Ad 0141 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a public head~ ~11 ~ ~td ~ ~'M~or a~ Ci~ Commission of the CI~. of Miami ~, Florida; in the ~i~ion Chambem, 3~ floor, Ci~ Hall, 17~ Coition C~ter D~, Miami ~ach, Florida, on W~ne~ay, Novem~r 13, 2~2, at 5:05 p.m., to ~nsi~r the ~tlowing on first .reading: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ~ND DEVELOPMENT REGU~TIONS OF THE CI~ CODE, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 142, "ZONtNG DISTRICTS AND REGU~TIONS" ARTICLE II, "DISTRICT REGU~TI~S' DIVISION 18, "PS PERFORMANCE STANDARD DISTRICT~ AMENDING SECTION 142-6~ ~RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE STANDARD AREA RE~IREMENTS~ BY AMENDING THE M~IMUM BUILDING HEIGHT IN THE R-PS4 ZONING DISTRICT; AMENDING SECTION 142-697 "SETBACK REQUIREMENTS IN THE R-PS1, 2, 3, 4 DISTRICTS," TO PR~IDE FOR ADDITIONS TO FOLLOW THE EXISTING BUILDING LINE AND MODIFYING THE TOWER SETBACKS; PR~IDING FOR CODIFICATION, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY AND EFFE~IVE DATE Inquiries m~ ~ dir~ted to the Planning Depa~ at (305) 673-7550. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES are i~it~ to appear at this meeting, or be mpmsent~ ~ an a~nt, or to expre~ their vie~ in writing addressed to the · Ci~ Comml~ion, ~o the Ci~ Clerk, 17~ ~nvention Center Drip, 1st Flor, Ci~ Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Copies of th~ o~tnan~ am a~tlable ~r public Inspe~on during normal busin~ houm in the C~ Cle~'s ~, 1700 Convention Center DH~, 1st Flor, C~ Hall, M~mi Beach, Florida ~139. ~is m~ing may ~ continued and under such cir~m~an~s add~ional I~al notice would not ~ p~ided. Ro~d E. Par~er, Ci~ Cleffi Ci~ of Mi~ ~ch Pum~nt to ~n 286.01~, Fla. S~L, ~e Ci~ hem~ a~s the ~ · at: If a ~n d~l~s to a~al ~ d~l~on ma~ ~ the C~ Co~i~ with msp~t to any ~Uer ~nsider~ at ~s m~ting ~ i~ h~ring, such pe~n must ensure that ~ ~atim ~ of the p~ings is ~de, wh~h r~o~ i~ the testimo~ and ~dence upon which the ap~l is to ~ ba~. T~s ~t~ ~es not ~t~e ~nsent ~ the Ci~ ~r the intr~u~ion or adm~ of othe~i~ inadmissible or t~le~nt ~i~e, nor does it aut~ challenges or ap~als ~t othe~ise allo~ ~ law. In a~ ~th ~ Amed~ns ~ Disabili~es A~ of 19~, pe~s n~ing ~1 a~m~ation to pa~icipate in this p~ing shou~ ~ ~ C~ C~'s'office no later than four days pHor to ~e pr~eeding, t~o~ (~) 67~7411 ~r a~istan~; ~ headng imp~r~, tel~e t~ Rorida R~ay ~w~ num~. (~) 9~1 (TDD) ~ (8~) ~770 ~ SUNDAY. NOVEMBEB ~,~2 The ~eeald MB