Lots 11-12, Block G9~ "'~ioai Corooration of the State of Florida~ Party of %,~e' o~econd Part, :~ I T N E ~ S E T H: That ~he Par~ ~e~ of ~he ~lrs~ Par~, for and in consideration of ~he sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other good and valuable considerations to ~ . .. in ~nd oaid, recei~ whereof ls hereby acknowledged, ~ dedicated and hereby dedicate ~o ~he peroe~ual use of the oublic, for sidewalk purooses, ~he following descried land lying and being in ~he City of Miami Beach, County of Bade and State of Florida, ko-wit: feet of Lots il,& ~, Block G _,Atlau~icHeigh~$, as ~er olat recorded in Plat Book The east~,er, ly two (2) of C_q!rec,ted ~1~$ of 9 Page 1;, of the Public Records of Bade County, Florida. The CITY_ OF MIAMI B~ACH, in consideration of this dedication, by the acceotance hereof, relieves the above- described land from any assessment for sidewalks and from any assessment for caving or lighting the street unon which the above-described pr°oerty abuts. The Part~$ of the First Part hereby reserves un~o ~ , ~ heirs, adminlstrstors and assigns, the reversion, or ~eversions thereof, or any ~art thereof, when- ever duly vacated or abandoned. TN WITNE~ ',~EOF, the Part~.~.. of the first ~art ha~__ hereunto se~ ~K~ hand.~ and seal~_ ~he day and year above written. .~ ~ , , . - / . ~ , - COUWTY OF ) I .HM.~MEBY CERTIFY! that on this day personally appeared before me, an'officer duly authorized to~ ,~ / _ a inister oaths and ake acknowled~gements~.~ /~,.~/~, /~~~~~]~ tO m~ well known and known t~-~7 ~'~ me ~/the in~lvidu' / ' al~ described in ~he foregoing instrument of dedication, and who executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the purooses therein exor W~/%m~_hand and official seal at i '/' d My commission expires: :i[~.,,, ....... THE ABOVE INSTRUMENT ACCEPTED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH~ FLORIDA~ ON THIS THE %TH DAY OF OCTOBER~ A. D. 1959. ,,, .... , ~ ~i2~ Clerk Mayor