Block 4, Lot 1Part~... of the ?irst Part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Munioloal Co,oration of ~he S~a~e of ~lorida, Par~y of ~he $econd Par~, ~a~ ~he Par~ of ~he P~s~ Par~, for and coneideraZion of ~he sum of ~n ($10.00) Dollars, and o~her ~ood and Valuable consldera~ions to ~ in ~nd bald, recelp~ whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha~ dedicated and hereby dedicate ~o %he peme~ual use of nublic, for sidewalk purooses, ~he following described land lying and ~ing in ~he Ct%y of Miami Beach, County of Dade and 5ta~e of Florida, ~o-wl~: The ~~ ~wo (2) fee~ of Lo~ ~n. (11 B1OOkF~ of ~m.oded P]~t ~ ._ Second Ocean Front Subdivision as Der Dla~ ~eoorde~ In Pla~ ~oOk 28 _ Pa~e 28 ._ of ~he Public Records of Dads OounZy, Florida. The CITY_ OF MIAMI _~AUM, in consideration of this dedication, by the acceotance hereof, relieves the above- described land from any assessment for sidewalks and from any assessment for oaving or lighting the street uoon which the above-described prooerty abuts. The Part~-.. of the Fire~ Part hereby reserves unto ~, ~' heirs, administretors and assigns, the reversion, or reversions thereof, or any Dart thereof, when- e~ duly va~te~ O~ abandons4. IN WI~BB '~EO~, the Par~.. of the first pa~t ~ hereunto se~ handZ__ and seal~_ ~he day and year above ~it~en. In ~he Dresence of: ~ ~~~,~(Seal) COUt~TY OF~' ) I ME~EBY CERTI.W"Z that on this day oersonally aQpeared before me, an officer duly authori~,e~d to -m ~dminister oat~nt take acknowledgements~~ ~~~0 me well known and known to me to be the individual_ described in the foregoing instrument of dedication, and who executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the purooses therein exoressed. WITNESS ,~ hand and official seal State of ~.~~,~Y this /~ day ofK~~_. A. 9. 1949. · ~f ~'- ,~o ,~ THIS INSTRUMENT ACCEPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH~ FLORIDA~ THIS 19TH DAE OF OCTOBER, A. D. 1959. ["J Nayo~ - .. ATTESTS'