Florida Lawn Servicei TO: Mayor Nm O. KaMin and DATE: S~pt~mber 23, 1998 Members of the City Coqmbsion I FROM: City Manager~ t SUBo'ECT: Request fq~rA~proval to Award a Contract to Florida Lawn Services in the Estimted Annual Amount of $351,125.04, Pursuant to Bid No. 98-97/01 for a Three-Year Contract for Grounds Maintenance Service (Causeways and Islands) for the City of Miami Beach, with an Option to Renew for Three Years on a Year-to-Year Basis. 1 I 1 t RECOM'M]~NDATIO~ Approve the award. $351,125.04 (Estim,o-d annual amount) Funds are available within Recreation, Culture & Parks, Landscape Maintenance Division, Account Number 011.0945.000312 BACKGROUND This Invitation to Bid was issued on August 2, 1998, with at~ opet~ng date of August 28, 1998. Eighty-eight notices and twenty-two specifications were mailed. A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference was conducted on August 13, 1998, and three bids were received by the August 28, 1998 deadline. The contractor is to furnish all expertise, supervision, labor, equipment, material, tmnspot~ou, facilities, and support services necessary to perform complete grounds maintenance and miscellaneous services for the MacArthur Causeway/Fii~,h Stz~et, Julia Turtle Causeway, Palm Island, Hibiscus Island and Sta~ Island. The work shall include, mowing, edging, litter pickup, weeding, mulching, pruning and fertilizing, pest and disease control, watering and irrigation system repair and maintenance, and r~placement of plants as required. Additionally, the bid contains a provision for the contractor to provide .disaster response to assist the City with clean-up efforts prior to and following a disaster. The contractor will be compensated based on the labor rates by classification submitted with the ~ bid. F'dNDIN~ APPROVED ~ / / AGENDA ITZM Ma~a{zement and 8u~ge~ BM No. 98-97/01 I Page Two ~ BACKGROUND(Continued) All work shall be done in a thorough and workmanlike manner under competent Contractor supervision to the satisfaction ofthe City of Miami Beach Parks, Recreation and Culture Department Director, and Landscape Maintenance Division. The City currently contracts under two (2) separate contracts for grounds maintenance services for MacArthur Causeway and Julia Tuttlc Causeway at a yearly cost of $234,714.90. The yearly cost for these areas under this bid increased to $251,004.90 (approximate 7% increase). This escalation of cost is due to the revised requirements of this bid which have increased the frequency of service and level of supervision required. This will help to insure tha! these gateway areas are maintained to the level expected by the citizens and visitors. Grounds maintenance at Palm/Hibiscus Islands and Star Island has been performed by City personnel. A comparison of the costs as included in the low bidder's response indicates the expense to be comparable to current City-provided services. While a cost savings is not anticipated during the first year of the contract, it is anticipated that a savings will be realized in years two and three of the agreement due to reduced equipment replacement, use of fewer parts and use of less fuel. Florida Lawn Service is the overall lowest bidder and has performed in a very satisfactory manner under the expiring conlzact for the Julia Tut'de Causeway. TABULATION , Attached. CONCLUSION This contract should be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder, Horida Lawn Service, Inc.. SR:JG:KS:JF:mr · 211 ~ I I 1 I ! t I I I I ITY OF MIAMI BEACH, COMMIS~ON IVI~.MORANDUM NO.'~.~ TO: FROM: Mayor Neisen O. ~ ~md DATE: October 21, 1998 Member~ of tl~ City Co.mmi~ion Sergio Rodriguez ~ ~ City M~n~ger ~ Request f~pprov~l to ~wa~ a Con~act to ~o~da La~ ~~ ~ ~e Es~mat~ ~nn~ ~nnt of ~08~2S.~, ~unu~t to Bid No. ~-9~/01 for a Three-Year Contract for Grounds Maintenance Services (Various Parks) for the City of Miami Beach, with an Option to Renew for Three-Years on a Year- to-Year Basis. ~CO~NDA~0N Approve the award. $308,225.04 (Estimated annual amount) Funding is available from Recreation, Culture & Parks, Parks Maintenance Division, Account Number 011.0940.000312 BACKGROUND On Ck;-tober 7, 1998 (Commission Memorandum No. 676-98), the City Corr,mission approved the award to the second lowest bidder conditioned upon further review of the bid by the Legal Department regarding the legality of same. Based ulxm the review of the Bid Documents by the City Attorney, said office has determined that since Florida Lawn Service is responsive to the Bid, and additionally submitted the lowest responsive Bid, an award to the second lowest responsive bidder, Envilonmentsl Care, Inc., absence any other cir~Rll~,mmces, could subject the City to a legal challenge (See Attachment). The Bid Specifications provide for cancellation of this contract for cause or convenience. In the event any provisions of the bid are violated by the contractor, the Procurement Director shall give written notice to the contractor stating the deficiencies, and unless they are corrected within ten (10) days, a recommendation will be made to the City Commi~ion for immediate cancellation. Additionally, the City Cornmi~ion has the right to termhm:ate the contract any time, for any reason, upon giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to the contractor. 83 AGENDA ITEM DATE Bid No. 97-97/01 Page Two October 21,1998 CONCLUSION This contract should be awarded to the lowest r~on,~e, respon.~ible bidder, Florida Lawn Service, Inc. SR:$G:KS:JF:jph Attachment -ITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO: Mayor Nc, ism O. K, mlin ~nd DATE: June 9, 1999 Members of the City Commission SUKIECT: Request for Auiq/orization to Reject all Bids Received, Pursuant to Bid No. 5~-98/99 for a Three Year Contract to Provide Grounds Maintenance Service ! I with an Option to Renew for Three Years on a Year to Year Basis. RECOMlb~NDATIO~N Reject all Bids. I I I I BACKGROUND This Invitation to Bid was issue_ed on April 1, 1999 with an opening date of April 30, 1999. A mandatory pre-bid conference was held on April 20, 1999. Fifty-two (52) notices were mailed, resulting in the receipt of three (3) non-responsive bids. Bids were received from Everglades Environmental Care, Inc., Florida Lawn Service, Inc., and Kemp Services, Inc. The Scope of Work specified the furnishin.o of all labor, machinery, tools, means of transportation, supplies, equipment, materials, services and incidentals necessary to provide complete landscape maintenance services. The work included, but was not limited to, litter retrieval and waste disposal, mowing, edgi~'n~, landscape maintenance, herbicide/insecticide application, turf managengnt, I irrigation sy.ste~n, operation maintenance/zzt~r and replacement of plants as required. The location ofthe work includes Normandy Drive, Seventy First (71) Street, Collins Avenue, and Ocean Drive. In accordance with Paragraph 3~2 of the bid documents, firms submitting a bid must have a minimum of one (1) full time graduate horticulturist on staff to manage all facets of the landscape and turf management for the contractor. All three (3) firms failed to submit evidence that they met this minimum requirement, therefore, were considered non-responsive. The City will review the minimum requirements and re-bid this project with revised specifications. I AGENDA rrEM ~ Bid No. S0-98~99 Page Two June 9, 1999 CONCLUSION The City Commission should reject all non-respomive bids received. I 1 I I I ! ! J - II It