Letter from David KelseyHOTELS PHONE NO. : 38567399&0 F~. 24 2~B~ 06:06RH P2
David Kelsey
407 Lincoln Road ~ 12H
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
(305) 673-0440
February 28'~, 2003
Robert Parcher
City Clerk
City of Miami Beach
Re: Charter Review Cor/~fitt~
I will be unable to attend Monday's meeting of the Charter Review Committee, and
would appreciate having the following matters brought to the attention of the Committee
for inclusion in their review and recommendation.
Since the mid 1990's I have been bringing the issue of the need for District representation
to the City Commission, both in written correspondence and by personal appearances
before the Commission, but to date these issues have been ignored. Please note: I am not
the only one requesting this change in the Charter, as was evidenced by a recent poll
taken on the City Debate web site, wherein thousands participated and by a two to one
marg/n supported election of Commissioners by Districts. This is an issue that should be
brought to a public vote.
(Note: For those not familiar with the concept of District elections, this is a process
whereby two Commissioners are elected from each of the three geo~aphic districts of
M~iami Beach'. South Beach, Mid Beach, and North Beach. Each candidate must reside in
the district whose Commission seat they are seeking, and voting for these candidates is
restricted to those residing in that same district. The Mayor would continue to be elected
at large.)
The other item that I believe the Charter Review Committee should consider putting
before the voters is a change from a City Manager form of government to a "strong
Mayor" (i.e.: Mayor as Manager) form of government. This change envisions a full time
Mayor baying the duties of a City Manager, with appropriate compensation and perhaps a
four-year term instead oftbe current two-year term. Jacksonville, Florida is recognized
as having successfully adopted this form of government, and would be a good example to
use for a comparison. As with district elections, there is wide public support for this
Thank you lo,your consideration of these issues.