Lots 7-8, Block H oo,$19S DEED OF DEDICATION THIS INDENTURE, Made this 192__h day of Au~ust A.D. 19 49.~., between . FLORE~.{~ S.. V~'ATSON, a widow, Par~ y___ of ~he Fi~s~ Pat'S, and CI~ OF MIAMI BEACH, a Municipal Co~ooz'ation of the S~a~e of Florida, Par~y of ~he Second Par~, ~a~ the Part y ....... of ~he ~irs~ Part, for and in consideration of ~he sum of Ten '($10.~) Dollars, and o~r ~ood and veluable consldera~ions to ~.her in b~nd paid, receipt whereof ls hereby aoknowledEed, ha~ dedicated and hereby dedicate~ ~o ~he peroe~ual use of the oublic, for sidewalk purooseS, the following described land lying and being In ~he City of Ml~i Beach, County of Dads and Btate of Mlorida, ~o-wit: The e~rlytwo (2~ feet of Lo~s.. ? .an~'$~ Block ~ ~ of _0~r~ted Plat as ~er ~la~ recorded in ~lat Pock ~ 9 Page ~ _ of the Public Records of Dads County, Mlorida. The CITY OM MIAMI BEACH, in consideration of this dedication, by the acceptance hereof, relieves the above- described land from any assessment for sidewalks and from any assessment for paving or lighting the street upon which the above-described property abuts. The Part ~ of the First Part hereby reserves unto .~, her heirs, adminlstrstore and assigns, the reversion, or reversions thereof, or any Dart ~hereof, when- ever duly vacated or abandoned. hereunto set written. IN WITNESS '~.~ME~EOF, the Party.. of the first part ha_s, her.. hand and seal__the day and year above In the presence of~ ,, (Seal) , (Seal) I HMMEBY CERTIPY that on this day oersonally aooeered before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgements_ ~-/~renc¢ ~ f~/~/¢.1 ,,to me well known and known to me to be the individual_ described in the foregoing instrument of dedicetlon, and who executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the purooses therein exoressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal at./~Z ~ State of ~r[¢~,~ .. this /?~_ day of 6Y,~j~ The above instrument accepted for and on behalf of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, on this the 7th da~fof September, A. D. 19~9. ~,~:... ..... .-...~..~ _ Mayor ATTEST: . .~ .... ~",~~aL, of F, ..... ~?'.'~17 ef O~de.