Resolution 10404 RESOLUTION NO. 10404 WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Miami Beach finds that a public emergency exists, causing or tending to cause a disruption of, or breakdown in, public transportation, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 1396 , that the City Manager is hereby authorized, directed and empowered to establish and promulgate by official order, a plan or system whereby the City shall be divided into zones or sectors, and to designate total flat rate charges which may be made for the transportation of each passenger, inclusive of luggage or baggage, within each such zone, and between such zones; and that copies of such official order shall be delivered to each person holding a permit for the operation of a taxicab within the City and each of such persons who elects to adopt such flat rate charge or charges shall thereupon post and conspicuously exhibit on the exterior of such taxicab a suitable sign clearly setting forth the flat rate or rates authorized to be charged for the hire. Upon the issuance of said official order, and such election by the permittee the provisions of Section 35 .36 of the "Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, 1950 " shall be suspended and inoperative as to such permittee. The provisions of such official order shall remain in force and effect until such time as the City Council shall determine by its resolution that said public emergency no longer exists. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of October, 1960 . Mayor Attest: 1 ,1 -) City Cle 0 0 OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY — CITY HALL — MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA O H bow Hzsa) O .Q F-, a3 s~ 4-) H .H O a3 a3 -4) U 4.) .. cr) F-+ a3 •rl U c/) Z Cl) 4.) H .o .i ,HQ P,•+ 0 r�0 ,O 4 a H Z3 H -N a3 U N 4-, co I H 0 cis N a) a) : -p -N co a) 0 H Z 0 4-3 a) •� -p F-i a) c t1 4) r • O 0 0 • a) a) 4-1 0 E -P H N F-+ rH •c3 -I) a) a) S-1 C—+ H b0 cd •r-1 a3 co to 0 cri 0 •1-1 4-i a) a) . 4-c �+ t4 <C c� O co .Q d cQ O a, 4-3