Ad 0177 = , 'n the Comrnissio ~ 'c hearing will be h
~ Wednesda M n Chambers, 3rd rio ' eld by the Ma r a · ·
/1 Fec:-~ra Tra~s.'~y. ~1, 2003 at 11 00 a m ,or, City Hal!, 1700 Con~.:~Y~t· nd CltY Comm?slOn of the . . .
' earmar . ~[ ~omm~stration (~A ..., ,o hear pubtic corem tmn C?ter Dr ye, Miami B C~ty o~ M~am~
~ ked In F~scal Year ) S~ct~on 5~9 fund .ents regardm the . . each, F~Onda
l/ t~eet ~A re uire .n,?00~'~1 for t~e Electrow = ~Z.~ r~qutred by 49 U S g ~p~ropr,ahon of $400 0 ' '
Orrrans or .q. m--.~;anoturtherstatin aveoHu[[e~roject mu ~ 'C" ~'ap~er 53 these ~
P tat on so~" match ' g that the re uire st ~e appropriated c.., =, ~unos,
~ INQUIRIE~ may be directed to th- - _ ..... ~. e. ~y ~ ~mnoa Department
e ~ransportation Concurmnc M
/IALL INTERESTED pA~, .... Y anagement Division at ,.
I y?ws in writ ng addr..~2r~invited to a~ne ....... (305) 673 7514.
J ~all, Miami Beach '~ ~u me City Commis~ ar .. ~.~s n~arlng be mpresen
J notice wOuld .ct b; ~/~;:a~3139. Thc ~eetn ~tt~ Clerk, 1700 Con~ ~yan agent ?r to express thei
I ...... au. g .... untmued and t~o~ Center Dr va, ~st F . r
J under such c~rcumstan .. I~r, C~ty
J Pursuant to S~i ...... ch
~ec,,io, made b;U't~:~j0105, FI.. Stat., the Ci~ here '
~ ~rson must ..... ~ Commission wit .-- ~ a~ses the pub 'c '
. ~.aure ~at a . h -~pect to an i that: if a e ·
~ldeRce u o ' ~rbat~m record Y matter cons . p mon dec,des to
~i~ p n which the a . _ of the proceed/ . _ d~red at ts meet' , _ appeal any
troduct~on or ad~ ..... P~al ~s to be based ~,- ~s ~s made, wnich ........ m~ or ~t~ hearino
appeals not oth~;='~'~'~n or orne~ise inad~-~=;; -.~s. no~ce does not ~.~...,=~uro mcluoes the
_ w. t evidence, nor does il .... ~ the C~ty for the
=u~r~orlze challenges or
In ~C~ordance wth the America
~{C~pate in this Pmceedinn -- ~s w~th Disabil ties Act o
~?~n in accessible for~[~, request information on ~'.pers°ns needing Cocci-,
, Helay Se~ic~ ---~ -?~ prior to the oroc~-~, should conta -~ ur [o request this
(Ad ~177) ....... acrs, (800) 955.8771"~r:~n~?~nng impaired, cont ct the ~,~ Cle~'s office at
,-... ~. [ouu) u55-8770 (VOICE) act the C~ty ClerK's office via