Request 562 - Internal Audit STATE OF FLORIDA DE.ARTME.T OF STATE NO. D~v~io,~ubm~,nd RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES Information Se~ices 1. AGENCY 2. DIVISION 3. BUR~U CI~ OF MIAMI BEACH INTERNAL AUDIT 4. ADDRESS (S~t, Ci~ and Zip C~e) 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE JAMES SU~ER (305) 673-7020 MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 6. SUBMI~ED BY: I hereby ~ that ~e re~s to be disposed of am ~ffe~y represent~ ~low, ~at any audit ~uim~n~ for ~e m~s have ~ been ~lly justified, and ~at fu~er m~nfi~ is not Florida Depa~ment of State requi~~~ Bureau of Archives and Records Management Mail Station 9A The Capitol Sig~ ~ -- Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 jAMES SU~ER( INTERNAL AUDITOR ... Name and Title 7. BUR~U OF ARCHIVES & RE~RDS M~AGEMENT REVIEW 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION (FOR DIWSION USE ONLY~ The schedul~ m~s listed in Item 9 are to be dispos~ of in ~e manner checked ~low (~oeci~ onlv one) ~NALYST REVIEW ~ ~//~/~F ~- a. Des~u~ion ~ b. Mi~ofilming and Des~cfion ARCHIVIST REVIEW ~ ~//~/pp C. Other SUPERVISOR REVIEW 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e. f. g- S~edule Item Title Retention Inclusive Volume Dis~ifion (Division Dates in A~ and Date No. No. use Only) Cubic F~t ~mple~d ~r Au~fion CS1 73 AUDITS: INTERNAL ~ ~ 10/1/89- 18.0 9/30/93 *NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE fo~ LSSE108 * 10. disposal au~orization (FOR DIVISION USE ONLY) 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above liste~~ave ~en disp~ed of in ~e m~er ~n~ the date sh~ ~n g; Disposal for the above listed re~rds is authorized. Any deleti°ns °r ~~~~~ ~ ~i~tions are indited. 2 0 ,o e Director, Division of Libra~ Date ~~ ~ ~ ® ~ ~ ~~ and Info~ation Se~i~s ~t~~/~ NOTE: Upon disseisin ~s ~r your re~s.