Public Works Department
Interoffice Memorandum
April Hirsch, Planning
Atala Nadal, Finance
Betty Hundsman, HR
Betty Smith, Finance
Beverly Wade-Allen, Public Works
Bret Becker, City Attorney's Office
Carmen Hernandez, Building Department
Chuck Taft, Planning
Cindy Casanova, Parks & Recreation
Dayamine Garin, Neighborhood Services
Dionne Ireland, DDHP
Edward Ball, HR
Jacqueline Gonzalez, Parks & Recreation
Joy McGaughty, City Manager's Office
Judy Hemandez, City Manager's Office
Luis Wong, Mayor & Commission Office
Mara Onate, Parks & Recreation
Mariyill Noda, Mayor & Commission Office
Martha Munoz, City Attorney's Office
Mauricio Gonzalez, HR
Maxine Reyes, HR
Mercy Rovirosa, DDHP
Sandra Diaz, HR
Sandra Ortiz, DDHP
. Silvia Prieto, City Clerk's Office
Steve Greene, Planning
Teresa Maria, Public Works
Heidi Johnson-Wright ~,.,t~
ADA Coordinator ("'3
Date: November 20, 2002
Please be advised that TTY/deaf sensitivity training is scheduled for Thursday, December 5 and
Friday, December 6, 2002. TTYs (also called Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf (TDD) and
text telephones) are terminals used for two-way text conversation over a telephone line. They are
the primary tool used by people who are deaf or hard of hearing for telephone conversation. Please
see the attached list which indicates which one of the two identical training sessions you
have been assigned to attend, depending upon the date you requested.
On both days, the training will last from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will be held in training room 227 on the
second floor of the Miami Beach Police Department building at 1100 Washington Avenue. Parking
is available in the adjacent parking garage, which has an entrance on 12th Street, just west of
Washington Avenue.
It is very important that you bring your departmental TrY machine, its power cord, and its
owner's manual with you to the training. The training will include actually using the 'i-PC to make
T-FY/Deaf Sensitivity Training Attendees
Page 2
November 20, 2002
and receive phone calls. Should you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me or call me
at ext. 6983.
F:\WORK\$ALL\HEIDI\TTYTDD\n~mo to TTY trainng attendees 11-02.doc
Fred H. Beckmann, Public Works Director
Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager
Murray Dubbin, City Attorney
T.C. Adderly, Human Resources Director
Robert Parcher, City Clerk
Patricia Walker, Finance Director
Joanna Revelo, DDHP Director
Jorge Gomez, Planning Director
Kevin Smith, Recreation, Culture & Parks Director
Vivian Guzman, Neighborhood Services Director
Phil Azan, Building Director
Michael Alvarez, Public Works Assistant Director
Charles Denham, Information Technician Specialist
Dianne Nosch, Accommodating Ideas
Second Floor Training Room
Miami Beach Police Department
Building Department .............
City Attorney's Office ........
City Clerk's Office ..............
City Manager's Office .......
DDHP ................
Finance Department .............
Human Resources.~ ............
Mayor's Office ................
Neighborhood Services ..........
Parks & Recreation ...............
Planning Department .............
Public Works .........................
Thursday~ Dec. 5/02
Bret Becker
Martha Munoz
Silvia Prieto
Judy Hernandez
Mercy Rovirosa
Betty Smith
Atala Nadal
Sandra Diaz
Edward (Ted) Ball
Maxine Reyes
Luis Wong
Mariyill Noda
Jacqueline Gonzalez
Cindy Casanova
Mara Onate
Chuck Taft
April Hirsch
Beverly Wade-Allen
Friday, Dec. 6/02
Carmen Hemandez
Joy McGaughty
Sandra Ortiz
Dionne Ireland
Mauricio Gonzalez
Betty Hundsman
Dayamine Gadn
Steve Greene
Teresa Maria
F:\WOP~K\$ALL\CANDI DA\TTY Trng Schedule doc