Special Mtg FCWPW MeetingCITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us TO: FROM: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez ~IJL~ City Manager DATE: March 12, 2003 SUBJECT: SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FINANCE AND ClTYWIDE PROJECTS COMMISSION COMMITTEE This shall serve as written notice that a Special Meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Commission Committee has been scheduled for March 12, 2003 @ 3:00 P.M. in the Mayor's Conference Room. The agenda is as follows: 1. Status Report on the General Obligation Bond Funded Project for the Rehabilitation of Fire Station No. 4 JMG/PDW/odp F:\FINAgSDIR~FCWP Commlttee~FINCOMM\mlscellaneous~NEW AGEN DA.doc Mayor and Members of the City Commission Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Christina M. Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Robert Middaugh, Assistant City Manager Ronnie Singer, Community Information Manager Linda Gonzalez, Executive Assistant to the City Manager/Labor Relations Tim Hemstreet, CIP Director Ramiro Inguar~zo~Chief of Staff Murray Dubbin, City Attorney Donald De Lucca, Police Chief Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Fred Beckman, Public Works Director Michael Alvarez, Assistant Director of Public Works Jorge Gomez, Planning Director Kevin Smith, Recreation, Culture and Parks Director Saul Frances, Parking Director Raul Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney Phil Azan, Building Director Diane Camber, Bass Museum Executive Director Al Childress, Code Compliance Director Joseph Johnson, III, Transportation & Concurrency Manager CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Office of the City Manager Letter to Commission No. To: From: Subject: Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez~ City Manager Date: March 6, 2003 STATUS REPORT ON THE GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUNDED PROJECT FOR THE REHABILITATION OF FIRE STATION NO. 4 On February 26, 2003, to comply with a previous City Commission's request, the Administration submitted to the Mayor and City Commission a Project Status Report (attached), that included a comprehensive breakdown of the project budget per components, as well as a breakdown by task of the recently approved additional services fees of $64,791, for MC Harry and Associates, the City's consultant. The additional services were authorized to perform work for the Project not included in the original Agreement. The additional work includes splitting the project and preparation of contract documents by the consultant for two (2) bid packages composed of Bid Package 1: relocation of the existing building to a southwesterly location on the site, and Bid Package 2: performance of all design, construction documentation, and contract administration work associated with the new state-of-the-art Fire Station. The additional engineering work necessary to re-grade a portion of the 69th Street street-end is also included in the new services to be rendered by MC Harry and Associates. Moreover, the Status Report included a synopsis of the project's current schedule for completion, and the delays anticipated in the event the Administration was directed by the City Commission to pursue the demolition of the existing building in lieu of its relocation to a westerly position on the project site. It appears that a primary issue of concern to the City Commission is the latest NE estimate of probable cost, which includes a probable shortfall of $213,000 for the project as currently configured. Discussion has included references to the cost of the relocation of the historic building, currently estimated to cost $504,702. If the historic facility were to be demolished, the project would probably be --within budget with the surplus funds being made av~ailable to cover FFE (furniture, fixtures and equipment) items that currently are not budgeted. Alternatively, a portion, or all of the funds, could be used to offset the estimated shortfall on Fire Station No. 2. Therefore, on February 26, 2003, the item was referred by the Mayor and City Commission to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee to formulate a recommendation as to whether or not the existing building should be relocated or demolished. Another issue of discussion was that the current project has neither a programmatic use for the relocated building, nor funding to pay for the interior renovation. Therefore after the relocation, the building will remain closed to the public. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CiTY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 www.miamibeachfl, ov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM To: From: Subject: Date: February 26, 2003 Mayor David Definer and Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez City Manager STATUS REPORT ON THE GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUNDED PROJECT FOR THE REHABILITATION OF FIRE STATION NO. 4 At the February 5, 2003 City Commission meeting, the Administration indicated that an LTC would be transmitted on the subject of Fire Station No. 4 design costs and further information on schedules in the event that the City Commission chose to pursue demolition bfthe old fire station. The LTC information has been incorporated into this project update. On February 5, 2003, the Mayor and City Commission adopted a Resolution to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to the current professional services agreement with MC Harry and Associates, Inc. The additional services fees were for the amount of $64,791 for the consultant to provide additional architectural, engineering and landscape architectural services to complete the design, construction documentation, construction administration, and to develop specifications for the proposed improvements to Fire Station No. 4. The approved services include as follows: Provision of additional architectural and engineering design services to re-grade a portion of the 69th Street street-end to achieve a safe and practical entryway for pedestrians and motor vehicles alike, including the emergency fire trucks, to the new building. 2. Provision of architectural and engineering work necessary for the relocation of the existing Fire Station to a southwesterly location on the site. - 3. Production of two (2) bid packages for the Project, composed of: a) Bid Package No. 1 consisting generally in the demolition of the new addition to the historic structure, the relocation of the existing historic structure to a southwesterly location on the site, structural repair to remove the red tag (structural violations), and to make the building weather tight. b) Bid Package No. 2 consisting generally in the construction of the new Fire Station No. 4, and appurtenant landscaping, site lighting, and site work, including the re-grading of the 69th Street street end. 389 Agenda Item ~ Date ~- ~,-O~ Status Report February 26, 2003 Fire Station No. 4 Page 3 The following analysis is an illustration of the process that will be followed in the event the City Commission, on February 26, 2003, issues a directive to the Administration to pursue the demolition of the existing Fire Station: March 20, 2002: The existing Fire Station No. 4 was designated a historic structure by the Mayor and City Commission. Therefore any prospective plan to demolish the existing building will require a recommendation from the Historic Preservation Board (HPB), to be presented to the City Commission for a final decision. The next available meeting of the Historic Preservation Board is scheduled for April 8, 2003. The deadline for application and submittal of supporting documents is on February 24, 2003. The following is a list of critical events that will affect the project schedule: · February 24, 2003: Application deadline to submit documents for the Historic Preservation Board meeting of April 8, 2003 · February 26, 2003: Scheduled City Commission meeting. The City Commission is anticipated to issue a directive to the Administration that day on how to proceed. a) If the City Commission reconfirms its previous decision to have the building relocated, the project schedule (Tables 3 and 4 below) will not be generally affected. -or- b) On the other hand, if the directive is to demolish the existing building, the Administration will present the project to the HP Board for consideration, on Apdl 8, 2003. Depending on the final Commission decision projected for April 30, 2003, the overall schedule may be impacted by a delay of between 30 to 120 days. The options are explained below. April 30, 2003: Scheduled City Commission Meeting. If the recommendation by the HPB is to approve~he demolition, the City Commission must approve the recommendation and the impact on the current schedule should be no more than30~- days. (See bullet under Table 4). If the recommendation by the HPB is to not approve the demolition of the existing building and the City Commission accepts the recommendation, a three (3) to four (4) months delay should be anticipated in the Project's overall schedule. Tables (3a) and (4a) below illustrate the anticipated impact on the project's schedule in the event the demolition of the building is not approved by the City Commission on April 30, 2003. This delay occurs because Bid Package 1 for relocation of the existing building will be placed on hold until the City Commission issues a directive on demolition or relocation. Therefore, the phasing of the project which included bidding and completing the relocation of the building while the design of the new fire station is finished will not occur. This process will 391 Status Report February 26, 2003 Fire Station No. 4 Page 5 TABLE - 4a TENTATIVE PROJECT SCHEDULE UPDATE - BID PACKAGE 2: NEW FIRE STATION NO. 4 Tasks 100% Construction Documents City Review and Permitting Bid Notice Construction Notice to Proceed Construction close-out Estimated Target date September 2003 SeptembedOctober 2003 November 2003 Janua~ 2004 Janua~ 2005 JMG~RCM\THWIM T:~AGENDA~003~eb2603Vegular~'IRE STATION 4-LTC FEB 26 2003.doc 393