Ad 0148NOTICE OF A .. PUBLIC HEARING BO~ I~ HEREBY given that a public he.no will be held by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, In the Commission Chambers. 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention C~ Drive, Miami Beach, Rorlde, on Wedm~da¥, January 8, 2003, M 2:30 'p.m. to consider the following on first reading: ~ ORDnanCE ~END~G MUW~ ~.ACH =TY COCE SEC'nON'~a~ a~mLED 'PROHIBITED CAMPAIGN. CONTR{BUTIONG BY~ VENDORS~' AMD C{TY CODE' CHAFTER 2 BY*TRANSFERRING SAID SECTION FROM CHN~ 38 OF THE CODE TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII, DMSlON 5 THEREOF ENTITLED "CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM", RENUMBERING CODE SECTION 38-6 TO CODE SECTION 2-488; AMENDING SAME BY MANDATING THAT THE CiTY PUBUSH NOTICE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS ORDINANCE, ESTABLISHING RESPONSIBIMTY OF CANDIDATES FOR ELECTED OFFICE TO DETERMINE STATUS OF POTENTIAL DONOR AS VENDOR, CLARIFYING AND CREATING DEFINITIONS, CREATING ADDITIONAL WNVER PROVISION WHEN TERMINATION OF EXISTING CONTRACT WOULD BE ECONOMICALLY ADVERSE TO CITY'S BEST INTERESTS; I=flOVlDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Inquiries may be directed to the Legal Department at (305) 673-7470. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, or be rspm"==ontnd by an agent, or to express their views In writing addressed to the City Commission, c/o the City Clerk, 1700 convention Center Drive, 1st Ronr, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. copies of this ordinance are available for public inspection during normal business hours in the ci~ Clerk's Office, 1700 convention Center Drive, t st Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting may be continued and under such circu ..m~ances addltionaJ legal notice would not be. provided. , . . ~ Robert E. Porchar, City Clerk · City of Miami BeaCh . wflldt record includes t~e t~t~mony and evl~enc~ ulx~ which the appeal I~ t~ be I=a~ed. Ti'~ mt~e d~es not comfltu~ con~nt ~ tt~e City for t~e introduction or adml~lo~ of otl~erw~e ~ o~ acc~mmodallon to par[clpa~ In ~ls pmc~edln~ a'~ =onl~ct t~e Clt/Cle~'s oalce no later than f~Jr de/s prior to m ixoceed~, telep~ene (305) 6/3-7411 ~' .am~. If hemlng Imp~,