#113 Maynard Cruz & Scott GrayCity of Miami Beach - City Clerk's Office 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beath, FL 33139 Phone: 305-673-7411 Email: CityClerkc miamibeachfl.gov Office Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2003 DECLARATION OF DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATION FORM Article IV -Chapter 62-131 of the Miami Beach City Code Instructions: Complete and submit this form (notarization is required) to the City Clerk's Office at the address above. A filing fee of $50.00 is required and must accompany the registration form. Make check payable to the City of Miami Beach. We the undersigned do declare that we meet the requirements of Section 62-131: + We are both at least 18 years of age and competent to contract; + We are not married to or a member of another Registered Domestic Partnership or civil union with anyone other than the co - applicant; •b We agree to share the common necessities of life and to be responsible for each other's welfare; ❖ We share a primary residence; + We consider ourselves to be a member of the immediate, family of the other partner; • We agree to immediately notify the City Clerk's Office, in writing, of any change in the status of the Registered Domestic Partnership; ❖ We agree to mutually support the other by contributing in some fashion, not necessarily equally to maintain and support the Registered Domestic Partnership; and •A Each partner agrees to immediately notify the City Clerk's Office, in writing, if the terms of the Registered Domestic Partnership are no longer applicable or one of the domestic partners wishes to terminate the domestic partnership. List the name(s) of dependent(s) who reside(s) within the household of the Registered Domestic Partnership and is (are): 1. a biological adopted, or foster child of a Registered Domestic Partner; or 2. a dependent as defined under IRS regulations; or 3. a ward of a Regi tered Domestic Partner as determined in a guardianship or her legal proceeding. (1) (2) (3) (4) Do you or your domestic partn r claim any exemption to public record disclosure pursuant to Section 119 Florida Statutes? 0 Yesi NNo. If "yes'; submit on a separate age a detailed explanation of exemption. a' Ave ...46 /Of atm . ic4 �I / (�ir3 C mmo Residence Ad ress ity State —' F irea Mailing Address .sof/9rafe Email (Optional) We s Sign on s` `�► (G 1 6)., in e.,G- a tell 2Ji:ge—% (City) (State) 60i.17— Ti)Sq91-1 Cit , State Zip Code Telephone Number rl -1% r or affirm under Penalty of perjury that the statements above are true and correct. Sign Notarizatio State of County of of both signatures: (Required) 0-41-` (Print 1 ibly) Last First Middle ()rag/ �2/ )Ja/lar, (Print legibly) L , ast First Middle day ofC7717ti,--"-1 200 by 5C'a // ►i- zq . fU C� � and fla�/iictrd lga//airy` ('vv z. who are personally known or produced Identification L.- / Ate NI Lillam R Hatfield AP • My Commission DD002020 of tkaa Expires February 18, 2005 Sworn to and subscribed before me this P.") Ignature of Notary Pubic For Clerk's Use Only: Filing Date // /D S CR# 1,2, Received b Registration Number 1' tk The Sunshine State -- LICENSE NUMBER C620-553-78-051-0 MAYNARD MALLARI CRUZ NINE ISLAND VE 1914 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139-0000 BIRTH DATE SEX. HOT, REST. ENDORSE, 02-11-78 M 6.00 ISSUED EXPIRES DUPLICATE 02-12-04 02.1111 00-0040 120128 SAFE DRIVER Operation of a motor vehicle constitutes consent to any sobriety test required by late. — The Sunshine State --• LICENSE NUMBER G600-790-59-185-0 SCOTT JOSEPH GRAY NINE ISLAND AVE N1914 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33130439/ BIRTHDATE S6%. HOT. REST, 05-25.69 M 0.02 ISSUED EXPIRES 1219.01 002507 X9902Oe9a N DONOR t of a motor vehicle cohstitutes consent to any sobriety test requited by taw. ENDORSE. DUPLICATE [ 00.1902