Resolution 6955 RESOLUTION NO. 6955
WHEREAS, the Personnel Director of the City of Miami Beach, Florida,
has transmitted to the City Council of said City for its approval or dis-
approval, an amendment to the Personnel Rules of said City heretofore adopted
by the Personnel Board of said City, said amendment being as follows:
"Amend Sub-paragraph 3 of Paragraph (a) of Section 3 of
RULE XII to read as follows:
3. Any portion of the Annual Leave of a Regular employee, not other-
wise used shall be accumulated, and after the earned balance of Annual Leave
to the credit of such Regular employee at the end of the calendar year shi.Ji
be such that longer than normal vacations can be granted without the resulting
time charged for such vacation reducing the earned balance below sixty (60)
days, such Regular employee may be granted a vacation not to exceed twenty
(20) work days, provided that, effective January 1, 1949, Regular employees
may add to each yearly vacation which they are otherwise entitled to and re-
quest, without charge against their Annual Leave credit, as follows:
If having more than 10 but less than 20 years of credit-
able service under a City Pension Plan 1 week
If having more than 20 years of creditable service
under a City Pension Plan 2 weeks
Any earned balance of Annual Leave, including credits provided for in Para-
graph (a) 4 of this Section, of a Regular employee who dies in the service
of the City, or who retires under the terms of any City Pension Plan, shall
be paid to the beneficiary or employee respectively at the rate of camcpensa-
tion received by such Regular employee at the time of his death in service,
or retirement. Any earned balance of Annual Leave, deducting therefrom any
credit granted under the provisions of Paragraph (a) 4 of this Section, or
a Regular employee who resigns in good stranding shall be paid to such Regular
employee at the rate of compensation received by such Regular employee at the
time of his resignation in good standing, provided that such payment shall
not be made until such time as the resigned Regular employee shall forfeit
his right to re-employment either by time limitation or by written forfeiture
of all Civil Service rights. Such payment for balance of Annual Leave payable
to a retired Regular employee, a beneficiary of a deceased Regular employee,
or to a resigned Regular employee shall in no case exceed an amount equal to
one year's compensation at the rate of pay received by such Regular employee
at the time of his retirement, death or resignation."
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Miami Beach, Florida, that said amendments to the Personnel Rules of the City
of Miami Beach, Florida, be and the same are hereby approved.
PASSED and ADOPTED this 15th day of June, A. D. 1949
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