Mayor and Commission Compensation ( t MAYOR AND COMMISSION COMPENSATION February 6, 1952 $5,000 Ordinance 1009* *This ordinance shall become effective when and after the same shall have been approved by a majority vote of the qualified registered voters of the City of Miami Beach. September 5, 1973 Commission discussion of possible amendments to Charter increasing salary for Mayor to$20,000 and Councilman to $12,000 failed of passage. j April 15, 1987 $10,000 for the Mayor; Ordinance 87-2550 $6,000 for the Commissioners 1991 Adoption of current Charter; no change of compensation 1996 Proposed Charter/Compensation Question B on Nov. 5, 1996 Ballot Question to increase General Election salary to $12,00 for Comm. and Defeated-NO CHANGE $20,000 for Mayor OF COMPENSATION 11/8/96 FICLER\TALL DOROTHY\COMPENS.MYR attachments 4 "SHALL SECTION 103 OF THE RELATED LAWS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, BE AMENDED TO DELETE SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS AND� ,LOCOA ON,AND PENSION BOARD TO SUBSTITUTE THEREFOR LANGUAGE AUTHORIZING THE .PENSION BOARD TO IN�LOCATII�IG PRUDENT MANNER) INDEPENDENT AND INVESTING CF SSS AUTHORIZINGN O THE MIAMI BEACH CITY ABLISH BY ORDINANCE PENSION BOARD INVESTMENT GUIDELINES AND RESTRICTIONS". YES4, _ 49.44% NO _2,14.4_ 50.56% B. CHARTER AMENDMENT INCREASING SALARIES OF CITY COMMISSIONERS AND MAYOR. "SHALL SECTION 2.02 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CHARTER BE AMENDED TO COMMISSE ME IONER�0S6,000 AL SALARY OF EACH TO S12,000 AND TO INCREASE THE ANNUAL SALARY OF. THE MAYOR FROM S10,000 TO S20,000". YES F.061 31.38% NO _11,25.5__ 68.62% C. ESTABLISHING TERM LIMITS OF FIGHT CONSECUTIVE YEARS FOR COMMISSIONERS AND SIX CONSECUTIVE YEARS FOR MAYOR. "SHALT,THE CITY ARTER BE AMENDED TO WIM THE GENERAL ELECTION E THAT COMMENCINGIN NOVEMBER 1997(EXCLUDING INDIVIDUALS HOLDING CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ,�OFFICE �IS R THERETO FOR THEIR LIMIT FOR CITY ESTABLISHED A TERM COMMISSIONERS OF EIGHT CONSECUTIVE YEARS AND FOR MAYOR,OF SIX CONSECUTIVE YEARS,MEASURED 177 6114:00 To rfF g M40/2-- ro/8 10Y. PL,fitfik °16-4)-- , 7 MAYOR AND COMMISSION COMPENSATION bfFliacw: 444 September 18, 1917 $2.50 per meeting; Ordinance 103 for each Councilman December 6, 1922 Mayor/$1,000 per annum Ordinance 184 payable in 12 equal installments($33.33/mo.) June 7, 1933 $5.00 for each Councilman Ordinance 326 per meeting December 20, 1933 $7.50 for each Councilman Ordinance 337 per meeting May 2, 1934 $10.00 for each Councilman Ordinance 351 per meeting 1945 Special Acts $3,000 June 20, 1945 $250 per month Ordinance 738 ($3,000/yr.) NOTE: Until 1951 the Council was given the authority to set its own compensation rate. 1951 The Charter was amended increasing the maximum compensation of Councilmen from $3,000 to $5,000 specifying that no further ordinance increasing the salary of Councilmen shall become effective until approved by a majority of qualified voters at a special or general election. 10/8/96 F:NCLER\SALUDOROTHY\COMPENS.MYR COMMISS ION (continued) ' MAYOR AND COMMISSION COMPENSATION February 6, 1952 $5,000 Ordinance 1009* *This ordinance shall become effective when and after the same shall have been approved by a majority vote of the qualified registered voters of the City of Miami Beach. September 5, 1973 Commission discussion of possible amendments to Charter increasing salary for Mayor to $20,000 and Councilman to $12,000 failed of passage. April 15, 1987 $10,000 for the Mayor; Ordinance 87-2550 $6,000 for the Commissioners 1991 Adoption of current Charter; no change of compensation 1996 Proposed Charter/Compensation Ballot Questions 10/8/96 F:\CLER\SALL\DOROTHNCOMPENS MYR attachments • . • • J . 1F 0 • ORD I AHC . , SALARIES OF OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BRACH. • BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, that the ooaupenaation of the officers of the City of Miami Beachiahall be as follows: Seah Councilmen shall receive the suns of two dollars and fifty cents for Bach meeting of the City Council that he shall aotually attend, whether such meeting be a regular or special one. The Municipal Judge shall Deceive the sums of four hundred and eighty 41 dollars per year in monthly is tallmante of forts dollars. The Marshall shall receive the sura of twelve hundred dollars per year, payable in monthly installments of one hundred. dollars. The Clerk; Collector and Assessor shall receive the sum of twelve hundred dollars, per year payable in monthly installments :A' one hundred dollars _._, bg1,mtrg from the first day of September, 1917. The salaries of all officers of the City of Miami Beach shall be paid out of the General Fund, and shall be audited and allowed by the City Council in like manner as other bills against- the City, and shall be payable monthly, 11/ except as otherwise specifically provided. All ordinances or parts of o2dinAnces in conflict herewith are here- by repealed. Passed this 18th day of September, 1917. • • • lig, 184. � I 0 IIIIA:YC30 RE C Il Y COUniCIL OF Thi CITY OF LII. MI BEACH, FLORIDA, 0 FIXI:;G TFC COLL MSATIO;i OF THE MAY&.R BE IT 0RJAI:ED 3Y TF CITYCO:;:;CIL 0? TH CITY 0? MI. MI BEACH, FLORIDA; • Section 1. That the salary of the lAr or of the :ity of Miami Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby fixed in the sum of $1,000.00 per annum, which shall be payable monthly in twelve equal install- vents. Section That this ordinance be effective immediately upon its .. ssage, proval and posting , as required by law. " . PASSED and ADOPL.0 this 6th day of Deoombet,-A. D. , 1922. ( Signed) John H. Levi President City Council Y3ST: ( Signed) C. Y. Tomlinson City Clerk i. . ) 'PROVED this 6th day of December, .,. D. , 1922. ( Signed) Louis F. Snedigar Mayor ' • • •rim • • •c .(.��, No. 185 4L. No. , .,o,.Gw may lzsthA 1933. e e m Became a law without ' approval of the Mayor. STATE OF FL CRI DA) OotnrrY OF DADE ) I, O. T. TOMLINSON, City Clerk in and for the City of Miami Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Ordi nance No. 325 entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE THE MANUFACTURE, TRANSPORTATION AND ISALE IOF MALTNG IN AANNDID CIIN UOF S BEVERAGES COMMONLY KNOWN AS BEER, VINW/NE OR OUS JUICE$, AND SUCH SIMILAR BEVERAGES PORTER,AROT'PROHIBITED BYI! THE LAWS OF THIS STATE: PRESCRIBING LICENSE FEES FOR SAID MANUFACTURE, TRANSPORTATION AND SALE; A FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS FTHIS D ORDINANCE,"SCRIBING Eh vin . been duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City; of Miami Beach, Florida, has been spicuous places in the Cityposted by me in three con_ _ at the door of the City HaloinMsaid Ci ityhon°the ne olSthf idaywoof l May: A. D. , 1933, and that said ordinance remained posted a period of at least thirty days in accordance withe e0r e� quirements of the City Charter of the said City of Miami Beach • hand and affixed IN WITofNESS WHEREOF OF I have hereunto set my -l. seal of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, on this the 5th day of July, A. D. , 1933. 4 OM, Ar- t=.- City Clerk :.,\,,,, ORDINANCE NO. 326 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE COM- PENSATION OF CITY COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that effective June 15th, 1 each member of the City Council shal.l3be the 5 00°forneaachon eof t . of record actually attended. meeting All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith Iare hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED thish t 7 of June, A. D. , 1933• , (Si ed John H. i evi ATTEST: President of City Council (Si ned C. lf. Tomlins, oo (SEAL) City Clerk APPROVED BY ME thisth 9 day of June, A. D., 1933. (Signed) A. Frank Katzentine Mayor. .1 • • _ 9A3IS proper y •etween 10,000.00 and $13 ,500.00 but engineers had advised him that it would cost approximately $1,500 .00 per lot to make the = D. property available for sale on lot basis. He offered to dedicate a street right of way through the tract providing the City would allow the payment of delinquent taxes on the basis of 33-1/3¢ on the dollar. The matter was again referred to the former committee on this subject, consisting of Councilmen Ralston and Burbridge and City Manager Renshaw, who made an appointment to go into the matter with Mr. Tatum. on Thursday, December 21st. NGLEY I S NTION FOR Dr. V. L. Bingley personally presented his application for per- mission to erect sunbath cabinets on either of the following two loca- ' TO CABINET. tions: Lot 4, Block 6, Ocean Front Property of the Miami Beach /m. TEE. provement Company or Lot 4, Block 1, Friedman and Cope Subdivision. _ A motion was made by Councilman Mead, seconded by Councilman Keuling, that the matter be referred to_ a committee consisting of Coun- cilmen Ralston and Meyer and City Manager Renshaw. 00 AP O Mayor Xatzentine advised the Council that an additional appropriar - IOHADE tion of ION MADE $300.00 or $x}00.00 was needed to augment the former appropriation .DDITI made for additional grandstand seats for the baseball field, whereupon a motion was made by Councilman .Mead, seconded by Councilman Ralston and unanimously carried, that an additional $300.00 appropriation for this purpose be made. The following ordinance was then brought up for third and final reading and same was read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 337 L READING AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NAACM NO. SCHEDULE OF SALARIES TO BE PAID ESTABLISHING EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI Y ABLISHLE. BEACH, FLORIDA, AND FIXING THE RATES THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: That a schedule of rates of salaries for employees of the City of Miami Beach be and the same is hereby_ established as follows: SECTION 1: A. City Councilmen Per Meeting-_ -: -_: . - --- $ 7.50 B. City Manager Maximum Salary Per Month 425.00 C. City Clerk & Tax Collector " " N N 215.00 D. City Tax Assessor " " 11 " l85•00 E. City Attorney " " " " 185.00 F. Judge of Municipal Court " " " is 100.00 G. City Engineer " N " " 190.00 H. Chief of Police Department " " • • 215.00 I. Chief of Fire Department " " " " 190.00 J. Superintendent of Water Dept." " " " 195.00 X. Superintendent of Recreation " • • • 1g5.00 .. . fice+ofVCity:=1-.. .-. in --,:.ev�— n " " 155.00 Junior Accounts ' ' ' " 135.00 T. ' All cerks, stenographers and secretaries in all of- - floes of all departments " " ■ " 100.00 Secretary to City Manager " ■ " " 110.00II. School Nurse " " ■ " 135.00 Assistant School Nurse " " " " 120.00 V. Foremen in all Departments " If " week 32.50 Superintendent of Streets and Sewers • ■ . . 35.00 'W. Life Guards " a a " 26.00 SECTION 2: Any and all other salaries for employees not specifically mentioned, nor covered by this Ordinance, shall be fixed by the Department head, with the approval of the City Manager, and shall not exceed the sum of One Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($115.00) per month. SECTION 3: Ordinance No. 324 and all other ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 4-: This Ordinance shall become effective on and after Decem- ber 1, 1933. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of December, A. D. , 1933. (Signed) John H. Levi President of City Council ATTEST: (Signed) C. R. Tomlinson . City Clerk (SEAL) A motion was made by Councilman Keuling, seconded by Councilman Burbridge, that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted as read and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Renshaw presented a request for a Sanitary Sewer extensic in Block 4 of Beach View Addition, north of Sixty-third Street, th project being wholly assessable but only accommodating one house • at present, the owner of which will pay his assessment in advance After some discussion it was suggested that the owners of vacant property to be assessed for the improvement, be contacted . . an effort to obtain payment of some of the assessments prior to . construction. ($1.91.100)_-_411.1. ______ gi3JO= ' prco ncil esident o City u I "TEST: f To in on (ai C d ity ark ;MAL) Councilman Mead, seconded by Coopilman Rai.., No. Zed be ad ted as A motion died that Resolution \ ' ton and unanimously iead.and up The following Ordinance was then brought up for third and final reading and same was read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 351 AN ORDINANCOFEST��2 SALARIES A SCHEDULE BE PAID TO EMPLOYEES OF THEA, CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, AND FIXING THE RATES THEREOF. T� CITY OFYI� BEACH, FLORIDA: THE CITY COUNCIL OF BE IT ORDAINED BY e8e of the City of fes for employ follows: Ci That a schedule of rates of salaries established as ORDINANCE Miami Beach be and the same is p g 8H- gECTION l: $ 10.00 � Per meeting 500.00'' A. City CouncilmenPer Salary PerMonth275.00 "_- B. City er ' " " 220.00^W2W0 C. City Clerk & Tax Collector " " •• 2 5:OO Ks D. City Tax Assessor " " " I 120. O E. City Attorneyo • " " " 235.00 A g. Judge of Municipal Court a " " " 235.00'^ H. City Engineer " " " • 235 .00'4 " " 230.00 I. Chief of Police Dept. " • • " Chief of Fire Dept. " " " 220.00 I. Dep " " J. Supt. of Water Recreation. " " X. Supt. of " 125.00� L. Manager of Municipal " " " " 175.00 Golf Course a • " 220.00 NBuilding Inspector 0 " " " N. Building Inspector " 175.00,^� Asst. Supt. of Water Depart-M " " a 175.00 0' went ds " " 0 1 .00� • P. Lieutenant of Life ' I " " Lieutenant of _ Q. All policement, exclusive of offices of rank, for Is wif tCity of Miami f iBeach" " • " ce 00 withthe All, policemen, exclusive of off ioers of rank after the first year with the City of Miami Beach and upon recon- 150.90 mentation of the Chief of Police with the approval of the City" " a Tv.w W. Life Guards (let year) • • After let year) ' ' . , • 30.00 SECTION 2: Any and all other salaries for employees not specifically mentioned, nor covered by, this Ordinance, shall be fixed by the Department head, with the approval of the City Manager, and shall not exceed the sun of One Hundred Thirty-Five ($135.00) ollars per month. SECTION_,,,' : Ordinances Nos. 324 and 337 and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinanoe are hereby repealed. SECTION 4; This Ordinance shall become effective on and after May lst, 1934. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of May, A. D. , 1934. (Signed) John H. L vi ATTEST: President of city Counoil (Sipped) C. N. Tomlinson G'ity Clerk (SEAL) A motion was made by Councilman Head, seconded by Councilman Burbridge that Ordinance No. 351 be adopted as read and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. r OF The report of the Building Inspector for the month of April, Nit -IN- 1934 was presented and ordered filed. The report showed permits AR FOR totaling 1,386.00, compared with $161,950.00 for April, 1933, and a total of $1,479,471,00 for the first four months of 193 . 1' OF FIR4- The report of the Fire Department for the month of April, 1934, FOR was presented and ordered filed. 1934. Mr. Renshaw reported as to the City Engineer's tabulation of mwr_gft bids received April 25th for the construction of the 63rd Street SENDS bridges recommending that steel type bridges be constructed and that TYP$ OF a temporary bridge be built for a oroseing over the west channel dur- ;UCTION ing construction to avoid inconvenience to traffic, the estimated .RD ST, coat of steel type structure being $43,308.66. Council agreed to this :S type of structure. Mr. Renshaw then presented his recommendations for the letting of contract in connection with the 63rd Street bridges as follows: . i;w, _ " T ;• _ �+�;'' ^ rte- .4 _ 4. . rage `'rings of ordineade ` - - maims • - . sing Councilmen' s salvy to per Month 6/8/4523 121 3rd reading of abov. 1 ordinance designat ; #/38 20/4.5 23 130 Council a nd to • closed on day be ore each meets 6/18/47 25 224 Council to me t every Wednesda 11/20/47 25489 i I l 711r.""ww------r-T--"T"."""""4."1""ri ".""r""1,,,.- Book Page and 2nd reading ordinance easing Councilmen's salaries from $3,000. to $5,000. per yr. 32 319 3rd reading or• f increasing Id/I Councilmen's • = • . , . to 25t 00. 32 349 per yr. Ord. let and 2nd i:e • d. providing for time and ,: - hod •f qualifying as candidates fo -fice of City Councilman 12-10-52 33 416 1 CITY COUNCIL k ge 3rd reading ord. re. quali oationi of candidates for office .f Coup41 0 • #10 • 12-24;52. 33 445 Approval o : .• -nses •• City's'-delegates to American m , ' • . Assogiation Convention in Houston, Te : • en. -8-7\63 46 67 Councilman Powe andQhn Hyle, Mgr. Metered Parking stem a3tborized to , attend Interna on 1 Municip4l Parking Congress in P. tsbu a May 17-20, 1964 s ! all expenses •aid. 4-1-64 46 484 CHARTER AMENDMENTS 66 Meeting Date Deferred to 8/1/73. 7/18/73 Withdrawn from agenda at request of Council- man Wikler are proposed drafts of initiative petition for referendum to provide: limiting campaign expenditures to $7,500 for Council or $2,500 for run-off; Financial disclosure by City Mgr. City Atty & Councilmen; starting next scheduled Councilmanic election on M. B. , term of office shall be two years. Withdrawn also, City Atty' s opinion as to legality of above, and petition of Dr. Akler to Atty. Gen' l . of Fla. re: above. 8/1/73 iscussion of possible charter amendments to placed on 11/6/73 ballot. Motion to placeJbe e CHARTER AMENDMENTS 67 Meeting Date a Charter amendments on 11/6/73 ballot to ncrease yearly salary of Councilmen to $12,000 and Mayor tc $20,000 effective after 11/75 election, foiled of passage. 9/5/73 Res. 73-14105 adopted, providing for submission to electorate on 11/6/73, a proposed Charter amendment repealing districting form of election. 9/5/73 Discussion of initiative petition for charter amendment reducing population density in Miami Beach and prohibiting residential construction in commercial areas deferred March 20, 1974; Councilman Dr. Wikler's motion that petition be accepted as to form, died �..:f r AI'4, .44.....�, - -x�:r- .: T,. i4, - - - -- .__ 7"N' •: - . �� ��, 0Q t' 6 11 THE CHARTER § 11 Sec. 11. Enumeration of city officers; combination of o;Y , additional officers and employees;compe, : •on of commission. r The government of the city shall be vested in and carried on by the following officers, to wit: A mayor, a vice-mayor, a city commission, a city manager, and the city attorney, and the directors of the several departments,as may be established by the commission by ordinance. The department heads or directors of 1 the several administrative departments shall be deemed officers of l the city.All department directors and division heads serving under i such department directors shall be in the unclassified service of the • city, and all such department directors and division heads shall serve at the will of the city manager.The city commission may,by 4 ordinance,create or discontinue any department,and determine, icombine and distribute the functions and duties of departments, I i divisions and subdivisions thereof.The city commission shall also ' have full power and lawful authority to create by ordinance, not inconsistent with this Charter, such other offices and officers as f > they may deem proper for the welfare of the city and each of the i it officers above designated and such additional officers as may be created by the city commission, shall perform such duties and receive such compensation as may be prescribed by the ordinances N of the City of Miami Beach,not inconsistent with this Charter,and the city commission is hereby given specific power and authority to fix and increase the compensation of its own members, not • - withstanding that such increase may affect commissioners then in 1 office who may have voted for such increase; provided, however, i that the annual compensation for the office of commissioner shall be six thousand dollars and that the annual compensation for the office of mayor commissioner shall be ten thousand dollars; and provided that only the members of the city commission shall be elected by the duly qualified voters of the city at elections called and held pursuant to the proviso;s hereof and of the city / '. ordinances,and that all other officers of said city shall be elected or " appointed as herein provided.Provided,further,the increase of the 23 1 Supp. *44,6-87 ARTICLE II. CITY COMMISSION Sec. 2.01, Number and selection, The City Commission shall consist of six ho shall be elected at large. Each City Commissioner)shall be a qualified City Commissionersa and a City. City Commissioners shall be elected for groups numbered Mayor I. No candidates for the office of Commissioner shall be9ualified elector of the No c one ) group, and designated I - yI or for the office of permitted to qualify y for more Commissioners in groups numbered I , electionCtoi be heldson first II and III shall be elected at four years thirst Tuesday in November, 1997 the general electionVshall each aty the Commissioners in and at each generala November, be1e95 and elected each general ne al election l ctin onh to four (4) yearsoups numbered Ie V, and held on the be at the general election to be held on the first first Tuesday in shall and electedt each general election each two thereafter, The mMayor ber, g Tuesday in Noveaber, 1995 (2) years thereafter. A candidate must receive a majority If no candidate ecmust a majority of the votes thesvotes cast to between de wn candidatessin each be deemed elected, a tie result, the outcome shall bgr up receiving ecei d b the highest number be a of votes; a election occur one week from the date ofrunof e votes; shhall general electiony lot. This runoff election shall a vacancy the eeventthat no candidate has qualified in any group, or for vacancyter shall the City deemed Miami haveBeafor red, and shall be filled as Mayor,the the filling of a vacancy, provided by Sec. 2.02. Term and Compensation. The term of office of the Mayor shall be two the City Commissioners shall be four (4) years (2) years. The tern of office of The annuaL compensation for the Office of Commissioner shall dollars ($6,00n.00) and the compensation for the Office of Mayor dollars ($10,000.00) ; any increase in salary be six thousand require approvalY r shall be ten thousandh ;,i a majority of the electorate ovotingr and/or Commissioner shall Sec. 2.03. 8 at a City election. Powers of the City Commission. All powers of the City shall be vested in the City powers specifically given to the Mayor, the City as providedsin this Charter and except Commission exceptythose Charter to the electors of the City. Manager, and to the City Attorney,h p those powers specifically powers andtthevele es Moreover, the City Commission esh lld av this cowers and privileges g not inconsistent herewith, granted to the towas by the general lawshave all cities i and performwas by things necessaryatof the State of City shall powerhave eipof with the Constitution of the State of Florida, the Constitution Florida, and have for the government of the City States,hand the terms and not inconsistenth provisions of this Charter.• °n and laws of the United The City Commission shall appoint a Cit Commission shalltyoremove the Cityy Manager and a Cit me a majority have of the oot or, Manager and/or City Attornttorney;ey the City tbime enby the parties removal sallComn the event of an em Atent ay agreementat any occur pursuant to the terms employment agr ment. The Commission may of said agreement, also investicarP ' ,„ ORDINANCE NO. 87-2550 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 11 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CHARTER ENTITLED "ENUMERATION OF CITY OFFICERS; COMBINATION OF OFFICES; ADDITIONAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; COMPENSATION OF COMMISSION" BY DELETING THEREFROM THE OFFICES OF MUNICIPAL JUDGE, ASSOCIATE MUNICIPAL JUDGE, CHIEF LIBRARIAN, PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND LIBRARY { DEPARTMENT, SINCE SAID OFFICES ARE NO LONGER OFFICES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Section 11 of the Miami Beach City Charter entitled "Enumeration of city officers; combination of offices; additional officers and employees; compensation of commission" is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 11. Enumeration of city officers; combination of offices; additional officers and employees; compensation of commission. The government of the city shall be vested in and carried on by the following officers, to wit: A mayor, a vice-mayor, a city commission, a city manager, e munieigal 3sdge, twe assee#ate municipal 3ndges, and the city attorney, and the directors of the several departments, as may be established by the commission by ordinance. The department heads or directors of the several administrative departments shall be deemed officers of the city. All department directors and division heads serving under such department directors shall be in the unclassified service of the city, and all such department directors and division heads shall serve at the will of the city manager, with the exeeptien of the ehief librarian, whe shall be appetnted by the peblie library beard of trustees. The city commission may, by ordinance, create or discontinue any department, ether than the library department, and determine, combine and distribute the functions and duties of departments, divisions and subdivisions thereof. The city commission shall also have full power and lawful authority to create by ordinance, not inconsistent with this Charter, such other offices and officers as they may deem proper for the welfare of the city and each of the officers above designated and such additional officers as may be created by the city commission, shall perform such duties and receive such compensation as may be prescribed by the ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, not inconsistent with this Charter, and the city commission is hereby given specific power and authority to fix and increase the compensation of its own members, notwithstanding that -1- such increase may affect commissioners then in office who may have voted for such increase; provided, however, that the annual compensation for the office of commissioner shall be six thousand dollars and that the annual compensation for the office of mayor-commissioner shall be ten thousand dollars; and provided that only the members of the city commission shall be elected by the duly qualified voters of the city at elections called and held pursuant to the provisions hereof and of { the city ordinances, and that all other officers of said city shall be elected or appointed as herein provided. Provided, further, the increase of the salary of city commissioners shall not prevent any city commissioner, in office at the time of such increase, being a • candidate for, and being elected to, the city commission at ensuing elections; notwithstanding the provisions of section 8 of the Charter of the City of Miami Beach, being section 8 of chapter 7672 of the Laws of the State of Florida, 1917, as amended; and provided, further, that no ordinance providing for an increase in the compensation of the members of the city commission shall become effective until a majority of the qualified voters of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, voting on the same at a special or general election called for such purpose, shall vote in favor thereof. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its adoption, on April_ 25 , 1987. PASSED and ADOPTED this 15th day of April , 1987. 417 eYO Attest: .Le 5-4 CITY CLERK FORM APPRO'i ED 1st Reading - April 1, 1987 LEGAL DEPT 2nd Reading - April 15, 1987 JKO/rg ]By L,\ Date "2d -2- Hatfield, Liliam From: Turner, Debora Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 3:44 PM To: Camm, Patrick Cc: Hatfield, Liliam Subject: RE: Sec. 11 - Old Charter/Salary Reso Hi Patrick and Lili, At the end of the section 11 that I previously attached is the history for this section prior to 1987. I circled the reference to Ord. 87-2550, Sec. 1, because in that Ordinance the current salaries of $6,000 and $10,000 were already in existence—thus my note: "existing salaries 6/10." As I noted below in the highlighted language, Ord. No. 87-2550 contains the current numbers. Thus, the change in salary to the current numbers occurred during the '66 or '77 elections as I noted in the highlighted language below. As noted on page 2 of the attachment, those elections occurred on 5-24-66, 11-8-66, and 11-1-77. Please provide the Election result resolutions for the Election that had a ballot question that passed implementing the current salaries of $6,000 and $10,000. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. / / 7 7 Thank you, e0 Debbie /i � �S 1 • MIAMI BEACH V Debora J. Turner, First Assistant City Attorney �� 9 c OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 1700 Convention Center Drive, Fourth Floor. Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305-673-7000, Ext. 6441 /Fax: 305-673-7002 deboraturner(c�miamibeachfl.gov / ^ We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live,work,and play in our vibrant,tropical,historic community. f y 4/ From: Camm, Patrick Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 3:13 PM 77- is-411 To: Turner, Debora Cc: Hatfield, Liliam '7 7^ Subject: RE: Sec. 11 - Old Charter/ Salary Reso Debbie, .S-770-) The ordinance you circled is the same ordinance that I provided to you last week via email. There was nothing else attached referencing records to the 60's.