1992. A'rl'EST: ,.- ~~ L~~ CITY CLERK 1st reading 2/19/92 JCD/CNM 2nd reading 3/4/92 JCD/LF A:\'-27-92.ORD (Sponsored by commissioner Neisen o. Kasdin) corrected 3/12/92 FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. ~. 5 By -~ ~~ Date 3. ~. ~).... r-. ~ USOLU'!IOR 1fO. 92-20462 A DSOLU'l'IOR 01' T1III CI!'Y COIllUSSIOB 01' .,.. CI!'Y 01' KIU! BDeB, I'LORlDA, DIUC'fIRca .,.. CI'IY IlADGla !'O uvoa ALL cuaun .aauRca DlCAL8 ISSUBD .IDOUT I][.IO!'IOR DA'II, UID PROVlDIRca !'HA!', DIUIU!'IR, WID T1III I][CIPlIOR 01' 'IUl'ODRY .I"I!'S ISSUID J'OR Dlan DAYS oa LlSS, ALL CI'IY .U1tIIlG DlCALS ISSOIID !'O ALL eI'IY U.LOYI18, BOAJU) UD CO_1ft.. ....... UD ALL 0"". IIIDIVIDUALS 80LL BI I8801D OIlLY olf A DU.LY BASIS UD 80LL B. I88U1D OIlLY !'O PI..OIIS ~IICJAGID III DGULAR UID ..CISSARY, SIRVICII 'rJ !'JI1I eI!'Y nICK DQUID8 'fBIIII !'O PUlt A VlJlICLI A!' MB!'BRBD LOCA!'IOIIS WIDIII !'JI1I eI!'Y. ...aaaa, monies generated by metered parking within the City are a significant source of revenue needed for the operation of the city'. parking system; and WDUU, the city cOJDJlli..ion believe. that, with the exception of decals issued to certain active city ..ployee., city parking decals exempting the recipients from paying for metered parking within the city of Miami Beach should only be issued to persons who are currently engaged in regular and necessary service to the city and who need to park a vehicle while performing such service; and WIIIRBU, the ~~ity cOJDJllission has been informed that city of Miami Beach Parking decals have been issued to certain recipients who are not currently engaged in service to the city, and that the exemption of such persons from the necessity of paying for metered parking within the City is unwarranted and costly to the city; an4 WIIIRBU, the city cOJDJllission believes that, with the exception of temporary permits issued for thirty (30) day. or le.., city parking decals should only be issued on a yearly basi. so as to insure that they are being i.sued to appropriate recipients. 110., DIRBJ'ORD, BI 1'1 DULY RBSOLVBD BY T1III eI!'Y COIIIII8SIOII 01' TO CI'IY 01' KIU: ~inCH, I'LORIDA, that the city Manager is hereby directed to revok~;. all current city of Miami Beach parking decals issued without expiration date at the earliest pract~cal date, and that hereafter, with the exception of temporary permits issued for thirty days or less, all parking decals issued to all city employees, Board and Committee members and all other individuals 1 1'.10.10 f' /~ shall be issued only on a yearly basis and shall be issued only ~o peraon. engaged in regular and nec..aary aervice ~o ~e ei~y which require. ~em ~o park a vehicle at~ metered loca~ion. wi~in ~e City, the Administration is further directed ~o notify all curr.n~ holders of City parkinq decals of ~his Re.olu~ion as soon a. I possible. .U88D ael aDOPOD this 19th day of , 1992. ATTEST: ~.J C.~ CITY CLERK (Reques~ed by Commissioner Susan F. Go~~lieb) pkdec.\ 1 . r.. FORM APPROVED LEGAL DEPT. By 5........." r......-i,.. - Date ~. 1'1- ".'1. 2 r" .~ ORDIDIIC. 80. 10- 2690 U ORDIDIIC. 01' TD CIn COIIIIISSIOB ,0. TD CIn O. IIIHI BUCH, .LORIDA, AllBJlDIBG CDPl'BR .... O. '1'BB IIIHI B.ACH CITY COD. BftITLBD "VIIBICUS UD TRAP.J:C" BY ADDIBG U UTJ:CLB XIJ: 'l'IIBUJ:B 1I11'1'J:TLIID ....8J:D.lI'1'J:AL .AJtKIB" DUJ:T." BY DEPJ:IIIIIG TB_ TDUIB / CUATIIIG USIDBII'1'IAL PERIIJ:T PAIlKIIIG AUU DO PROVIDIBG PO. PAIlKIIIG TDUJ:lI, PROVIDJ:IIG PO. UD UGULATIlIG '1'BB ISSUUC. O. PBRIIITS UD 'IJDI PLACIIIIBII'I O. SICDlS WIDIB DBSIGDHD UBU, BSTULISBIBG BJO'O.~ JlJla8OU8 AJID ~ D8K%'r VJ:OLATIOBS, PROVIDIBG USftIc-rIO.. OB nRlU'1' BOLDB", PROVJ:DJ:BG PO. RBVOCA'1'IOB O. PBRIIJ:T8 UD PBDL'1'J:B8, UD .8'1'ULJ:8BJ:BG CDP1'.. IIXBHP1'J:Oll8, .aoVJ:DJ:BG PO. ....aaaJ:LJ:TYI "PBALIBG ALL ORDJ:DIICB8 III COIII'LJ:c-r TD_ID, PROVJ:DJ:lIG PO. U ....C'!J:VJI D&T.. B. IIf ORDAIDD BY TD CIn COIIIIISSI08 O. '1'BB eIn O. IIIAIlI BUCH, .LO.IDAI S.c-rIOll 1. '1'ha~ Chap~.r .... of ~h. lIi_i B.ach Ci~y C04. .n~i ~1.4 ''V.hicl.. an4 Traffic" i. h.reby _.nd.4 by adding an &r~icl. XJ:J: .n~i tl.d "...i4.ntial parking p.rai t." , to r.a4 a. follow.1 UlfICU XII. USID...,J:AL pa..Y.G ""YTS. S.c-rJ:Oll ....-82. DBCLaRATJ:Oll O. Dezs8J:n UD PURP08.. J:~ i. h.reby found and 4.clar.4* 1al '1'ha~ th.r. ..i.t. within c.rtain r..id.ntial ar.a. of the citv. h.avy conc.ntration of v.hicl.. which Dark all 4av or all .v.nina. or which ia ~h. ...aina hour. are 4riv.a th.r.ia without .D.cific 4..tiaatioa and coaareaatiaa a~ varlou. ~ia~. co..it~ina off.a... _aala.t ~h. D.ac. an4 4iaaitv of the citv an4 the r..i4.at.~h.r.of. ~ That the pre..ac. of th... v.hicl.. cau.. vehicular coaq..tioa oa r..i4.a~ial .tr..t.. i~.4. the .ov...nt of ~raffic' an4 unduly r..~ric~ .atrv of r..i4.at. ~o ~h.ir ho.... 1 P.IO.~O " ~ J.sLl !'hat .uch vehicular coage.tioa cre.te. DOlluted air. ..ce..ive aoi.e. aDd tra.h aDd refu... 1Al That the coaditioa. aDd evil. .eatioa.d ia .ub..ctioa. f.). fb). aDd fc) of this ..ctioa cr..t.. bliaht.d or d.t.rior.t.d r..id.ati.l .1'.... lAl. Th.t ..tabli._.at of r..id.ati.l D.rIli t D.rkiaa .1'... .ill h.1D to Dr...rY. the ahar.at.r of th... ar... a. r..ldaa~lal aelabborbood.. will Dre..rY. Dro~ertv v.lu... aDd will Dr...rY. the ..f.tv of childr.a aDd oth.r D.d..triaD.. .1fl Th.t ..tabli._.at of r..id.ati.l D.rIli t ~arkiaa .1'... .ill DrOllot. effiai.aaY ia the _iat.aaDa. of tho.. .tre.t.. j,gl B.t r..id.ati.l D.rIli t Darkiaa reaulatioa. .1'. a.a....ry to DrollOt. the h..lth. ..f.tv. aDd ..If.r. of the iahabitaDt. of the aitv. S.a. 44-83 D..I_I"IO_S. .01' tb. ~UrD08. of S.atioa. 44-82 throuab aDd iacludiaq 44-89. l.al "...id.ati.l ar.... .h.ll ..aD a aoatiauou. or a..rly coatiauou. ar.. coat.iaiaa Dublia .tr..t. or part. thereof Dri_rilv abutted by re.id.atial DroD.rty or r..id.ati.l aDd aoDbu.ia... DrOD.rtv .uah .. .ahool.. D.rk.. aburah... ho.~it.l.. aDd aur.iaa bOlle.. A r..id.ati.l ar.. .b.ll aoat.ia .t l...t oa.-b.lf of . aity block bord.r.d bv thr.. Dublia .tr..t.. aDd. if th.r. i. aD all....v. .180 bY aD all.,...,. .na "Co_uter v.hial." .hall a.aD a aotor v.bial. OD.rat.d ia or ..rk.d ia . r..id.ati.l .r.a bv . D.r.oa DOt . r..i4.at th.r.of. 1stl. "I.D.at.d bY a~t.r v.hial... .h.ll ..aD, fl) A aoaditioa .h.rebv fi) the tot.l Dl1.har of sDaae. .ctu.llv oacuDied bY aDV vebiale. exceed8 70 Derceat of the ftl1.har of SDace. oa such .treets oa 2 r'- ,-..., the weekdav. of oT aollth, od. fii) the averaae ""nlher of co..u1:.r v.hicl.. aarkilla Oil .1:r..1:. ill a r..idell1:ial area i. ill esce.. of 25 ,.rcellt of 1:he Dn_h.r of aarkiaa .aac.. Oil such .1:r..1:..or .La.L A coacti 1:ioll wh.reby _ UDdu. ""nlhar of co..u1:.r vehicl.. .r. b.iaa driv.a ia1:o or 1.f1: ia a r..ict.a1:i.l .r.. recmlarlY _1:...8 1:h. hoar. of 7 I 00 a... _d aloo .... of 1:b. followiaCl d.y. a.rkiaCl 1:her.ia for aurao.e. UDr.lated to r..id.a1:ial u.... s.c. ....-8... OOA.,%O. O. OS%D...,%AL ..RII%., .Ult%.a AD... 1Al Wh.aever 1:h. ci 1:., lIaIlaaer .h.ll aaJt. . de1:.naia.tioa 1:h.1: . r..ict.a1:i.l .r.. i. hm.ct.d bY co..u1:.r v.hicle. ia .ccord_c. .i1:h 1:be cri1:.ri. ..1: for1:b ill sec1:ioa. ....-82 _ct ....-.3. he ..v iai1:iate1:h. cre.1:ioa 1:h.r.ill of a r..icSell1:i.l a.nai 1: tt.rkiaCl are.. A reaue.1: for a d.1:.naia.1:ioa bv the city __.aer ..~ .1.0 be iai1:iated throuah a.1:itioa of . ..iori1:v of 1:h. boa. ficS. r..ict.a1:. of . r..id.a1:i.l ar... ~ Af1:.r iai1:i.1:ioa of tbe creatioa of . r..ideatial tt.nai 1: a.rkillq ar.. !rf 1:b. ci tv lIa1lll.CI.r .. ..1: fonh above the city co__i..ioa .hall hold a aublic h.ariaa oa 1:he ..1:ter. such aublic b.ariaCJ .h.ll be b.ld oalv .f1:er fi) 1l01:ice. h.ve be.a ..il.d or aer.oaallv delivered to every hou..holct 1:ha1: c_ reasoaabl v be e.tabli.hed wi 1:hia 1:h. area UDct.r coa.ider.1:ioa. aDd fii) 1l01:ice ha. beea DO.ted ia the .rea UDd.r coa.ider.1:ioa fif1:..a f15) ctav. arior 1:0 1:h. h..riDCI 4.1:.. '1'h. D01:ic. ahall cl..rly a1:a1:. 1:h. aurao.e of 1:b. h..riaa _ct th. ..ac1: 10ca1:ioD aDd boUDctari.. of 1:h. aroDo..cS r..i4.a1:i.l aarkiDCI D.nai1: .r... 1S!l. Th. city co__i..ioa .hall. bv re.olutioa. .Darov. or cti.aDDrov. 1:b. cr..1:ioD of 1:h. r..ict.a1:i.l DarkiaCl D.nai1: .r... 3 f'"', I'" s.c. 44-85. ISSuaBCB O~ PB.-y~SJ .LAC.~ O. SIGB8. 1Al .0110vinG city co..i..ion aDDroval of the d..ianation of a r..id.ntial DarkinG D.rait ar.a. the dir.ctor of the aarkinG d.D~.nt .hall i..u. the aDDroDriat. D.rai t. aDd .hall cau.. DarkinG .ian. to be .r.cted in the ar... indic.tinG the ti_.. aDd 1oaatioaa wh.r. ~.rait aarkinG .h.ll b. a.raitt.d. and cl..rlY .tatinq "~ov-AvaY Ion.... .al. A a.rai t sh.ll b. i..u.d UDOn aaDlic.tion aDd 9.va.nt of f.... if aDY. only to the own.r or the oD.r.tor of . _otor v.hicl. who r..id.. on DroD.rty i...di.t.ly .diac.nt to . .tr..t or oth.r loc.tion within the d..ian.t.d ar... l2l. ..rait f.... if aDY. .hall be aDarov.d bv r..olution of the city C~i..ion. jjl ~h. .9Dlication for. D.r.it .h.ll cont.in the naa. of the own.r or oD.r.tor of the aotor vehicl.. r..id.nti.l .ddr.... ~hon. .IBlhar. the _ak. aDd _od.l of the aotor v.hicl.. . CO~Y of the .aDlicaDt'. driv.r'. lic.n... aDd. Dhoto.tatic CODY of the v.hicl. reai.tr.tion. ~. D.rait .h.ll be r.n.w.d in D.r.on ._i-allllually QpOn .uch condition. aDd aroc.dur.. .. sp.cifi.d bv the DarkinG d.p.rta.nt. If the .DDlicant i. . 1...... . CODY of . curr.nt v.lid 1.... .howinG Droof of r..id.ncy .hall .1.0 be ..d. Dart of the .DDlic.tion. .1A1. ft. a.rai t .h.ll be di.al.y.d on the 10w.r left corner or the out.ia. r.ar window or on the l.ft r..r buaD.r of the v.hicl.. 1fl ~h. dir.ctor of the D.rkin9 d.D.rta.nt i. h.r.bY .uthori..d to aak. ~rovi.ion. forI 111 ~h. i.suaDc. aDd coll.ction of f.... if any. for t~r.rv D.rai t. to bona fide vi.i tor. to r..id.nc.. wi thin d..ianated r..ia.ntial D.rai t 4 ,,-... .1""'\ parkilla ar._, uac1 1J.l 'lb. issuaIla. of sD.aial ,.nal~. ~o allow s.rvia. uac1 c1.liv.rv v.bial.. ~o Dark ill ~b. ar.a UIlc1.r eKtellua~illa airftUa.~aIla.s. s.c. 44-8'. PUKIIIG III U8IDmrrraL PB-r'1' ARIAS · 1&l '!h. hold.r of a resid.ll~ial Darkilla Derai~ which is ~rOD.rlv c1isDla..c1 sball be D.nal~~.c1 ~o s~aIlc1 or Dark a ao~or yehicle ill ~he aDDro~ria~el T desiG'Da~.c1 Darkilla area. While a yehicle for .hich a residell~ial Darkilla Derai~ ha. beell is.uec1 is so Darkec1. sucb Derai~ shall be c1isala..c1 so a. ~o be al.arlY visible ~o .llfora".Il~ D.r.ollll.l. a r.sid.ll~ial Darkiaa D.rai~ sball ao~ auarall~.. or r.s.rv. ~o ~b. bolc1.r a DarkiaG saaa. .i~bia ~b. de.iG'Da~.c1 DarkiaG ar.a. jJll a r.sic1.Il~ial Darkiaa D.rai~ sball po~ aa~horis. ~b. bolct.r ~b.reof ~o ,ark ia SDaa.s or ar.as ct.sicma~.c1 bv la. as r.s~ria~.c1 or Drobibi~.c1 DarkiaG floactiaa soa.s. fir. hYc1rua~s. disabled or o~h.r .uah raaula~.c1 ar.a.). aor sball i~ ....n~ bi. or b.r froa ~b. ob..rvalla. of aIlV ~raffia raqula~ioas. o~h.r ~hall Darkiaa ~tae ltai~s. 12l 'Ii.. liai~s for Darkiaa ia .aab r.sic1.a~ial ~.rai~ ar.a sball be DOS~.ct ia ~laia vi.. uac1 sball be s~ria~lv .afora.c1. S.a. 44-87. lDIft)ac....... . V.bicl.s foUllc1 .i~bia a r.sic1.a~ial D.rai~ ar.a dariaa ~b. ~ia. liai~s DO.~.c1 .i~hou~ a yalic1 D.rai~ for ~ba~ ar.a 1AL sball b. is.u.ct a UIliforll ,arkillq ai~a~ioll Dur.uaa~ ~o 8.a~ioa 30-388.25 of ~b. ..~roDOli~aIl Dact. CoUll~V COc1.. aIlc1 jJll aav be ~o..ct DursulUl~ ~o 8.a~ioa 30-384 of ~b. .e~roDoli~aIl Dact. COUll~V Cod.. 5 ~ ~ s.c. ....-88. PARKIRG PBIUI1''f VIOL&'fIO... I~ shall b. unlawful for all. D.r.OD ~o r.Dr...D~ ~ha~ h. or sh. i. .D~i~l.d ~o a r..id.D~ial DarkiDa D.~~ Wh.D h. or sh. is DO~ .D~i~l.d. or ~o hold or di.Dla. .uch a p.rai~ a~ all. ~i.. Wh.D ~h.. are DO~ .D~i~l.d. s.c. 44-89. RBVOCA~XO. O~ P."X~. &KD .~x... J.&L. '1'h. dir.c~or of ~h. DarkiDCI d.Darbl.D~ i. au~hori..d ~o revoke ~h. r..id.D~ial Darki.a D.~~ of allY i.dividual fouDd ~o b. iD viola~ioD of ~h. DrOYi.ioD. of ~his ordiDaIlc.. 1Jtl. ~ailur. ~o surr.Dd.r a r.vok.d D.rai~ wi~hiD ~.D (10) worki.a da.. of wri~~.D Do~ifica~ioD fraa ~h. DarkiDa d.Dar~.D~ .hall carrY ~he fOllowiDa D.Dal~ie.1 111 '1'he .iola~or .hall DO~ be allowed ~o re-aDD1. for aIlo~h.r D.rai~ for .iz .oD~h.. 111. ODce re.~or.d. if ~h. D.~~ holder .hould ODce aaaiD have ~heir D.rai~ revoked Jw ~h. deDar~eD~. ~he r..id.D~ would be re.~ric~.d fro. aDDI.iDa for ODe Year. .ec. 44-90. .)[.....%0... Vehicle. wi ~h valid halldicaDD.d lic.D.e Dla~e. i..ued bY ~he DeDarbleD~ of .o~or Vehicle. and disDlayiDa ~h. iD~erDa~ioDall.-acceD~ed wheelchair ...-bol. handicaDDed 9arltiDa D.nai ~. or di.abled ve~.rall ao~or vehicle liceDse Dla~. are eS_D~ fro. ~he raauir_.D~. of .ec. 44-82 ~hrouah.44-89. SlICTIOR 2. .....DBILIn. %f allY .ec~ioll, .ub.ec~ioD, clau.. or provi.ioD of ~hi. ordillallce is held illvalid, ~he r_aiDd.r .hall DO~ be aff.c~.d by .uch iDvalidi~y. .BCTIO. 3. CODLIC'f. All ordiDaIlc.. or par~. of ordiDance. iD cODflic~ her..i~h be aDd ~h. .... ar. h.reby r.p.al.d. . ,-... ~, SBCTIOR 4. ....CTIVB DA~. Thi. ordinance .hall take effect ten (10)> day. after it. adoption on the 31st: day of March , 1990. PUSBD and ADOPl'.D thi. .ll!.L day of March , 19'0. otn 01' IIIUI BDOB atte.t Byl ~b~n~~ 1st Reading 3/7/90 2nd Reading 3/21/90 FORM APPROVED D 7 /""". !'""'\ BQUIM ~ - JAJmUJ' 18. 1989 R-7. IIB8CK.U'fI~ ~1aIUI5U) C. A RESOLUTION OP TBB CITY cc::MUSSION or THE CITY or MIAMI BEACH, I'LORIDA, AtJ'l'BORIZING THE MAYOR AND THI!: CITY CLBRK TO BXBCtJ'l'B AN ~ ~ TO THE IB<<WAIIDOII 0/1 A!o~..h...... BB'l'WBBN THI!: CITY or MIAMI BBACB AND '1'BII PLoaJ:DA CIIPARlMIH'l' or NM'UML RI'OUacllS COIICBRI1J:NQ ... ... OPBR 1Ma! _'III CUR COa\8'1' PmJIICI". 1. AMBNDMBNT TO THE MBI<<>RANDUM OF AGRBEMBN'l'. (CITY MUAGBR' S OI'l'ICB) AerIC." Reso1ation Wo. 89-19510 aaopte4, ..nding the MeaorandUII of Agreement with DNR by outlining the distribution of funds derived frOll parking meter collections, parking meter enforcement, parking meter collection and maintenance, and the obligation to secure and pay for title insurance. The City Manager advised the City would provide for the title insurance, up to $28,000, to be reimbursed by the State. Also see related it.., R-7B. R-8. OLD BUSIDSS All) AIJEIII8ftUI~ .uamI A. COIIUSSION MBl<<>RAHDUM NO. 46-89 PLANNING BOARD RBC<MIBNDATION: APPROVE CONDITIQRAL USE RBQtJEST OP KrAIII BBACII JBIIISB en...Ift CIlftB1l FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A ~.. AND I'I.OHDIG DOCI[ AT 65TH STREET AND DDIAII CRBBK DIlIYB. (FILS NO. 10l9-A) ADMINISTRATION REC<>>tMBNDATION: THAT THE CITY C<MIISSION APPIOVB TIlE _QIIWl' , WITH STIPULATIONS RECOMMENDED BY TBB PLANNING BOARD. (PLARHING AND ZONING IBPARTMBHT) AC!7OR: Commission approved request, SUbject to 13 stipulations. of the Planning Board, to be canplied wi th prior to the issuance of a building permi t. Conditional Use approval to become null and void if a building permit not issued within six months after the date of approval, said Conditional Use may also become null and void if a Certificate of Completion or an Occupational License is not issued within two years after approval. *See meeting file records for details. ~B. COIIUSSION MBI<<>RANDUM NO. 47-89 S'fRBB'f CLOSIlIG PQLIC!' AND SCBBDULING FOR PUBLIC TAKING OF mSTIMONY TO CONSIDER A SPECIAL ASSESSEMENT DISTRICT FOR CLOSURES OF 8DRIB SIIOBB. 8OU!B __, All) I'AIIlIIAY DIIIYIIS. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMBNDATION: 1) THAT TBB CITY C<HIISSION ADOPT THE DESCRIBED POLICY FOR STRBBT CLOSURES, 2) THAT PUBLIC TAKING OF mSTDIlHY BE TAKBN TO CClHSIDBR A 8PBCIAL ASSBS~ DISTRIcr AS A RESULT TBB CLOSURES, AND 3) THAT PUBLIC TAKING OP TESTIMONY BE SCBBDULED TO OBTAIN COIMJRITY INPtn' RBGMDIHG TBB BALANCE OF THE CLOSURES CURRENTLY UNDER CONSIDERATION. (PUBLIC SERVICBS DBPARTMBNT) AC!7Qh The City COIIIIission approved the Adllinistration's recClllllendation to adopt the street closing policy as outlined. . The Manager advised charts illustrating the street closure locations, what they would look like, costs, etc. would be available at the taking of public testimony, to be advertised by the City Clerk, possibly to be held at the North Shore Park Teen Center. He also advised a Court Reporter would be available to take the pUblic testimony and that a sWlllary of the record would be provided to the Commission for review prior to passage of a resolution. NOTE: Same procedure to be followed for balance of closures under consideration (see fUe records for locations). NOTE: Memo originally called for public hearing, however, the Manager changed his recommendation at the meeting. The Manager also advised a traffic study had been prepared. ACfI~ SlRlUY (R-7C - "'IB) .D8UARY 18, 1989 S 10. ID -11- r-" i" ~ 6j '1/UaHd ~ead . FLORIDA 33139 "V ACA TIONLAND U. S A. .. OFFICIO' THE CITY MANAGER ROB W. PARKINS CITY MANAGER CITY HALL 1100 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE T&LEPHONE: 173-7010 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ DATE: January 18, 1989 FROM: UCY AND ~ I lING PUBUC HEARING FOR NORTH UTH SHORE DRIVES TO: SUBJECT: In accordance with State Legislation granting cities the opportunity to close certain streets, the City of Miami Beach has received petitions to close the following noted streets: 1. Bay Drive at east side of Rue Granville 2. Bay Drive at west side of Rue Granville 3. Calais Drive at east side of Trouville Esplanade 4. Flamingo Drive at south side of 2jth Street ,. MarseUle Drive at east side of Trouville Esplanade 6. Marseille Drive at west side of Rue Notre Dame 7. North Biseayne Point Road at Bridge over the east canal on Biscayne Point 8. North Shore Drive at south side of Fairway Drive 9. South Shore Drive at Ray Street To. date, the City has experimentally closed the five (5) streets on Normandy Isle, and the bridge on Biscayne Point. The closures to date are of a temporary nature, and if made permanent will require a legislative policy, and appropriate funding, for the required capital improvement. To deal with these streets, pending and future similar issues, it is recommended that the following policy be established: Street closures will be limited to local residential streets (as defined by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials), and as provided by Florida State Statutes. ' Consideration of street closures will require petitions outlining the complete proposal, and signed by more than '096 of the property owners affected. (c~\rl1~S$10N Mf:.tlit~G ' Each considered closure, or group of neighborhood closures, will require a Public Hearing providing the opportunity for input of the affected property owner. ..:.. Each considered closure, or group of neighborhood closures, will be subject to the foHowing City of Miami Beach Commission's actions. ,I.^~ 18 \989 a) Resolution authorizing preparation of design and construction documents. CITY OF M~~M~ DE:!-.C:-I AGENDA ITEM R-~-~ DATE ~ ~ b) Resolution appropriating Gas Tax funds for construction of closures. 1) (Subject to the area affected, a range of property costs will vary from .20~ to .80~ per front foot. Special assessment administrative costs prohibit or minimize this method as a funding vehicle). c) Resolution authorizing permanent construction of proposed closures. ADMJNJSTRATIVE RECOMMEND AnON The Administration recommends 1) that the City Commission adopt the above-clescribed policy for street closures; 2) that a Public Hearing be set to consider a Special Assessment District resulting in the closures of North Shore Drive, Fairway Drive and South Shore Drive; and 3) that a Public Hearing be scheduled to obtain community input regarding the balance of the closures currently under consideration, which are listed as Items 1 through 7 on the preceding page of this Memorandum. RVlP/RLR/RAG/mlw COIJU'vUSSIOH llaEiTI.IG J A N 1 ~ 1989 CITY OF MfAMI S~s\CH ,~ ~ RKGUIAI. AGEImA - JULY 26. 1989 1.-6. REPORT FROM COMMISSION COMMITTEES (CONTINUED) D. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 415-89 REPORT ON THE LAND USE & DEVELOPMENT COHIIITT!! JULY 19, 1989, MEETING. ACTION: Minutes reviewed by Commi ttee Chairman Commissioner Arkin; report accepted as follows: 1. Additional Dh,yin, fb1d for Youth Center - the Committee advhed Youth Center Advllory Board Chairman Dr. Ronald W. Shane that it could not approve the requested multipurpose recreational area in concept: and suggested he meet with the Administration to define the request, which should be presented to the Golf Advisory Committee before returning to the Committee. No action required or taken. 2. Offer for the 3 Normand,y Isle lots (former stash area) - the Commission approved the Committee's recommendation for refusal of the $250,000 offer of Arfin Enterprises, Inc. for the lots, since it was far below the determined fair price for the property. Commissioner Arkin advised that the lots would be offered to realtors for non-exclusive listing in an effort to sell them at the previously-determined $125,000 each. 3. SAGLO DeveloDment Alreement for 540-600 West Avenue - the Committee discussed the proposed agreement, which would be presented to the K.B. Redevelopment Agency when finalized. With reference to Krs. Benita Argos' expressed concern about the proposed cul-de-sac, and resulting increased traffic on Alton Road at South Shore Hospital, Commissioner Arkin advised that this was recommended by the Dade County Department of Transportation which felt the current flow was unsafe: and that the agreement would be brought back to the Commission for discussion. He advised that no action would be taken until the developer had arranged financing, and the Administration was drafting the agreement subject to his obtaining a letter of commitment. ~4. Standards/criteria for vacation of street-ends/riJhts-of-w~ - the Commission approved ~ the Committee's recommendation for adoption of the following criteria (see back-up for details) : 1. $5,000 minimum nonrefundable application/processing fee to accompany request. 2. Applicant to submit required title documentation on subject land. 3. Statement as to public purpose/benefit of vacation. 4. Public Works Director's report regarding utility easements. 5. Vacation to have no affect on easement or other interest in the property. 6. Vacation to be in the best interest of the: general public's welfare. 7. Commission to establish conditions necessary to protect the public interest. 5. Block 9 (Ocean Beach Subdivision) deve10Dment Invitation for ProDosals - the Committee recommended that the K.B. Redevelopment Agency approve issuance of an UP for development of an unphased parking facility to immediately provide 600 spaces and whatever air rights development the developers propose. Vice-Mayor Shockett asked the Administration to notify affected property owners. Also see related items R-3G, R-6A, and R-8B. 5.10.<<0 ACTION SUHHARY (R-6D) JULY 26, 1989 18 r- ~. ...ORA.DUX July 19, 1989 TO: FROM: SUBJECT. Land U.e and Developaen~ co..it~e. Rob W.' Parkin. Ci~y Manag.r caz'lDD/I'IUDUDI 1'08 vaca'lZOIf OR ~ 01' IDBft8 OR O'IBD RICIJI'I.-oI'-Dl' In accordanc. with the requ..~ ot the City Comai..ion, the Ci~y Adaini.tration and the Ci~y Attorn.y'. ottic. bas ..tabli.h.d the following quid.lin.. and crit.ria for vacation or abandonm.nt of .tr..t. or oth.r right.-ot-way. . 1) A non-r.fundable application f.. in the ..ount of $5,000 .hall accompany .ach requ..~ for clo.ur. a. a proces.ing fe.. Th. .inama proc...ing f.. .hall be $5,000 or th. land a......d value average ot the two (2) parcel. adjacent ~o the .tr..t ~o be clo..d. A co.t p.r .quar. foo~ .hall be det.rmined frOll th... land appraised v'alues and shall.be as....ed according to the square footaqe clo.ed.. (Exampl.: it the a......d land value of th. two(2) parc.l. of land on .ither .id. of a riqbt-of-way to be clo..d i. $5.00 per .quar. foot and th. .quar. tootag. ot the land clo.ed i. 1,000 .quare f..t, $5.00 till.. 1,000 .aquar. f..t equal. $5,000.) Upon approval of' th. vacation or clo.ur. ot th. .-tr..t, and in 'th. .v.nt th. calculation ot the square footage i. bigh.r than the .ini.ua $5,000 non-r.fundab1. t.., th. additional paym.nt .abov. the ainilnDa $5,000 t.. .hall be . paid. Th. applicant for the .-tr..t clo.ur. .bali .ubmi t a ti tl. bind.r or ti~le comaita.n~ or a~torney opinion of title to the land that would be th. .ubject ~o th. reque.t. Th. title opinion. or colaaibrent. au.t be provided by. tit.l.coJDpani.. lic.n.ed,~and au~or,ized to, ~o bu~in.e... in' ,the Stat. '0; Flo~ida . Opinions of, t:i tIe r.nd.recl by an' attorn.y au.t be rend.red by' an attorn.y authoriz.d to practic. law in the stat. of Florida. 2) continued.. . n)~. ~..~:" ". t "'! "" 't. :.. J . .. ~.. , ,"' ~ .... ~ , r,;~ ~i";'H"F r.' L.~".., I J~ , ., JUt 'W 1'309 CI fY Or- LHi'::',:J REhCn f' !'"""\ -2- Land u.. and D.v.lopa.n~ commi~~.. July 19, 1989 Th. Public Work. Dir.c~or lIball r.vi.w and r.port: ~o tb. Ci~y Adaini.~ra~ion wba~ public u~ili~i.. .ay be locat.d wi~in ~. righ~-of-way and ~. d.par1:aen~'. input .hould be liJIi~ed ~o ~. Ci~y'. n.ed for a u~ili~y .a....n~ or .a....n~. if the .~r..~ i. vaca~ed. Addi~ionally, the Public Work.. Director .ball a~~..p~ ~o a.c.rtain wba~ riCJh~. the public u~ili~i.., .uch a. !'PL, Sou~.rn a.ll or Cabl. 'I!V Franchi..., _y have vi 1:I1in a dedica~.d .a....n~ or righ~-of-way affected by a clo.ure. In no .ven~ lIball ci ~y ccmai..ion action invalida~., infrinq. upon or .inimi.e t:he op.ra~ion and' .ffect of any .a....n~ or ot:her intere.~ in 1:11. .aid property. Th. C1~y commi..ion au.~ d.~.rmin. 1:I1a~ th. vaca~ion of righ~-of-way i. in the be.~ 1n~.r..~ of t:h. g.n.ral public'. v.lfare. Th. Ci~y ccma1..ion .ball ..tabli.h .uch condi~ions d...eeI by i~ n.c...ary ~o pro~ec1: 1:11. public inur..~. Th. City AdJIini.t:ra~ion r.ccmaends tha~ 1:11... .tandard. and cri~eria ..~ forth above be followed in proc...ing an applica~ion for th. vaca~ion or clo.ur. of any .t:r..~, .a....n~ or all.y wi thin the aunicipal boundari.. of th. City of Hi..1 Beach. Further, t:h. Ada1nistra~10n rec~.nd. t:ha~ the Ci~y Commi..ion of the City of Hi..i Beach adop~, a. .a policy, t:he 'procedure ..~ forth as guid.line. ~o be followed .0 a. to e.~abli.h a need' for a vacation or closur. on a caa.-by-ca.e basi.. RWP:WHB:blb 3) A .~a~..en~ sball be subait~ed fro. ~e .pplican~ .. ~o bow t:h. vacation ot the s~r..~ i. in the b..~ int.r..t ot the g.neral public'. w.ltar. or wbat public purpose or public ben.ti~ would accru. ~o t:h. Ci~y a. a r..ult of t:h. closur.. 4) 5) 6) 7) (/~!; 1,',i ':" """0"-.1 t,i. II oj. i, t~I' h~ ~'f J:,'~ r:~ .~~;:- ~ ,C" '. '... . .~ '. ~..l .!III. ::,; 1989 r.' 1'" r\". - "'" ~ '-.r f~d"'U,1 I'i: \("1 ' 0'. 1..1- I.