Abstract & Title Company . Examination of Title Prepared lry Miami Beach Abstract and Title Company ~ To the following described lands, lying and being in Dade County, Florida Lots Nine (g), Ten (.,0) , Eleven (11) and Twelve (12), Block tight (8), OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, accord1ng to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 38, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Prepared for CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~ '~ ........ . 12011 . - ~ Wheeler Buddl.... 614 ColUno Avenu. MIAMI BEACH ABSTP.Acr AND TITLE COMPANY MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA T.....hooe M. B. 1513 # Bo. 1 JOSEPH G. NAGENGAST and JENNIE E. NAGENGAST TO CI'IY OF MI.AJ4I BEACH, a Florida Munioipal Corporation. WJ.RRAN'l'!' DKKD Dated Ma roh 6, l!'iled Maroh 6, Recorded in Page Clerk's File No. l!'-5922 1930 1930 Book Consideration: ilO.OO & OVO GRANT, BARGAIN AND SELL: " II " Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12, in Block 8, of Ocean Beach, Florida, according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, page 38, of the Public Records of Dade Coun ty, Flori da. Subject only to conditions, limitations and restrictions of reoord. Froperly signed, sealed and witnessed. Acknowledged on March 6, 1930, before a Notary Public in and for the State of Florida, whose commission expires April 25, 1932. Notary Fublic Seal. Separate examination of wife. f; ~~ ~~ ..~ No. 2 Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12, of Block 8, of Ooean Beach ,.. The above property was exempt from State, County and Eaker's Haulover Distriot taxes for the year 1929. The tax sale oertificates for the unpaid State, County, Baker's Haulover Distriot and City of Miami Beach taxes, for the years 1927 and 1928, were redeemed on March 7, 1930, by Joseph G. Nagengast. ** *. ** *. .. ~, ~ f~ :-: ~. & t l~ ~ '1 I. Certificate Miami Beach Abstract & Title Company (A CorporaeWft under ehe La.we of the Seate of FloriM) DOTH CERTIFY: Abstract of Title, comprlsmg entries inclusive, was compiled Florida, and from such other public First: That the foregoing and annexed numbered One (1) to Two (2) by it from the public records of Dade County, records and sources as are therein indicated. Second: This Abstract covers that period of time extending from January 15, 1930, at 8 A.M. to and including the date of this certificate. Third: This Abstract exhibits all instruments of record purporting to transfer, convey, mortgage, charge or encumber the title to or any interest in the land described in caption hereof;imd also all suits at law or in chancery, if any (as evidenced by a Lis Pendens notice that has been recorded), now pending in the Circuit Court of the State of Florida, in and for Dade County, in anywise affecting or relating to the title to said land. Fourth: This Abstract exhibits all unsatisfied United States Income Tax Liens, and all judgments and decrees, if any, for the recovery of money from and against any of the several persons (by names and initials as therein stated, but not otherwise) who have been or are now parties to the chain of title to said land, as shown by the convey- ances herein exhibited, and which are of record in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for said Dade County, F1orida, exclusive of such, if any, as were entered sub- sequent to the date of the filing for record of the conveyance by which such person or persons parted with the title. Fifth: All items exhibited in this Abstract, unless otherwise noted, are executed in regular form according to the General Statutes of the Laws of Florida. This Abstract exhibits all unredeemed Tax Sales as shown by the records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Dade County, Florida, for which said land is chargeable on the date of this Certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Company has caused these presents to be signed in its name and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed at :Miami Beach, Flor- ida, this loth day of Maroh , A. D. 1930 ,at 8 A. M. .. MIAMI BEA: ~J:1 T_rr;~Z Certificate No. 2035 pr.ridmt. TO 411 HOUR ..IlVlelE aUARANT.IED FLORIDA TITLE. COMPANY t7 YEAIlS IN .AMI[ L,OCA,l'IO MEMBER 0.. AMIlRICAN 1L~1E J".OCIATION OUR AB.TIIACT. ARE ACCEI'TED BV ALL BANK., LOAN COM~ANI" AND ATTOIINIIY. ... Our cOlnplele records with 17 years experience guarantee you tl,e best;n 7itle work FLORIDA TITLE COMPANY CAPITAL $100,000.00 MIAMI. FLORIDA MIAMI BUILDING AND LOAN A..OCIATION BUILDING ABSTRACTS OF TITLE ~ :" TO ALL ... LANDS AND LOTS IN THE COUNTY OF DADE, STATE OF FLORIDA No. 81614 SUPPLEMENTAL ABSTRACT OF TITLE TO . _~',~_ ".. ..'~""v_,.,.' _~. . - . " ',' " ' ~'.~.-.~:.~;.:.::;--c:i~:.; --...,:',< .,....."""l",.".~ ...->:-.,.;..."'.,...... '-::: ','_.':.'>~.,!:'.~_..;':-,,,.'., ~~~ Lot. g. 10 u4 11 111 B100k e at OOBAB BEACB. rLOR IDA.. aooord1q to the plat thereof reoorded 111 Plat Book 2. page 38. of the Publio Reoords of Dade COWlty t Flor1da. :" . PREPARED FOR JOSEPH G. NAGENGAST I NT....D...AIIT.....T AI. COIIIIDPONDIlNCIl 1'011" NOTIl. OIlIClINAI. TO all IIIlTtlliNIlD TO I_UINCI OPPIa DUPl..ICATIl TO all IIIl1'AINIlD av II_TlNCI OPPIC& CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA Name ~r. C. W. TorelinsVtl, o i tj'" 01 erk. Date Fe1lrnary 19, 1930. I am trans~n1~~1ng berew!t~ an a~str~ct of ti~la ~~e a:l oginivIl rcnG.ered 1:.;; :.'r. J. 1tarve~,' R.:JbilL.;rd, boll in conncctl::n "Nith the proposed 'pul'c:,esc of F. !lite for a South ~cac~'Pla~~r0~nd. ~1en t~o ~rescribed !)r~Y days has elapsod, kindly taka the necessary steps to have title to this property transferred to the City. I think perhaps we had better get specific authority from the Council, however, before issuing the check. Kindly check up on all taxes, including special assess- ments against this property so as to avoid any such controversy as arose in connection with the ~urc~aso of Flamingo Park. CLAUDE A. RENSHAW, C I'l'l UAIUGER. Referred to Date Comments: Report : Date '\ \ ,W -4.t'. PURCHASE OF SOUTH BEACH PLAYGROUND SITE LOTS 9, la, 11 AND 12, BLOCK g, OCEAN BEACH SUBDIVISION From Joseph G. Nagengast and Jennie C. Nagengast, his wife. Puroha.se Prioe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deduotions & Expenses: To County Tax Offioe, E. B. Lea.therman, Clerk of the Circuit Court: 1927 City Tax Certifioate $913.71 1927 & 1929 .State & County Tax Certifioate$S15.60 1927 & 1925 Bakers Hau10ver Certifioate J lS.99 $1,745.30 To City Tax Offioe, City of Miami Beaoh: Munioipa1 Liens & Interest To Miami Beaoh Abstraot & Ti t1e Company: For Federal Lien Certificates $5,577.45 t lrs.OO TOTAL Balance du,e Joseph G. & Jennie E. Nagenga.st . . $ 3g,OOO.00 J 7.337.75 .$ 30,662.25 Purchase authorized by the City Council January 15th, 1930 - Minute Book No.9, Page 433. Appropriation confirmed by the City Council March 5th, 1930. ..-..----. .--....-----.---- .-..:.....