Meeting of the CAF 3/25/03CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Office of the City Manager Interoffice Memorandum To: Commissioner Simon Cruz, Chairperson Vice Mayor Luis R. Garcia Jr., Co-Chairperson Commissioner Saul Gross From: Jorge M. Gonzalez City Manager Subject: MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE ON MARCH Date: March 17, 2003 25. 0 o m A Community Affairs Committee meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 25, 2L~)3 ~:2:0~' p.m., in the Mayor's Conference Room, 4th Floor, City Hall. The agenda is as follows: r~ OLD BUSINESS '1. DISCUSSION ON PROCESS TO EVALUATE THE SPECIAL MASTERS. At the January 16, 2003 Committee meeting this item was discussed and the City Clerk was asked to survey other governmental entities and inquire as to the evaluation process used for special masters and counsel to City Boards and Committees. The item is being brought back to the Committee to discuss the outcome on the City Clerk's survey. Robert Parcher, City Clerk NEW BUSINESS 2. DISCUSSION REGARDING REVIEW OF THE USAGE OF TELEVISION CHANNEL 20. Referred to the Committee by Commissioner Gross at the February 26, 2003 Commission meeting. Robert Parcher, City Clerk DISCUSSION REGARDING TELEVISING THE SPECIAL MASTER CASES ON PUBLIC ACCESS CHANNEL 20. Referred to the Committee by acclamation of the City Commission at the February 26, 2003 Commission meeting. Robert Parcher, City Clerk DISCUSSION REGARDING PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE PROHIBITING CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS AND THEIR LOBBYISTS. Referred to the Committee by Commissioner Richard L. Steinberg at the February 26, 2003 Commission meeting. Raul, Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney JMG~NIDB\Icd c: Mayor and City Commission F:\cmgr\$ALL\LISA\Community Affairs~Agendas\agenda March 25 2003.doc DISTRIBUTION LIST: Murray H. Dubbin, City Attorney Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Christina M. Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Robert C. Middaugh, Assistant City Manager Ramiro Inguanzo, Chief of Staff Robert Dixon, Deputy City Attorney Jean Olin, Deputy City Attorney Raul Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney Martha Diaz, Assistant City Attorney Elizabeth Stadtlander, Special Advisor to the Mayor Jose Bermudez, Special Advisor to the Mayor Nannette Rodriguez, Media Relations Officer Department and Division Directors