Lots 9-10, Block H TMI9 YNDENTUR2, Made this .LB_th day of _A~ A. D.
19 ~., between A. V,..WATS.ON ABBOTT, a. free:dealer. Trus2ee.
Part y .. of the First Par't, an~ CI~ OF MIAMI BEACH, a
MuniclDai Oo~=~oratlon of the 9tare of Florida, Party of
the 9econ~ part,
~a~ ~he Party . of the Firs~ Par~, for and in
considera~ion of ~he sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and
ot~r good and valuable consldera~ions to .. her
in ~nd oald, receiQ~ w~reof is hereby acknowledged,
dedicated and hereby dedica~esto ~he pe~e~ual use of the
oublic, for sidewalk purooses, ~he following described
land lying and being in ~he Cl~y of Miami Beach, County of
Bade and $ta~e of Florida, ~o-wit: The ~~ ~wo (2)
fee~ of Lo~s.9 a !Q... Block
of Atl~ttc HeiSts ......
as Der ola~ recorded in Pla~ ~ook ~ 9 Page i1~ of
the Public Records of Dads County, Florida.
The CITY_ OF MIAMI BEACH, in consideration of this
dedication, by the acceptance hereof,' relieves the above-
described land from any assessment for sidewalks and from
any assessment for caving or lighting the street uoon which
the above-described prooerty abuts.
The Party , of the First Part hereby reserves unto
_h~, he~ heirs, administrators and assigns, the
reversion, or reversions thereof, or any cart thereof, when,
ever duly vacated or abandoned.
IN WIT~E$S ~,~EOF, the part ~ .... of the first ~art ha_A
hereunto set her_ hand_.and seal__ the day and year above
,_"~ ~ ..(Seal)
I HMREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally
appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to
administer oaths and take acknowledgements~.~'~/Jaa
/~o ./~.. aT/we ~/e~/~C, ~roj~c~ to me well known and known
to me to be the individual_ described in the foregoing
instrument of dedication, and who cxecu~ed the same f~eely
and voluntarily and for the purooses therein exoressed.
W~$$ my hand and official seal at~y_~/~.e~_~L
State of .~'zg~f~/~ .. _this /~/~ day of /~.~g~z/
NO ~;ary FUOIiO
The above instr,,ment accepted for and on behalf of the City of
Miami Beach, Florida, on this the 7th day o~ ~eptember, ~. D. 19~9.
.... ,,
ATTESTt ,:.~, ~
~. ~...L2~ ~," ~:'' ·