Lots 5 & 6, Block FDEED OF DEDICATION ~{IS I~ENTUP~, ?Tade this third day of September, A. D.,1949, betw~een PiE~/ARNSHEi~R, a single man, party O£ the first par%, and CITY OF NIA~E ~ACH, a municipal corporation of the State of FloriSa, party of the second part, W I T N E S S E T H: That the party of the first part, for and in consideratio~ of the s~ of Ten Del!ars and other good and valuable consideration to him in hand paid, receipt whereof is here~, ackn:~w~edged, has dedicated and does hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of the public, for sidewalk purposes, that certain strip of land situate, lying and being in the City of Mia~i Beach, County of Dade ~nd State of F!orid~,~ particularly described The westerly £~o (2.0) feet of Lots ~ and 6 of Block "F" of ATLANTIC HEIGHTS, according to the Corrected Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 9, at page !4, of the Public Records of Dado County, Florida. The CITY OF ~.ilM~I BEACH, in consideration of this dedication, by the acceptance hereof, relieves all of the land described above from any assessment for sidewalks and fro~ a:~y assess~e~)~ for paving or lighting the stree~ upon which said property a~s, and ~ the acceptance hereof does a~ee that the Ell recently erected on the a~ve- described 2-foot strip of la~ shall, at the e~ense of the said City of ~i~mi Beach and without any cost or expe~se to the grantor herein, his heirs, administrators, le- al representatives or ~ssigns, 1~ removed and a n*~ v~ll, steps and drive-vmys, equal tn every respect to the Ell, steps and drive-ways that must be removed to ~ke v~y for the side-~tks that will occupy the said 2-foo~ strip of land, shall be con- structed, properly located o~ said grmntor's property ~o replace the vail, steps and drivevmys which will ~ destroyed or r~ved in connection with the const~ction of said sidewalks, ..... ,~ ~-~-~ ..................... ~-~ ........ ~ , ~__~.~'- ...... __~.'~ dri'zc~'~y~ ...... 1 b~ ~.~c~ .... ~ The par~y o~ the first par% hereby reserves unto himself, his heirs, adminis- trators ~nd ~ssigns, the reversion or reversions of the land hereby dedicated, or a~ part thereof, whenever duly v~cated, abandoned or discontinued ~ law. IN WIT~SS V~OF, ~he said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and~seal, the day and year first a~ve ~itten. Signed, sealed and delivered ~.~e~esence ,of: ~ ) ) (s~) STAT~ OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DAOE ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgements .... EElm.Y/ARMS.KEI~R , tO me well known and known to me ~o be the individual_ described in the foregoing instrumenZ of dedication, and who executed the same freely and voluntarily and for ~he purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal at Miam_~Beach. 8tare of F!grida ~ this 3rd day of, Sept~,~ber, , expire s: NDYary ~OllC' THE ABOVE INSTRUMENT ACCEPTED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH~ FLORIDA~ ON THIS THE 21ST DAY OF SEPTWmmER~ A. D. 1999. "' Mayor pro tern.