Notice of Commission Workshop NOTICE OF A CITY NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Cib/Comn~ission of the CH of Miami Beach, Florida, will hold 8 Work,siMp Meeting on Monday, Decefllber 9, commencing at 5'01 p,m., in the Commission' Chambers, 3rd floor, City HIM, 1700 Convention Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, to provide information and Coastline Oevelopment, Ltd., and roiated ~ortofi~o e~ee, d~elopment o! lt~ Goodman larrace and Hinscn Paroel.% the ,~ and portions of Block 1, 51 and 52 in the South Poiofe area, and to possible settlement scenarios in connection therewith. These sceneries include, but are not limited to, the City receiving a substantial portion d ~e AJsska Parcel at the scuthem tip of South Pointe as well es a portiofl"of the Hinson Parcel, for public park land, in exchange for a portion of the Federal i~ in furtherance of ~t~lemeof dl~,~ public workshop meeting concerning all pending litigation. Accordingly, nothing said, or prapamd,,or presented graphically or in writing for or at the workshop or concenq settlement shall be used in any litigation relating to or arising out of such workshop, settlement d acussionS, or in existing or future litigation between llte parties. The Cit~ Commission may discuss other City business at this meeting. Inquiries concaming this workshop should be directed to the Planning Oepartment at (305) 673-7550. Robert E. Pa~her, City Cle~ City of Miami Beach Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the City hereby advises the public Umt: person decides to appeal any pecis~n mad.e by the. City Commi .s.~ion matter conside~l at its meeting or ~.~ hesnng, socn person must ensure mm record of the proceedings is made, which re~ord !nclud~ the .!.es~.'mefly an.d~ upon which the appeal is to be based. ThLs notice ogee no~ consmute consom oy me for the intnxluction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor doe6 it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowep by I~LW. Iff accordance with Ihe Americans with Disabilities Act of 199~, parsons rmedln~ spe~ accommodation to perBc pate n this proceeding should contact the Ci~ Cla~k'~ Telephone 1305) 573-741 '1 for assistance~ if hearing impaired, telephone ~e FIo~d8 ~ Sen~ice numbers, {804]) 955-8771 (TDO) or (800) 955-8770 (VOICE~, for aesistan~a~, ~ (Ad Nlnnber 014~5)