Request 576 - Internal Audit RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT NO. Revised 04/2001 PAGE 1 OF ~ PAGES 1. AGENCY 2. DI~/SION 3. BUREAU City of Iqiami Beach Internal Audit 4. ADDRESS (Street, City, and Zip Code) 5. CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) 1700 Convention Center Drive .lames .l. Sutter (305]) 673-7020 Hiami Beachr FL 33139 6. SUBIqTITED BY: ! hereby certify that the records to be 7. NOTICE OF ~NTENT[ON disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the records have been fully justified, and that The scheduled records listed in Item 8 are to be disposed of in the fur~er retention is~equired fo.~r~n.x litigation pendi~ng or manner checked below (specify only one): imminent. ~ ~// ~-~'~--'--*'/ ! /~ X a. Destruction b. Hicrofilming and Destruction 3amds 2. Sutter Intemal Audit c. Other Name and Title 8. L~ST OF RECORD SER/ES a, b. c. d. e. f. 'g. Schedule Item TiUe Retention ~nclusive Volume DisposiUon ~tem No, Dates in Action and Date Cubic Completed Mter Feet AuthorizaUon GS1-L 57 Audits: Supporting Documents 3 years FY 93/94 21.0 Internal Audit Workpapers To ~;~ FY 96/97 9. DZSPOSAL AUTHORZZATZON Disposal for the above listed 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFZCATE The above listed records have been records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are disposed of in the ma.~n~er.,,an~ on the date shown in column g. ,ndi ca ted. ~~'_~~" ~I/ ~-'i~/~' · ; f Date Records Custodian or Designee Date Witness NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records.