WD-15 Tax Certificate . , . . . ~....... TAX CERTIFICATE CITY OF MIAMI BEA.CH. FI.ORIDA. OFFICE OF CITY TAX COU.ECTOR ______________:_~~~~~l'____gJ~_~__________, 19__3.9 This is to certify that there are no MUNICIPAL LIENS or ASSESSMENTS due and payable against Lot_____9_________, Block______S________, ________Q~E_~L~_E_AQ_R______________________________________________ Subdivision, excepting the following: __________ .______ _____. ___________________.__________..___________ _____________________________________________________________ - -- - --- ____________J.9-2_6___LQ!___CLE_AN_=1tG.____ ._______________________________ ________ _.. _. ____. ______________ t_Q_._l5._________________________ . --. _.._________..____S.ID~_"IAL_K._________________________m_______________.._________________. _______________________.l!!9_._QY:_________________________. _._________________Jy.i_1i_~L.i_~_1i~_*"_e.J;l_t___~'!;____R1___:[~gJ!i___). /29 12 t).JJ~~_ ~:I..__p~_tg_~__________________________________________ . .- ___m__________~_~yJJ~Q:._._________________________________________m__________________________________ .___.____________~~J!_2Q__________________________ with interest at 6~ from 1/29/26 until paid. Liens Due .____________________~_~YINQ:.________m_m____________________________________.___ ._____________________. _________________Z_gl.!__9.Q___ .______________________ .----________________!!~_~___!~!~_!_~_~_~____~~____~~~___~_!.9_'f!:_Jf?_!l?~___'!!!.~_~_~__E~~9_~_______ .________________ ._______________ .____________________9.ANI.T.ARY___5.E:IER__________________________________________________. ---------------------___U3.__1a_________________________ ...---_. .______._____!!_~E:___!~~_~E~_~~___~~___9_:~___r~g_~__2l!_t~_~___~~_~_~_~___P_~_9_~______________ __________________________ ____________________P-AY_1N_2__ALLEJ.___________________________________ -------------------------------------------_____.9!:1:..._S!i_______________________. .____________________n_1ib____lnt_e.r_e._at___at____6_:Lf.~_Q,1L_J.QL;QJ2_Q.__\.Intil.__P-Iii_Q,,______________________________________ ---------m-------~~E.i~ t;re--s-i-a:i--b"r--f-rom-67f72T-Uii-tii---paTtf:---.91. 05--_______________________ Also that the City Taxes for the year 19?_9___ against the said property, amounting to . ,-----------~$..-Q.Q--------, e~ot been paid. This lalt was sold for 1927 City Taxes. This does not apply to Water Rents. Redeemable throu,h Clerk of Circuit C. w. TOMLlN~.!c-<'. i' C.itY Tax ..,coIl1ir. co. u.rt. V~j -,1 ~;~ ;1) By_________________:~__hf...<1.{~___:.-::-:::__l..::-_.!.~,{_""_~_? Deputy. This is to certify that the following liens have been placed against the said property, which same, however, ARE NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE: Liens f>ending Purpose of Lien _.. ._. ._ __..._..._ _., _.. ...._.'u____~.., Date Lien Placed ._--- ------------..---~----_._------------_._-----~----------------------------------, Purpose of Lien ._-------------------, ,------------------------------- ien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate ._-------------------------------------------------, ,----------- .----------------- Date Lien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate -----------------~--------------------------_. ------, Purpose of Lien -------------.---- --- -- --- -- _ -______________ __ ____., ,.. _____________m_ ____________ Date Lien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate __ ___________________-=-_____________ __ mu___..' "$__________ ._______________=___ Date Lien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate fl' jrp S.h ED. R. NE.~~' Cit~ ~ngi~~r. ... ~..\ (J ) (\,',..A/1iLL {f '','\1' Ir '.'r..,..:/--..__._- l'~Jt/H;;;' /'.'~ i/t...,:':~(<, By-----t....--~...lol- +' ---... ..,,-{;-----'-----i/--Ir----------------- t. , ( h .II) I " , J i f/ i \ TAX CERTIFICATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA OF}'ICE OF CITY TAX COI.I.ECTOR ______;!_~~~~I____~}!_?,____________________, 19____20 This is to certify that there are no MUNICIPAL LIENS or ASSESSMENTS due and payable against Lot____lQ______, Block_____..~_____, _______m____Q.'::_~~,~L~_~~Q!1_____.__________._____________________ Subdivision, excepting the following: ______._____________ .___________._____._________..__________.. ..__ .____________________.. _.________________________________ 1926 LOT CLEA~rWG ~6.75 ._-....._---.----._-------- ..-----.'...-------------------------..-.----......---------'.---.----------------.----....--.---------,.----._------------.--------------------------------- PAVING 727.00 .-.. ... .----.----.---.-----.-------...--------------------------...-- ..-.-------------..--.--..------7- --,.-----.-... -- . ----.-----....-.--------- --.-------------.---..- with interest at 6~ from 7/21 20 until paie. _.. ...-------------------..--------------..---.--.----------------------------------.-----..------------------------------.---------------------------------------------.-.----- Liens Due SANIT_~Y SEWER 63.1~ .---.------------------------------.-------------.-~-------...-----------------.--.-----.---..___________.__....__.__._______________u__________._________________________________ -..------_.___..__w1_th___~_n1i_~_~~_~1i____~:t____~:~.__:t:!_~__ _~.DJ?~___~~.i_.~P.~_!9:~_________________.._____._______________. .. -...-. .________._____J'_AYlt{~__.._______._____________________.. ___.________ __._____________.___0_ .___..____.______________.. ..___2~_~_~_~______________._____ wi th interest at 6'i: from 10/6/26 unt 11 paid. --_._--------------------------------------~--------------------------------.---.-----.---.------------------------------------------_._._------~------_.__._------------------ WHITE WAY 91.05 ..-------------------------------.-----------.----.-------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------.------.---------.----- ..n..__________________~i_~~___J~~~_;r;~__~_~n_~~____~_%__.r;:C?:~.._ .?l!Jg]_. _~~.~.l_ ._E~_i_~.._________h.____n___._______________ -..-....-----.------.----------------------------------------------.----------------------.-----.----------------------..----.----.------------------------------------------------- --_._---------_.._------------------~--------~---.._------.---._----------------------_._-----------------~--..-----..-.----..----------------------------------------------------- .--------------------------------...---------------------------------------------------- -------.---------..----.-.------------------.-------------~------------------------------ .----------------.-------..--.-----------.-.----------.--._---- --...----..--...-----------------------------------------_.,----------------------------- Also that the City Taxes for the year $_______________!lQ_!_QQ..____, =~ot been paid. This does not apply to Water Rents. 19..29_ against the said property, amounting to This lot was sold for 1927 City Taxes. C. W. TOMLINSON 'ty Tax Collector. By____..________.___~_________.__~,~___~ Deputy. This is to certify that the following liens have been placed against the said property, which same, however, ARE NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE: --.----------------------------------------------------------------------, .--..--------- --..--. Purpose of Lien Date Lien Placed --------------------------.---------------.------....-------------------------, Purpose of Lien _ nmn.._______~___, $ m._____ .___...__________n__ ien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate Liens Pending ________________ n ____________. ___n. _____________, $. ._________ .____________________ Date Lien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate --.-----________.______ no____.. ____um__.m.' $ _ ._______ n___n . .__..___m_ Date Lien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate _________m_.__n_____________.___________.__~.------------. .._.________ _____~$._________ .______....__m.... Purpose of Lien Date Lien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate ED. R. NEFF, City ngineer. , 11 ^ t " ._-'" (~I .. /I '" 1--, - -". TAX CERTIFICATE CITY OF :\'IlAMI BEACH. FLORIDA OF1!'ICE OF CITY TAX (,OI.l.]~C'fOR ___JJm_p,~_IT__2J_~g,__m__ _________________, 19-3.0.. This is to certify that there are no MUNICIPAL LIENS or ASSESSMENTS due and payable against Lot______Jl____. Block_______~______. ____________QQ)~A?___J?_~_~~~H_________________________ _______________ Subdivision, excepting the following: _______ _______________ _______n__________________________________. ..__._. ___ ..____________.____________________________________ __ .______ _______.___l9g_~___1Q_T__g_~~_A~n~1(}_ .._.. _____________._____________ _____.___.. . .n.. ______________~_!.l.2____________________._____ ___ __._________________~_~YI~H~__.____________________________________________ ________________________.._..______._________Jg.z_!_9_Q_______________________~__, . ____.. ____________.~!~_e.____!~_~~_!_~_~~___~~___~_~!___r~_'?~__IL?:_'!l?:~h __ll!lt_~~~__E~_i_~~__ ________________ .________________ SANITARY SEWER 62.11 Liens Due ....___.__ .__ _________'I'-i.t.b..__int_er_es.t___.at___6:% __fl.':_QJjL9.l112_6___un:t il__pa.i_d_..___________________________________ _______. ________________~_! ~!_~_~___!T:'__~~x:_________________ ____ . ___________________________ _______ _ ___._____ .. ____ 5~ ~_~~____._ _____________________ ________________________~Jj;_l1____!~.'l1_~~_~_!?_t__~~~_iLf.;::?_~~ ___!9i_~L_?_~___~1;..~ J__~~!2!_____________. _________.__________ .___ . ____________________~I::r_,!!:___W_AX__________________________ _____.________.___ _______..___ ____.. ___ _. _. __n_. ___. ._.____9J.,_!_Q5___. _______________________ with interest at 6~ fro~ 6/1/27 until paid. Also that the City Taxes for the year 19---2.9 against the said property, amounting to ,_____ ._________1.~QJl_QQ_____. X:::X:ot been paid. !hi S lot was sold for 1927 C i t Y T axe s. This does not apply to Water Rents. C. W. TOMLlNSO ,City Tax Collector. By_______U____ _____ ________ '--____'f:~:../;/L_ Deputy. This is to certify that the following liens have been placed against the said property, which same, however, ARE NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE: ._____.u____..______._________~_________.______________.-.-----------------..--------t Purpose of Lien ",_. ----..'...----., Date Lien Placed .n___________________________~..____ __._.______..__.___,.__________~________ ___,,___, urpese of Lien -- ~- ~..- - --..----. -------.----- ----~-------~- ~---~-~ -..---.--- -. -------- -------- .---.- -.., Purpose .of Lien ., ,. ------.------------------------ Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate ._________ ______ _ _ __ _ _ _m _ __ _ __. _ _ _ __ __ __. __ _ _ ___ _ _. ,. _____ _____ .______ __ __ __________ Date Lien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate -----------------------.----..-. ---------. -..-.---.. ,-----------------.. --------.--- Date Lien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate Liens Pending ~.. -_.----------. -----------------~-----------_.._-----------------------~---_. ----~-, Purpose of Lien . H. _________'_' . .. __._____ .____ . __ _m _ , '.n_______.__._______.________.. Date Lien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate ED. R. NEFF, CitY~ngineer. . /'/\-\ .. ,\ r!\f"...:I..~....'.. .___- \" ' .' .'" ,.11.1...---- By_.J".J1J, ~l__jIL:;_.~~,,_~_____________________ \1 , I 'J ./ .. :"..... TAX CERTIFICATE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA OFFICE OF crn TAX COT.I.ECTOR _________.Jan.ua:r:~--2).r-ci----------------, 19__}Q. This is to certify that there are no MUNICIPAL LIENS or ASSESSMENTS due and payable against Lot______lg_____. Block____~_m_____' _______Q_c..~_~~___!l.~AQ!L______________________________ ________________ Subdivision, excepting the following: ____~__ ______________ _..__________________ _______________________________________________________m_________________-------- ._______ ________J.,9_g_?___!:-_~~____9.}._~_?:!?:~_~_____________. ____________ ________________ ______ . __.. ___ __ji?_~]2____________m_____________m______ PAVING WASHINGTON AVENUE 727.00 ._-_.------~._--------------------_._----------------------------------.._---------------------------.----------.o----- _______________._______________.______________________---- with inter-est at 6~ from 7/21/26 until paid. __.__________________.___________________.______________________________._____________..________________________u____________________.._____________________________-----.-.- SANIT~~Y SEWER 62.11 ..---..-----.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------.,.------------------------------------------...------------ Liens Due ___ ________m_~_t1!.lLlg};_~_:t:Sl.~_~___~};____~~__J!'Q'!P,___9.l~Jg_~___~~_g__ p~ tg,_~______________________________________________ .______ ..________p_A:v:I_NG___AL_L_~I________h_________________________ ..____mh________________________9l.J:!'__~5____________________________--------- with interest at 6~ from 10/6/26 until paid. --- _.. --- --_....-.---- ---------- -.----~--~ ----------- -------------------- --. --- ---- ._--.. --- . - ------ -------------- --~ -. -.--. ~ --- - - - - ----- - -- - - ----------- ~. - - --- ----- ----+- ------ WHI TE WAY 91. 05 -------------------------------------------~---------------.---------------------------- .--------------------------------..------.------------.----------------------.-.---------- with interest at 6% from 6/1/27 until paid. . n.. _ ___ _ ____________ ____________ _ ___ _ ___. _ _ _~ _________ _ __ .._ ____ _ ___ _ __ __ _ ________ ,._ _ ___._ __ _ _____ __ _ __ _ _ _ _~_. _ _ _ _. __ __ __ _ __ __h --- ~--~ -.--- -- ---- -- - ----- - ~ -- - ----- ~----------- ~_._-, -----.------------..-----------------------------------------------.-._--_._----_._--------------~-----.----....--.-..----------------------------------------------------- .---..------------------------.----------------------- --------------------------..---------------------.,-.---....-----..-----.----------------------------.--------------------------- .---------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------.-..---.-.----.-- --,-...--.--.-----..----------------..--------------------..------------- ._~-----------------------_._-------_._------------------------------- -_.. ------------.----,.-----. ----------_._._-------~---------------._----------_._------- Also that the City Taxes for the year 19___2.9 against the said property, amounting to $___________llQ_!_Q_Q______:, X=not been paid. Th1 S 1 Jt was sold for 1927 01 ty Taxes. This does not apply to Water Rents. ity Ta. x ~tor. --~ -------------._-------.----------------._----.------------- Deputy. By___h__ This is to certify that the following liens have been placed against the said property, which same, however, ARE NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE: Liens Pending .___..__________________.________________________d____---..------.-------------------t Purpose of Lien ______h___. __. .._ _____ ._____________ _____.._____. $_________ .m___________h_____ Date Lie aced Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate __.. _______~.__.___________________________________.._.____________w____.____________t Purpose of Lien ._--------------------------------------------------, $______________________________ Date Lien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate ________________________m______________ ______n__' $._________________._________.___ Date Lien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate ________________.______________________________.___________________.___________. ______, .______________~..____.________________,_______.__n .-t ------------------~------------- Purpose of Lien Date Lien Placed Approximate Amount based on Engineers' estimate ~- .~..-,..- --.... .January 27, 1930 ~'.......' '.' ., w ~~ ~ I 1,"'"1 \ ! , -1 r ~~, ;"'::\. \.~" . ~~:... ., ,,/'" l ,. [j ~ l I ....., ~'_....."._..,,--,~~- OPINION i\ I!Mr. Claude A. Renshaw, 'City Manager, Miami Beach, Florida. .Dear Sir: " ~ .'! I have examined the abstracts of title shown me to Lots nine (9), ten (10) eleven (11) and twelve (12) in Block eight (8) of OClliili BEACH, FLORIDA, accerdir.g to plat the,t'eof recorded in Plat Book 2 page 38 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. .1 ~and from such examinations I am of the opinion 'that title thereto i !lwas in .Joseph G. Nagengast and .Jennie E. Nagengast, subject, how- i!ever to the following: !I II II i; FIRST: To a lease to City of Miami Beach, a Municipal 'corporation, dated .July 20th, 1928, filed September 26th, 1928, .recorded in Deed Book 1254 at page 76, which said lease expires January 1st, 1932, and with the terms of which you are already familiar. SECOND: To restrictions of record as follows: (a) No building to be erected on said property whose front line shall be less than twenty-five (25) feet from the front of any of said lots. (b) Said premises shall never be leased or sold to any person not of the Caucasian race, not to any firm or corporation of which any person other than the Caucasian race shall be a member or share-holder. THIRD: To tax sales as follows: CEST. NO. AMOUNT $122.60 296 .91 8447 8448 6496 111.53 6497 270.16 3.25 610 611 589 590 2.22 4.57 1.89 3.87 3.25 -- ~~.......-',....~......'. ~. In addition to the above, 1929 State and County taxes are not shown paid. These lots were sold for 1927 City taxes, a certifi- cate of cost of redemption of which should be obtained from the Clerk of the Circuit Court. I be shown paid. City taxes for the years 1928 and 1929 should also Ii 1\ !; " II I' II FOURTH: To Municipal liens and assessments as follows: 1926 Lot Cleaning $6.75 ' Sidewalk 149.04 ' with interest at 6% from 1/29/26 until paid. Paving 483.60 / with interest at 6% from 1/2~/26 until paid Paving 727.00 with interest at 6% from 7/21/26 until paid. Sanitary Sewer ,_~I_-,:, _' 113.18 .. with interest 6% from ~S until paid Paving Alley 94.85 - with interest 6% from 10/6/26 until paid. Viliite Way 91.05 with interest at 6% from 6/1/27 until paid. / 1926 Lot Cleaning 6.75 Paving 727.00 with interest at 6% from 7/21/26 until paid Sanitary Sewer .63.14 with interest at 6% from 9/1/26 until paid Paving 94~85 with interest at 6% from 10/6/26 until paid. Vfuite Way 91.05 with interest at 6% from 6/1/27 until paid. 1926 Lot Cleaning Paving with interest at 6% from 7/21/26 6.75 . 727.00 . until paid. Sanitary Sewer 62.11 with interest at 6% from 9/1/26 until paid. Paving Alley 94.85 with interest at 6% from 10/6/26 until paid. White Way 91.05 with interGst at 6% from 6/1/2~ until paid. 1926 Lot Cleaning 6.75 .. Paving Washington Avenue 727.00 / with interest at 6% from 7/21/26 until paid. Sanitary Sewer 62.11 with interest at 6% from 9/1/26 until paid. Paving Alley 94.85 with interest at 6% from 10/6/26 until paid. ~nite Way 91.05 with interest at 6% from 6/1/27 until paid. /iF" , /'!~!.~",. "' "_',\ 'C'~'~;', ',\!;'~""" ':)1.::" "':;:<:"'*OP\' ,...,~,~" """," ~'.,,",' "':"";lJ'.'~"~"'."""" '.' ..' . ,,,.",",-,;,:,' , " , ' .'.}. ' ;,';';"'::'\.:,"';','" ~ ~,~',' - """O::':",,,,,,-,::<,;,?-." ,,><' ,t o"..."'~ , H Z ~,:.,~rAt , J;1: ';:C{, Z o;.,'I!"" ~g:: 1-3::P 1-<:< ~.~. 1-3!J:1 00 !J:1 ttJ'''' ZH: ~.~ >- ::0 t:l .. Oelt" ~l:lO (J)P>(1' III t/l C1' l:l I-' 0 .....ro<<> I ",," .. (J) elttJl-' ~I-'O P" 0 .. .. Q ":ljl>i'1-' I-' I-' elCD . :! ~~ , " r ~~..' r Ie ,: