Ad 0136'CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~ NOTICE OF A PUBLiC HEARING IN(~tRt~ma~ be~'e ~cte?--to~e Pt,.~n-~-?to a,,,,ear at thi~ hearing i; .ln eddr-S mprese~ ..Dy an a.g .s~. ~ ,.u~,~ Z,,,.%,~T~flfl Convention Center Ortve,.,1 C~J Hall, Miata! i~au., r,v. ' · . . · . ' Cityof.Mlamlaeach ' en2560105,~ Stat"theCltyhetet~advise~Sthe~~ pursuantt~Secti · ' made b the City'comm~a~ ' to a eal any decision Y respect'to any matter conmau~u ", eedin iS made which recOnt does not const~tuta consent by the ~y ' es it authorize '" ' ..... eficane with Disabilities A~ o ccordence wi~ the Am ·. . ' d~ should contact In a on to parbctpate tn this p _rocee! ng. s ecisjaccomm(~.datl, the roceedmg. 673-7411 to.r aSsis,,an~u;~,"~771.,~O~) or (800)g55-8770 Service numoars, [oUu~ ..~" " ass~ce. . ,