Email sent to CRC members 3/14..... Original IVlessage .....
From: Hat-field, Liliam
Sent: IVlarch 14, 2003 12:06 PlY1
To: Victor Diaz, Esq.; Abraham Laeser; Hon. Seymour Gelber; Jonathan Beloff, Esq.; Larry
Herrup, CPA; Ricky Arriola, Esq.; Steve Zack, Esq.
Cc: Parcher, Robert; Gonzalez, ]orge; Hat-field, Liliam; Olin, lean; IVlcGowan, Laila; Dubbin,
Subject: Charter Review Committee IVlembers IVlaterials
Importance: High
Attention Charter Review Committee Members:
The next committee meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 18, at 5:30 p.m. in the
Mayor's Conference Room, Fourth floor, City Hall. For those of you who have not confirmed your
attendance, please reply to this email or contact me at 305-673-7411 extension 6592. Please
make sure you bring your calendars in order to schedule further meetings.
Attached please find the following documents for your review:
1) IVlarch 18, 2003 Committee Agenda
2) IVlinutes of the IVlarch 3, 2003 Committee IVleeting
3) Enabling Legislation - Resolution 2003-25124
4) Definition of a Charter - IVlcQuillin Law of IVlunicipal Corp.
5) City Charter Review Committee Tssues
6) IVlembers Tnformation
7) Proposed New Charter for City of IVliami Beach
8) Resolution 93-20949
9) Letter from Commissioner Richard Steinberg regarding residency
10) Letter from Commissioner Richard Steinberg regarding runoff dates
11) Letter from David Kelsey
Tf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office at anytime.
Liliam R Hatfield
Oty Clerk's office
1700 Convention Center ®rive
Miami ~eack qvl 33139
005) 673-7411 Ext 6592
OOS) 673-z254 Bax
L iliam~latfield&miamibeachfl gov
City of Miami $each Mission Statement:
'We are committed to providin~l excellent public service andsafety to allwho live,
work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historical community. "