Lots 1-3. Block F19~, between Municioai Co~oration of the State of Florida, Party of ~he ~econd Part, W ~ T N ~ S S E TH: ~at the Part ~'~. of ~he First Part, for end in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.O0) Dollars, an~ other good and vsluable considerations to. ~. in ~nd ~aid, receipt M~reof is hereb~ acknowledged, ha~ dedicated and hereby dedicate to the pe~etual use of the public, for sidewalk purposes, the following described land lying and being in the City of Miami Sea. ch, County of Dads and State of Florida, to-wit: feet of Lots_l,2,& 3 Block F ..... Atlantic Heights · as Der Dlat recorded in Plat ~ook .9 .... Page the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. The westerly two (9) of _.~Corr$$ted Pl~t ~ The CITY_ OF MIAMI BEACH, in consideration of this dedication, by the acceotsnce hereof, relieves the above- described land from any assessment for sidewalks and from any assessment for caving or lighting the street uoon which the above-described prooerty abuts. The Part~%.~ of the First Part hereby reserves unto ~%%~%~\~5~..., ~ heirs, administrstors and assigns, the reversion, or reversions thereof, or any oart thereof, when- ever duly vacated or abandoned. IN WITNI~SS '~gEOF, the Part~% of the first oart hav.~ hereunto set~%[~ handS__and seal~__ the day and year above written. In the oreee~ce oft .. (seal) (Seal) OF Hi. moab I ~MEgY CERTI~ that on this day personally aopeared before me, an officer duly authorized to a~Inister oaths and take acknowle~emente_~ 0.__~.~ ~ ~u~ i~~o me well known ~nd known to me to be the dividual~ described in the foregoing instrument of dedication, and who c×ecuted ~he same freely and voluntarily and for the Durooses therein exoressed. WITr~SS my ~nd and official^seal at A. D. 1949. THIS INSTRU~ ACCEPTED BY TNE CITY COUNCIL OF~HE ~Y OF Jl;TTEST ~ '~xL