Lot 19, Block 5the Second That the Part,~ . of the First Part, for and in consideration of the sum cfi Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other good and valuable considerations to in hand oald, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha~_ dedicated and hereby dedicate to the perpetual use cfi the public, flor. sidewalk purooses, the following described land lying and ~eing in the City cfi Miami Beach, County Dads and State of Florida, to-wit: fleet of Lot ~9 Block ~ ~f S~ond. O~ean Front Subdiv~sion as Der plat recorded in Plat ~ook_28.Page the Public Records of Dade ~ounty, Florida. The ~two (2) of Amended plat 28 _ of The OITY_ OF MIAMI BEACH, in consideration of this dedication, by the acceptance hereof, relieves the above- described land from any assessment for sidewalks and from any assessment for Daving or lighting the street uDon which the above-described prooerty abuts.. he Part.~_.of the First Part hereby reserves un$o ........ ,~ heirs, administrators and assigns, the reversion, or reversions thereof, .or any Oart thereofl, when- ever duly vacated: orabandoned,... IN '~g$'S '~EOF,, the Part~.ofthe first part ha~...~... hereunto set ~ hand and seal the day and year above written. ...... (Seal) the ~re. sence of:; ..... . (Seal). I MEMEBY CERTI.W~_ that on this day oersonally aogeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgements~,%t~ ~_t~\~'~-~,_~ ~~~ to me well know'and known to me to be the individual_ described in the foregoing instrument of dedicstion, and who executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the purooses therein exoressed. WIT~BS ~y hand and official seal at~~ A. D. 1949. THIS INSTRU~kWIT ACCEPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH~ FLORIDly THIS 19TH DAY 0F~ ~CTOBER~ ,~D. ~19~9. Mayor ,.... J