Lot 3, Block 43194 17 TNI~ INgENTURE, Made 'this~ 7 ~ay of ~~. P. ~art Y of the First Part, an~ aI~ OF MIAmi BEACH, a Municipal ~oDo~atlon of tM State of Florida, Party the Secon~ Part, wi TNE S ~at t~ Part [... of the First Part, for and in consideration of the sum of ~n ($10.00) Dollars, and ot~r good and valuable considerations to In ~nd paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, dedicated and hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of the public, for sidewalk purposes, the following described land lying and being in the City of ~iami Beach, County of Pade and State of Florida, to-wit: The east~rSY two (2) feet of Lo~ .T~ee (~)Block~O~ ($~ of ~nded Plat of Seco~ 0ce~ F~t S~divisi~ as per plat recorded In Plat Book 28 .... Page 28 of the Public Records of Dads County, Florida. The OITY OF MIAMI BEACH, in consideration of this dedication, by the acceptance hereof, relieves the above- described land from any assessment for sidewalks and from any assessment for paving or lighting the street upon which the above-described prooerty abuts. The Part ~ . of the First Part hereby reserves unto h~self, , ht~ heirs, administrators and assigns, the reversion, or reversions thereof, or any part thereof, when- ever duly vacated or abandoned. IN WIT~Esgw~EOF, the Part_[.. of the first ~art hereunto set.._~han~__and seal ..~ the day and year above written. ~~~(Seal) ~. ,, .(Seal) 9TA~"~._~P Pe~nns~ylvania COUNTY OF Allegheny I MEMEBY CERTY?~ff that on this day Dersonally aoDeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgements ~ilip G~ldr U~married to me well known and known to me to be the individual_ described in the foregoing instrument of dedication, and who executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the purooses therein exoressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal at Pittsburgh.. State of Pennsylvania ~ . ~-~.~,?.. D. 3.949. x', ~.,.,.'"" 4;z;r' j'-:-. ' ~,~ **'MY commission exoire~: , ,_this~_~day of September.. CLYDE J, BEAVERS, NOTARY PUBLIC ~'! COM,~,~ISS[ON EXPIRES JANUARY 27th, 1953 THE ABOVE INSTRUMENT ACCEPTED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH~ FLORIDA~ ON THIS THE 5TH DAY OF 0CTOBER~ A. D. 19~9. Stale of florid;~, Co~,'n!,,, o[ Dade. This inst~-u;~:c,'~.. ;,; :,.~.' tor record th° .... ~.day, of_~.