Email from Richard McKinnonCharter Review From: Sent: To: Subject: Richard McKinnon [rmckinnon@cwa3178.org] Thursday, May 29, 2003 4:14 PM Charter Review Proposals 2003-05-06 - Letter2003-05-29 - Letter - Resubmit... - Allowing... Dear Mr. Chairman Could you submit the attached proposals to the Charter Review Board for review Richard D. McKinnon President of CWA Local 3178 JOS~HER VICTORIA STEVENS Trec~urer JOSEPH iv~ MANUS Chief Steward SEC'nON - ~ JONATHAN SlNKES C~ Steward SECTION - 2 ANDY de OLAZARRA ~ $1ewa'd SECtiON - 3 B~I~ JONES Chief Stew(~ SECTION - 4 ALEXANDER Chief Steward SECTION - 5 RICARDO PiNE4RO Ch~ Ste,,vc~d SECT1ON - 6 COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA LOCAL 3178 - AFL-CIO PUBLIC SECTOR & HEALTH CARE EMPLOYEES OF MIAMI-DADE & BROWARD COUNTIES 7.. ) Collins Ave., Suite 212 Miami Beach, FL, 33141 (305) 401-0927 rmckinnon~cwa3178-miamibeach.or.q May 6, 2003 City of Miami Beach Chairman of the City Charter Review Committee 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, H 33139 Dear Mr. Chairman On behalf of the 450 employees of the City of Miami Beach that we represent, CWA Local 3178 would like to request that the Special Act of 1937, C. 18696, Section 88 be resubmitted to the electoral body for another approval. In 1951, the electoral body of Miami Beach voted in favor of adding the following 'When an appeal from disciplinary action finally results in a reversal or setting aside of such disciplinary action by the personnel board, or by a competent court, then the employee shall be entitled to recover all wages and emoluments lost by reason of such disciplinary action, and to recover his courts and reasonable attorney's fees as determined by the personnel board in the event that final determination of the issue has been made by said personnel board or determined by the court, if final determination is as a result of court action." In 1969, the Supreme Court of the State of Florida rendered an opinion stating that due to the fact that the above amendment was not rifled properly and consequently the voters were not properly informed of the potential cost as per State Statute, that it was deemed to be unconstitutional. I would like to ask the City Chatter Review Committee to issue a favorable recommendation to the City Commission to resubmit it to the electoral body, properly rifled this time, so that we can finally get a definite answer as to the wishes of the citizens of Miami Beach on this matter. The Personnel Board of the City of Miami Beach has already issued a letter in support of resubmitting the question to the electoral body and frankly anything else could be perceived as as an attempt to circumvent the wishes of the voters of Miami Beach. Sincerely Richard D. McKinnon President of CWA Local 3178 EXECUIIVE OFRCEI~ PHYLLIS SHAMIS Secretcly VICTORIA STEVENS Treasurer JOSEPH M~ MANUS Chi~ Stewc~d SECTION - 1 JONATHAN SINKE$ Chief Stewc~rd SEC110N -2 ANDY de OLAZARRA Ct/el Steward SECTION - 3 BI~NSRELD JONES Chief Steward SECTION-4 ALEXANDER Ckief Steward SEC1K)N - 5 R1CAROO PINBRO Chief Stewc~d SECI1ON -6 COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA LOCAL 3178 - AFL-CIO PUBLIC SECTOR & HEALTH CARE EMPLOYEES OF MIAMI-DADE & BROWARD COUNTIES 7- _ .~ Collins Ave., Suite 212 Miami Beach, FL, 33141 {305) 401-0927 rmckinnon@cwa3178.orq May 29, 2003 City of Miurni Beach Mt. Steven Zach Chairman of the City Charter Review Board 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, F133139 Dear Mt. Chairman As a taxpayers of the City of Miami Beach and on behalf of the 450 employees of the City of Mi~rni Beach that we represent, CWA Local 3178 would like to ask for a change in Charter/Related Law that currently require City employees mmaing for office in Dade County to quit their City job in order to partidpate in the electoral process. We understand that because of conflict of interest, City employees wishing to become elected official in the following entities would have to suspend their City employment if they were seeking positions for the City of Miami Beach, for Miami-Da& County Commission, or as an elected official for a City bordering the City of Miami Beach. City employee should be allowed to seek to become an elected official in other Cities within Miami-Dade County, without having to quit their City employment. We would like you to consider submitting the above suggested changes to the voters of Miutni Beach. Sincerely Richard D. McKinnon President of CWA Local 3178