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Resolution 11853
RESOLUTION NO. 11853 WHEREAS, Phase One (Inventory and Analysis) and Phase Two (Plan Formulation) of the Comprehensive Development Plan for the City of Miami Beach have been prepared and received by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Federal Department of Housing and Urban De- velopment has requested the City to undertake the preparation of the final phase of the Comprehensive Development Plan, con- taining a Capital Improvement Plan, Public Improvement Program, Community Facilities Plan, and Zoning Ordinance and Map; and WHEREAS, the City Council has expressed its desire to pro- ceed and has authorized the preparation of Phase Three of the Comprehensive Development Plan which will contain the aforesaid studies and report; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the City Manager be, and he is hereby directed to submit copies of Phase One and Phase Two as completed to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for their review and comment and further, to submit evidence of the City's commitment to undertake the preparation of the third and final Phase of the Comprehensive Development Plan as requested. PASSED and ADOPTED this 18th day of May, 196- totr 2 Ma or Attest: 1 /. il or City 'lerk -r _ _ . _______ I » e »w / . / E •w H > ? 4-1 ( 0 re) / la) \ \ ND in co , / & t ad ° f H 0-) ® \ § / § H 2 q Q U Q ao § § Ir.) 0 k / © La O / / ® ƒ .w o Z Z / o » 4 / / % / \ e © ® h. / \ 4J & ® k / ) H Q Q .H g o v t / \ f w '---i 2 § % � a \ � / / . I