Notice of City Workshop Meeting NOTICE OF A CITY COMMISSION WORKSliOP
#OTICE IS HEREBY ~}ven that theCIty Commission of the cit~ of MiamllNieid~
Rodd~ w~l hold ~ Work~hop MeeUr~ on Monday, Decem~r ,,
cmmmmcing at 8~01.p.m., In the Commission Chambers, 3rd flocf, C~rHalI,
1700 Convention Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, to provide ~
receive public input an existing liUgatlon with West Side ~, .L~I..~E~it
Coastline Development, Ltd., and related Portoflno, ~
development of tile Goodman Terrace and Hinson Parcels, the NaSka
and portions of Block 1, 51 and 52 in the So~th Pointe area, and to d~
possible setUament scenarios in connectimq therewith, Them anmiafloe'
iocluda, but are not limited to, the City receiving a substantial podion of Ute
Naska Pa~"el at the ocuthem Up of South Polnte as well an a pmtk~ ~f t~e
Hinann Parcad, for public park land, in exchange for a portinn of
Triangle, and consideration of additional development rights on the
This ~ubllo worksllop monting I~ in ~urth~ran~ q~ ~ttiamant~.
~on~mlng ~11 pandl~ I~gation. ~:ordlngly, no~lng ~ld, or
~ttl~mant, sh~ll be u~d tn an~ I~lon r~l~lt~ t~ or ad~l~ o~ of
~rk.~op, ~ffi,mant di,~ur~or~, or in ~i~ng or futom Iffi~on
parties. ..
The CI~ Commission may discuss other C~ tiuslness at this rneetl~.' ·
InqUiries concerning this workshop should be directed 'to b~e.~
Department ~t (305) 673-7550.
Pursuant to Sectfon 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the City horeby advises the public that:Icl
person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commissinn wlth..m~pect
matter considered at Its meeting or Its hearing, such person must ensure ma~ a
record of the.proceedings is made, which record includes the ~tlmony ~
upon which ttm appesJ is to be beesd, This noUce does~es ont conatltuto~cm~t t
for the Introduction or admis,~on of othen#les Inadmissible or In-eleVant evfdem~
does it authorize clml~ges or a~peals m~t cthe~vles allowed by law.
In accordance with Um Amorlcess with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons nesdlng ~
accommodation to pa~cipate in this proceeding should contact the C~. Cl_ork~ ofll~.
Telephone (305) 673-7411 for esslstonce; If heorlng Impaired, toisphone me Florida
service ~.m~rs, I800) 9~5-e??~ (TOD) or leO01 95.5-e~70
(Ad Numbor 0148)