Records Retention STATE OF FLORIDA D~P~m~T o~ STATE I RECORDS RETENTION Division of Library and laformation Services [ Form LSSEIOSREff. 1-01 m SCHEDULE / New ~chedule I Revise Existing | -- -- Schedule General Information 1. Agency 4. Custodian (Name & Area Code/Telephone Number) 2. Division/Department . I 3. Bureau/Office -. 5. Contact/R~LO (Name & Area Code/Telephone Number) SUBMIT TO: Florida Department of State Bureau of Archives and Records Management Mail Station 9A Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Agency: Address: AGENCY MAH JNG ADDRESS: City, State, Zip: Record Series Information 6. Record Series Title 7. General Description, Purpose and Use of Record Series (include/attach inclusive dates, any audit requirements, forms, or other related documentation) Record Copy and/or __ Duplicate, if duplicate please indicate location of the record copy in the description. 8. Is this record series considered to be a vital record? Yes No What is the primary purpose of this record series? Administrative __ Legal Fiscal What media format does this record series consist of?. Check all that apply. __ Paper Microfilm __ Electronic (Magnetic D/sk, Optical Image, CD} DVD, etc,)' __ Other (Audio, Video, Photographic, etc.) Recommended Retention and Disposition What is the'recommended retention period? Record Copy Duplicate Copies Applicable Statutes, Rules, Ordinances . Will this record series be microfilmed? Yes No Will this record series be scanned into an optical imaging system? __ Yes No Il0. Submitted by: ~uutho~ ~e, Title Authorization. Date RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT NO. Revised 04/2001 · · P~,GE 1 OF I PAGES 1. AGENCY 2. D/VZSION 3. BUREAU The City of Sunshine -Administration 4. AD~)RESS (Stree~ City, and Zip Code) 5. CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) 1001 Sunshine Drive Suzie C. Clerk Sunshine, Florida 33330 ~ - 555-555-1111 6. SUBt4TrrED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be 7. NOTTCE OF INTENTTON disposed of are correctly r,epresented below; that any audit requirements for the records have'been fully justified, and that -The scheduled records listed in Item 8 are to be disposed of in the further retention is not required for any litigation pending or manner checked below (specify only one): imminent. X a. Destruction b. Hicrofilming and Destruction Signature Date c. Other Name and Title 8. LZST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. c. d. e, f. g. Schedule Item ' Title RetenUon Inclusive Volume Disposition Item No. Dates in_ Action and Cubic Date Feet Completed Alter * Authorization GSI'L 17a Correspondence and Memoranda: 3 FA 10/01/1993- 10 Administrative 09] 30/1998 (Note: O State (Note: State will-use ~ use the State the GS1- fiscal Years' s) .... 07/01/1993- 06/3011998) o · SAMPLE DISPOSITION · FORM 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATZON Disposal for the above listed 10. DTSPOSAL CER1/I;~CATE The above listed records have been records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. indicated. Signature Date Name and Title 02/15/2002 Records Custodian or Designee Date Witness NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records.