Ad 0180 Commission Workshop, il PUBLIC NOTICE
j he City of Miami Beach will hold a Workshop of the City Commission
the I · regarding
r eva uaflon of.rapid transit options for Miami Beach The W hoe has
J scheduled for Monday, June 9, 2003, beglnofng at 6;00 p.m.,°~naRhopo~"-~
P 2~9 of the Miami Beach Convention Center. ·
· W aho. b. nb of p ln, an
/ .,,a~.a,ona cu~r,t~/underway. ~ng t~ b,e,n~, t~e workshop wi, ~, o~. 1
t IIke,.,~a.d~l~?_onal, l,n~rmatio, n prior !o !his Commission Wol'~shop, ple.a~e
N ,..,,,ar .~, nares, ~y tempnone (305-557-4770), e-mall
J ~chale$~hdrinc.cor~), or mall (HDR Engineering nc., 15600 NW 67th Avenue,
ISuite 304, Miami Lakes, Florida 33014-2176).
I Contacts: Chadie Hale, or Fred Beckmenn
I ?TERE~T.ED.PAR~ES ~re invited to appear at th. meeting, or be represented by an agent, or to
I~ unve. 1st Floor. City Hall. Miami Bsec~ Florida 33139 C~ntes ~ the~ ordinm~ are
I~.~i for_public inspection auring normal bualness hours in [,'~a City Clerk'. Office 1700
I contln al? ~entar Drive, 1st Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting may be
/ see eno under such cimumstanse~ additional legsi nctlse would not be provided.
J Robed E. Percher, City Clerk
/p City of Mleml Beech
/ d~'nt,t° Se~L°n 2e6..0t0S, Re. Stat., the City her.b/advise the public that:Ifa
/ as ~o appem any <3enisi0n made by the City Commission wfth respect to matter
r constdered at its meeting or its hearing, euch parson must ensure that a ve~-ba~lm~r~
the proceedings is made, which record Includes the testimony and evidence upee ~ the
appeal is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the Introducflee
or admission of otherwise inadmissible or tn'si.vent evidence, nor does it authorize challengel
or appeals not otherwise allowed by law.
In accordance with the Am.ds,ns with Disabilities Act of 1990, pemons needing special
accommodation to participate in this proceeding, or to request information on access for
ipersons with disabilities, or to request this publication in access bt. format, or to request sign
anguage interpreters should contact the City Clerk's office at (305) 673-7411, no later than
four days prior to the proceeding, ff heedng impaired, contact the City Clerk's office via the
Florida Relay Service numbers, (800) 955-8771 (TRY) or (800) 955-8770 (VOICE).
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