Ad 132 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - ' NoTIcE OF AMENDMENT TO PART Ih GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF ' THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~ 'YEAR 2000 COMPREHENSIVE pLAN '~ : The City of Miami BeaCh proposes to adopt the following Ordinance; Round.02-2 Comlxehensive Plan amendments. : .. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY coMMISSION OF THE ClTM OF MIAMI* BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING pART Ih GOALS, OBJECTIVES ARO POLICIES OF THE' :CITY OF MIAMI BEACH YEAR'2000 COMPREHENSIVE, PLAN;AS AMENDED, BY . ,D,NG POL, ,.2 FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENt/U AcLuw Dcu ~u~ - 'THE RM-1 FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY WITHIN THE FLAMINGO PARK HIST~oC DISTHICT; TO ALLOW OFFICES IN THE I-1 FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY; TO RESIDENTIAL OFFICE, SUITE HOTELS;AND BED ANO BREAKFAST.INNS TO THE LIST OF PERMIT[ED USES IN THE RM-1 CATEGORY WITHIN THE WEST AVENUE BAY FRO.NT, DISTRICT OVERLAY; AND TO ADD RESIDENTIAL OFFICE;TO THE RM-2 CATEGORY. WITHIN THE WEST AVENUE BAY FRONT DISTRICT OVERLAY;AND BY CLARIFYING AS' "OTHER USES" THE CONDITIONAL USES WHICH ARE REQUIRED TO GO THROUGH A-' PUBLIC HEARING PROCESS, AND THE ACCESSORY USES WHICH ARE REQUIRED TO' BE SUBORDINATE TO THE MAIN USE, AS THEY MAY BE PERMI~TTED 'IN EACH LANO USE CATEGORY; dIRECTING TRANSMITTALS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL' APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS TO AFFECTED AGENClES;.PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILrrY, INCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE A PUBUC HEARING on theOrdinance will be'held bY the Miami Beach C~ ~mmi~n on Wedneada, Se ember 251 2002 at 2'00 p m or as soon thereafter as PeaSlble, In the ...... ,~ly,~, ~--q~her~ ~rr~ Root citv"~ll ~7~0 C0nveritl0n Cm~ter Drive, .M.!..am! B.e. ach; ~"~'.'"~'%~/'.~',:'-':'%=.?~,; --,~inue'd an~l under suCh Clrcumstance~ aoamonm legm '.~o~&%o;,7.~;";;'d';".="' ' ' ~ -' -:' '"'" · NI parS°hE are invited to 'appear at this meeting or~be"~ep~esanted b~ afl agent/or to 1700 nvanflell Center unYe 1st Hoor, [;ny nm~, ~,*m* ~a~-,'- CO ~.,~r.o,,,;.~ ~nd 'a documents related thereto are avallabll~ for pubic_ .... '~o'~';{ b"usineas hoUrs n the office of the city Cierk, Inquldesmay i to ~tom~aat(~oe)6.-74..' ;: ~,.. ~.. . .,:~ .: wire respect to any matter consmere~ appeal m~y.dedslon made bY this ~ ......... ,,~ the '"~'~dlna~ n alld evrdance upon which the ~ ~.nnMttuta consem Dy me City fm the'lntmducUml .m' adml~ml .............. · '.:, . ~-~.~: ~a' does It-aVd~orlze challenges or appeam not ~ m~.m/.,a~_~-.~..- :~.. -,~ :, ~- ;:.. ='7 =_'::_..~..;American; w""6,~ m.-Act Ct,990 Per'ns N~mO .SP~.. '~ _A?~_ ~_°?~°n_l m AccoroanGu w,m uL,, ....... ._..... ~.. ,=.o.,~ mlnlstrator No Lator man ~our uaY~ r"u' I / to ParUclpate In rids pr ng Assistance If Heading Impalred,:Te~phone'the Florid m the ~*~,.~.. T.~ap,~.(3.~)~; ~, or ,~00~' ~5~-87~0 'Rela Service Numbers ruud} u~a-o--,. ~,~,. ', ,* . ....... '** . - -' Y ' - ::~: ~' .(Ad#13_2) ~ ' ' ·