Resolution 7035 RESOLUTION LO. 7035
WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach, Florida, has heretofore
paved a portion of that certain public street located in said City
known and designated as "Miami Beach Drive" , and
WHEREAS, it has recently been discovered that said paving
encroaches upon a portion of the following described lands situate,
lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, Florida, to-wit:
Lots 1 and 2 and the north sixty (60) feet
of Lot 4, and Lot 5 of Block 8 of Miami Beach
Improvement Company' s Ocean Front Property,
according to the Amended Map thereof, recorded
in Plat Book 5, at pages 7 and 8, of the Public
Records of Dade County, Florida,
':1EREAS, to remove that portion of the said pavement which
encroaches upon the above-described lots would not only be of expense
to the City but would cause the west line of said pavement to be
other than a straight line, and
:1HEREAS, the owners of the above-described lots have ex-
pressed their willingness to execute and deliver their respective
deeds of dedication to the City by the terms of which deeds there will
be dedicated to the perpetual use of the City and to the public for
street and highway purposes those portions of .the above-described lots
now being encroached upon as aforesaid and hereinafter more fully des-
cribed , in consideration of the execution and delivery by the City
of Miami Beach to the respective owners of the above-described lots,
of a quit-claim deed covering a portion of said Miami Beach Drive
off of the east side thereof approximately equal in area and shape
to the portions of the lands to be dedicated as aforesaid and here-
inafter described; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida,
deems it to be to the best interest of said City to effect the ex-
change hereinbefore set forth,
NO`J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Miami Beach, Florida, that the Mayor and the City Clerk be
and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute in the name
of and on behalf of said City a quit-claim deed to each of the res-
pective owners of the above-described lots covering that certain
parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Miami Beach,
Florida, bounded as follows, to-wit:
From the southeasterly corner of Lot One (1) , Block
Eight (8) of the Ocean Front Property of the Miami
Beach Improvement Company as shown on the Amended
Map thereof recorded in Plat Book Five (5) at pages
7 and 8 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida;
run in an easterly direction along the easterly prolon-
gation of the southerly line of said Lot One (1)- a
distance of fifty (50) feet, more or less, to the
easterly line of Miami Beach Drive as shown on the
above mentioned map, to the point of beginning of
the tract of land herein described.
thence run in a westerly direction along the
easterly prolongation of the southerly line of
said Lot One (1) a distance of one and five
one-hundredths (1.05) feet to a point; thence
run in a northerly direction on a straight line
for a distance of seventy-five (75) feet, more
or less, to a point on the easterly prolongation
of the northerly line of said Lot One (1) , said
point being two and six-tenths (2.6) feet westerly
of the easterly line of said Miami Beach Drive;
thence run in an easterly direction along the said
easterly prolongation of the northerly line of said
Lot One (1) a distance of two and six tenths (2.6)
feet to the easterly line of said Miami Beach Drive;
thence run in a southerly direction along the
easterly line of said Miami beach Drive a distance
of seventy-five (75) feet, more or less, to the
point of beginning.
The property immediately above described to be conveyed
to the owner or owners of Lot One (1) .
From the southeasterly corner of Lot Two (2) , Block
Eight (8) of the Ocean Front Property of the Miami
Beach Improvement Company, as shown on the Amended
Map thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5, at pages 7 and 8,
of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; run
in an easterly direction along the easterly prolongation
of the southerly line of said Lot Two (2) a distance
of fifty (50) feet, more or less, to the easterly line
of Miami Beach Drive as shown on the above-mentioned
map, to the point of beginning of the tract of land
herein described; thence run in a westerly direction
along the easterly prolongation of the southerly line
of said Lot Two (2) a distance of two and six-tenths
(2.6) feet to a point; thence run in a northerly
direction on a straight line for a distance of seventy-
five (75) feet, more or less, to a point on the easterly
prolongation of the northerly line of said Lot Two (2) ,
said point being three and three-tenths (3 .3) feet, westerly
of the easterly line of said Miami Beach Drive; thence
run in an easterly direction along the said easterly
prolongation of the northerly line of said Lot Two (2)
a distance of three and three-tenths (3 .3) feet to the
easterly line of said Miami Beach Drive; thence run
in a southerly direction along the easterly line of
said Miami Beach Drive a distance of Seventy-five (75)
feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
The property immediately above described to be conveyed
to the owner or owners of Lot Two (2) .
Beginning at the point of intersection of the easterly
line of Miami Beach Drive as shown on the .mended Map
of the Ocean Front Property of the Miami Beach Improve-
ment Company, recorded in Plat Book 5, at pages 7 and 8,
of the Public Records of Dade County Florida and the
easterly extension of a line parallel to and Fifteen (15)
feet northerly of the southerly line of Lot Four (4) ,
Block Eight (8) of said Subdivision; thence run in a
westerly direction along the said line parallel to and
fifteen (15) feet northerly of the southerly line of
said lot Four (4) a distance of three and nine-tenths
(3 .9) feet to a point; thence run in a northerly
direction on a straight line to a point on the easterly
extension of the northerly line of said Lot Four (4) ,
said point being four and two tenths (4.2) feet wes-
terly of the easterly line of said Miami Beach Drive;
thence continue in a northerly direction along the
northerly extension of the last described course to
the intersection with the said easterly line of Miami
Beach Drive; thence run in a southerly direction along
the said easterly line of Miami Beach Drive to the
point of beginning.
The property immediately above described to be conveyed
to the owner or owners of the north sixty (60) feet of Lot 4 and
all of Lot 5.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager be and he
is hereby authorized and directed to deliver the said quit-claim
deeds to the respective owners of the above-described premises if,
as and when there shall be delivered to him a deed of dedication
in form, content and execution satisfactory to the City Attorney,
covering that certain parcel of land situate, lying and being in
Miami Beach, Florida, and bounded as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Lot One (1) ,
Block Eight (8) of the Ocean Front Property of the
Miami Beach Improvement Company as shown on the Amended
Map thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5, at pages 7 and 8,
of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence
run in a westerly direction along the southerly line of
the said Lot One (1) for a distance of one and five one-
hundredths (1.05) feet, to a point; thence run in a
northerly direction on a straight line seventy-five (75)
feet,more or less, to a point on the northerly line of
said Lot One (1) , said point being two and six-tenths
(2.6) feet westerly of the easterly line of said Block
Eight (8) ; thence run in an easterly direction along
the said northerly line of Lot One (1) for a distance
of two and six-tenths (2.6) feet to the easterly line
of said Block Eight (8) ; thence run in a southerly
direction along the easterly line of said Block Eight
(8) a distance of Seventy-five (75) feet, more or less,
to the point of beginning.
The deed of dedication to the City of Miami Beach to the
property immediately above described to be executed and delivered
by the owner or owners of Lot 1.
Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Lot Two (2) ,
Block Eight (8) of the Ocean Front Property of the
Miami Beach Improvement Company as shown on the Amended
Map thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5, at pages 7 and 8,
of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence
run in a westerly direction along the southerly line
of the said Lot Two (2) for a distance of two and six-
tenths (2.6) feet, to a point; thence run in a northerly
direction on a straight line seventy-five (75) feet,
more or less, to a point on the northerly line of said
Lot Two (2) , said point being three and three-tenths
(3 .3) feet westerly of the easterly line of said Block
Eight (8) ; thence run in an easterly direction along
the said northerly line of Lot Two (2) for a distance
of three and three-tenths (3.3) feet to the easterly
line of said Block Eight (8) ; thence run in a southerly
direction along the easterly line of said Block Eight (8)
a distance of seventy-five (75) feet, more or less, to
the point of beginning.
The deed of dedication to the City of Miami Beach to
the property immediately above described to be executed and
delivered by the owner or owners of Lot 2.
Beginning at the point of intersection of the easterly
line of Block Eight (8) of the Ocean Front Property of.
the Miami Beach Improvement Company, as shown on the
Amended Map thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5, at pages
7 and 8 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida,
and a line parallel to and fifteen (15) feet northerly
of the southerly line of Lot Four (4) of said Block
Eight (8) ; thence run in a westerly direction along
the said line parallel to and fifteen (15) feet northerly
of the southerly line of said Lot Four (4) a distance of
three and nine-tenths (3 .9) feet to a point; thence run
in a northerly direction on a straight line to a point
on the northerly line of said Lot Four (4) , said point
being four and two-tenths (4.2) feet westerly of the
easterly line of said Block Eight (8) ; thence continue
in a northerly direction along the northerly extension
of the last described course to the point of intersection
with the easterly line of the said Block Eight (8) ;
thence run in a southerly direction along the easterly
line of said Block Eight (8) to the point of beginning.
The deed of dedication to the City of Miami Beach to the
property immediately above described to be executed and delivered
by the owner or owners of the north sixty (60) feet of Lot 4 and
all of Lot 5.
PASSED and ADOPTED this 19th day of October, A. D.
City Clerk
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