Letter #2 from Mr. Garraway1348 Washington Avenue #109 Miami Beach, Florida 3139 19~ May 2003 Mr. Stephen N. Zack, Chairman Charter Review Committee City Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Dear Mr. Chairman: Pursuant to your letter of 2~ May 2003, I am taking the oppommity to re-submit my proposal for review and reconsideration. It is encouraging to know that the public is encouraged to participate in the review process. Never the less it is disturbing to know that our views and proposal needs the consideration and un explained threshold in order to was-~-ant acceptance and consideration. The views of our citizens should not be subject to the ideas and position of the few but by a system, which accepts majority views and ideas. Hence I put forward for 3 issues for review: 1. Amendment - to the relevant Sections of the existing Charter to provide (a) The abolition of the office of the City manager and the institution of an elected executive Mayor with two 4-year terms. (b) Proposal 1 (a) should be inclusive of amending the City Commission with two four- year terms. (c) The Mayoral office should be by at large elections and the Commission seats should be elected by district elections. (d) District elections are consistent with taxation and oqual representation. (e) A select Committee appointed by the Governor's office to dete~'afine salaries for elected officers. (f) A City manager is not an elected official. The office does not meet and or represents the wishes of the citizens. 2. The office of the City Attorney should be by at large elections with the same terms of office as Mayor and Commissioners. In conclusion it must be resliT~t that a growing city needs a political system, which meets and represents all its citizens. Belle Garraway ~