Lot 22, Block 5 THIS INDENTURE, Made this 2~_ day of _~ A. D.
19 ¢~ , between Eliz~het~h and.. ~mmuel T. Ka~
Parties of the First Par't, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACh, a
Municipal Co~oration of the State of Florida, Par~y of
~he Second Par~,
w T TN~8 S~
~at the Parties , of ~ First Part, fo~· and. In
consideration of the sum of ~n ($10.00) Dollars, an~
ot~r ~ood and valuable considerations
in hand said, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha~
dedicated and hereby dedicate to ~he perpetual use of the
public, for sidewalk purposes, the following described
land lying and being in the City of ~iami Beach, County of
Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: The W~sterl~two (2)
feet of Lot 22 Block 5 of ~end~d Plat
of Second Oce~ Front Subdivision
as Der plat recorded in Plat Pock 28 ...... Pa~e 28 of
~he Public Records of Dads .County, Florida.
The CITY_ OF MIAMI BEACH, in consideration~f '%his
dedication, by the acceotance hereof, relieves the above-
described land from any assessment for sidewalks and from
any assessment for oaving or lighting the street uDon which
the above-described prooerty abuts.
The Parties of the First Part hereby reserves unto
them .. . , their heirs, admints~rstors and assigns, the
reversion, or reversions thereof, or any oart thereof, when-
ever duly vacated or abandoned.
IN WITNESS ,,.~r~?EOF, the Part les of the first oart haM
hereunto se~.~j~._hand_~_and sealq, the day and year above
, Seal)
In ~he Oresence of:
I F32.~EBY CERTI?Y that on this day personally
a99eered bef~e me, an officer duly authorized to
a~Inister oaths and take aoknowle~emen~s .... J ~>,~~
9~ J~~[ ~ /<~. ~o me well known an~ ~o~
to me ~o be the individual_ describe~ in the foregoing
instrument of dedicstion, and who executed ~he same freely
and voluntarily and for ~he purposes therein expressed.
WIT~SS my hand and official seal at
State of ~k:-~, ~)%:!' ~..~ ~his~day of
A. D. 1949.
My commission exoires:~,
~ ' Notary ~UOZlC
No. 41-~
Qualified in Queens
Ce~ifi~te filed in New
The above lnstrnment accepted for and on behalf of the City
of Miami Beach, Florida~ on this the 7th day of September, A. D.