Ad 0154 o.
fll i llEREBY given' that a public hearln~ held bi.the C.i~l
nr )n of the City of Miami Beach in.the commission Char mere, sro
r, H dl, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Mlsmi Beach, f Iorlda, on'~
Wednesday, February 6, 2003 at 10:.10 a.m,, pursuant To Section 255.20(10),
NOTICE IS HEREBY given' that a public hearing will be held by the City
Commlss on of the City of Miami Beach in.the Commission Chambers, 3rd
floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Mlsm Beach, Florida,
Florida Statutes, AAd Chapter 2, Article Vt~ Division 3, Section 2-36.7!E) _Of_.~T~_
City Of Miami Beach Code, respectively, to consider the approval, Dy
vote of a waiver of compeUilve bidding, finding such wt~ive, r. to .be. in
interest of the City, and herein appmprtaUng funds, ano sumonzmg me
Manager to take all emergency, .necoesa[y. ~d .a .pp .~d..ate a_.CUO~ tO ~dd~:
the necessary construction ssrv~css ano mamnals ~ m.e .m.e ,.me .mm__ I
Gocer traffic colmlng project, which more spsclflca,y incluses, mA
limited to, the landscaping and upllghUng of 19 center median b'affio |
sem~o, on L. 6o~ O,ve a.ed Tree D~; ,io~,. ng ~ tho I
emergency construction comracts, purchase oroers ano oseo I
- agreements, In a form acceptable to the C~ Attorney, for said project, in an
amount not ~o exceed $420,000, .for the construction, derived from MIddio [ I
Beach Quality Of Life Funds, and appropriated by Resolution 2000-23992. ·
by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed to me
Commission, c/o the City Clerk, 1700 Convention ~entar Drive, 1st FIoM,
Ha, Miami Beach Florida 33139. This meeting may be continued and under
- ' City of MIO~I L~-~fi- ~
ffmt: if a person desldes to appeal ~y decision .made .~e .city ~
with respect fo any mattor conalderse at Its. mee~ng or ~ nser~n, g, .m~.?
must ensure that s verbatim record of the procesdlnge m msee, wn~
includes the taedmony and evidenco upon which the appeal Is to be eses~;
This n~ce does not constitute consent by the City for the IntroducUon or
edml~on of otherwise Inadmlssebta or irrelevant evidence, nor does it
au~urize challenges or appeals not otherwioe allowed by law.
. ~n acco~a.c, wth the A~e.cans ~v~, D~se,ll~es Act of l~gO,
I needing special accommodation to paKIclpate in this proceeding should
contact the City Clerk's office no later than four days prior to the pr(~:esdm~
I Telephone (305) 673-7411 for assistance; if hearing impaired, telephone
I Florida Relay Service numbers, (800) 955-8771 ('I'DD) or (800) 955-8770
I ~l~ ~r~co. -