Ad 0129 ,CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF A SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOTICE IS HE==~v given that a Special Commission Meeting wil be held by the City mm,ssion ~"t~ t~'tY of Miami Beach, on Thursday, September 26, 2002, Co ' v, · * ers 3rd floor City Ha 1700 commencing at 5.'01 p.m., in the Corniness,on Chamb , , ' Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Flodda. . ' ML~MI BEACH crrv COD~, C__.~.~ ." r=.trtum I/ ,.cn~SE ~SSUMEO s'~ mm ~, ........ .-~ ...... ~, nF MIAMI BEACH AND 11 DECREASE OF THE COI~UME~ ~-mt,= ~n,,,-,,,, Inquiries m~y be directed to the Public Wo~ks Department at (305) 673-7880. A public hearing adopting, me .-.-,~__,_'_'--.~..~ u~,,hborhood Imixovemeat oismc~ ' -~- Office of Management and Budget at (305) 673-7510. Inquiries may be directe(t to me in addition, the City Commissmn me/d~scuss otber City buaness at this meeting Pursuant to Sec~. ·, i Commission wire respecs m ' at its meeting or its ..=..~, ~ ......· ~ u which conmdered · · the testimony and dence pon I I authortze challenges or appeas,~ .... ? ....